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Hand traducir turco

349 traducción paralela
... sois el uno para el otro.
# You're hand in glove #
Con este vale pida una habitación en la posada, "La Mano de la Gloria".
Bu makbuz Hand of Glory'de oda tutmanı sağlayacak. Orası kalacağın misafirhane.
¿ Y que ocurrirá si tus manos temblaran y el sólo resultara herido?
And what happens if your hand should tremble and he's only been hurt?
Tengo una mano de póker que me espera.
I have a poker hand waiting for me. Now I am stuck here! I can't get back to it!
Aquí estoy con la cabeza en la mano.
"You've Got to Hide Your Love Away" ) Here l stand with head in hand
El gobierno comiendo de mi mano.
The government in the palm of my hand.
No traigo nada en la mano
# In my hand no price I bring
- Rollin Hand.
- Rollin Hand.
Rollin Hand.
Rollin Hand.
Afirma ser objetivo, Sr. Hand.
Tarafsız olmanıza gerek yok, Bay Hand.
Gracias, Sr. Hand.
Teşekkür ederim, Bay Hand.
- Excelencia, el Sr. Hand.
- Ekselansları, Bay Hand.
Me sorprende, Sr. Hand.
Beni şaşırttınız, Bay Hand.
Su propuesta me intriga, Sr. Hand.
Teklifiniz ilgimi çekti, Bay Hand.
- Exacto, Sr. Hand.
- Kesinlikle, Bay Hand.
El señor Hand.
- Bayan Carter, Bay Hand.
Mark Hand, el cazador... ¿ Y usted?
Adım, Mark Hand, yakalayıcıyım. Pekiyi, siz kimsiniz?
Hará la'Rosa de 2ª mano'en el primer acto... y cantará esto en el final.
Bn. Brice, ilk perdede "Second Hand Rose" u finalde de bu şarkıyı söyleyeceksiniz.
"Looks like Handsome Johnny, with his flintlock in his hand..."
"Looks like Handsome Johnny, with his flintlock in his hand..."
"Looks like Handsome Johnny with a carbine in his hand..."
"Looks like Handsome Johnny with a carbine in his hand..."
"Looks like Handsome Johnny with his M-1 in his hand..."
"Looks like Handsome Johnny with his M-1 in his hand..."
"Looks like Handsome Johnny with his hand rolled in a fist..."
"Looks like Handsome Johnny with his hand rolled in a fist..."
¶ De qué sirve una canción de amor, ¶ ¶ hecha con palabras usadas ¶
What good is a love song if the words are second-hand?
Me alegra mucho verte, Mano Blanca.
Mighty seni selamlar, White Hand.
A Mano Blanca le va a costar más trabajo de lo que pensaba.
White Hand bu konularda gayet iyidir.
Seguramente esté con Mano Blanca y juntos controlen el fuerte.
Muhtemelen White Hand ile beraberler, Kalenin kontrolünü ele geçirmişlerdir.
# Let me be the one to lend a hand
* İzin ver ben olayım yardım eli uzatan *
# To take your hand if I'm...
* Elini tutup *
# To take your hand if I'm not sure
* Emin değilken tutmak elini *
# Take my hand and pull me down
* Tut elimi ve çek beni *
- ¿ Quieres pasarme eso?
Pekala, hand me that one.
¿ Te refieres a "Hand Me Down My Walking cane"?
"Bastonumu Ver Bana" dan mı bahsediyorsun?
- Cross-in-Hand, señor.
- Cross-in-Hand efendim.
- Esto es Cross-in-Hand, ¿ no?
- Burası Cross-in-Hand değil mi?
Dudo que ni siquiera Hand Christian pueda... conseguir una habitación esta noche.
Bu gece Hans Christian Anderson'ın bile bir oda bulabileceğinden şüpheliyim.
- La leyenda del indomable.
- Cool Hand Luke.
Mi nombre es Sr. Hand.
Banim adım Bay Hand.
¿ Oíste del surfista que amenazó con un cuchillo al Sr. Hand esta mañana?
Şu sörfçü herifin bu sabah Bay Hand'a bıçak çektiğini duydun mu?
Hola, Sr. Hand.
Merhaba, Bay Hand.
"Sr. Hand, ¿ aprobaré esta clase?"
"Bay Hand, sınıfı geçecek miyim?"
Estuve pensando en esto, Sr. Hand.
Bu konuda biraz düşündüm de, Bay Hand.
¡ Sr. Hand!
Bay Hand!
¿ Hice algo malo, Sr. Hand?
Yanlış bir şey mi yaptım, Bay Hand?
Aloha, Sr. Hand.
Aloha, Bay Hand.
# De mano en mano #
# Hand in hand # El ele
Fotografías sobre las cuales has tenido alucinaciones... que hasta pensaste que las tuviste en las manos.
Photographs about which you've had hallucinations... which you believed you held in your hand.
"Mano amiga".
"Helping Hand"!
"Mano amiga", habla Marlene.
"Helping Hand", Marlene telefonda.
Señor, yo represento al banco "Mano Amiga".
Efendim, "Helping Hand" bankasından geliyorum.
- Tendría que ver mi revés.
- Back-hand'imi de görmelisiniz.
" Sr. Hand
" Bay Hand

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