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Translate.vc / español → turco / Have

Have traducir turco

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Hemos ido a una ligera exploración.We have been on a slight exploration.
Küçük bir araştırma yapıyorduk.
No tengo hijo. Tengo un due a la "B".
Benim oğlum yok. l have a due under the "B."
- ¿ Qué es eso?
What have you got there?
¿ Con el oro? You should have known.
Altın işinin daha mühim olduğunu bilmen gerekirdi.
- Did you have a good trip?
- Merhaba! Yolculuğun nasıl geçti?
You have no answer.
Bana hiç cevap vermiyorsunuz.
Los tengo a ustedes dos
# # I have you two
Porque ustedes dos me tienen a mí
# # Cos you two have me
Yyo los tengo a ustedes dos también
# # And I have you two, too
Alguien con quien sonreír De vez en cuando
# # I have you two # # Someone to smile once in a while with
Porque nosotros dos Te tenemos a ti
# # We two have you
Yyo los tengo a ustedes dos También
# # And I have you two... too
En el bosque es útil Tener una dura lanza
- # # It's useful in the underbrush - # # To have a hefty spear
Figuras de pan de jengibre Suenan a jengibre
# # Gingerbread men have a gingerbread sound
Tengo el corazón contento, por la manera que han realizado esto.
It's done my heart a world of good the way you guys have shaped up.
♪ But what you have seen you must believe ♪
# Ancak inanman lazım gördüklerine
♪ The years have passed ♪
# Yıllar geldi geçti
♪ And so have I ♪
# Ben de öyle
♪ I have a son ♪
# Bir oğlum oldu
[Mike] ♪ Do I have to do this all over again ♪
# Her şeye baştan mı başlamam lazım
♪ Do I have to do this all over again ♪
# Her şeye baştan mı başlamam lazım
♪ How many times do I have to make this climb ♪
# Daha kaç kere tırmanacağım bu basamakları
MUSIC HALL ROCKETTES EN PARÍS ♪ Do I have to do this all over again ♪ ♪ Do I have to do this all over again ♪
# Her şeye baştan mı başlamam lazım
♪ Oh, how many times do I have to make this climb ♪
# Daha kaç kere tırmanacağım bu basamakları
Must have been a very tough Debió de ser una desición muy dificil de tomar para Ud.
Sizin için vermesi zor bir karar olmalı.
They have a tasty habit ; they eat the hands that bleed.
Ağızlarının tadını bilir onlar, kanayan elleri yerler.
"... one day I'm going to have my day. "
"... one day I'm going to have my day. "
"If you do, you'll have to cut your hair..."
"If you do, you'll have to cut your hair..."
"Say, can I have some of your purple berries?"
"Say, can I have some of your purple berries?"
"I told you I get a lift, I've got to have a lift from my friends."
"I told you I get a lift, I've got to have a lift from my friends."
"Oh, babe, have mercy."
"Oh, babe, have mercy."
"... what have you got to lose? "
"... what have you got to lose? "
"What have you got to lose?"
"What have you got to lose?"
"What have I got to lose?"
"What have I got to lose?"
Baby, going to have more fun. "
"Baby, you don't go..."
"And I know he'll have a question or two..."
"And I know he'll have a question or two..." "...
Muestramelo y lo tendrás.
Show me and you shall have it.
Pasa que ellos no le han hecho daño ni a una mosca en todo el desierto.
As it happens these 4 people have not hurt a goddamn fly on the entire desert
No pueden chismear sobre los clientes.
I can't have them gossiping about the clients.
Pero no tengo por qué coger este trabajo.
But I don't have to take the job.
verte... todo el tiempo.
I have to see you... all the time.
Como los doce pueblos de Kagata have se multado por no encontrarse la leva de su arroz anual here es la 500-ryo multa eso fue evaluado.
Kagata'nın on iki köyüne yıllık pirinç arttırımı için yapılan toplantıda kesilen 500-ryo ceza burada.
# I have his medals still
* Madalyası bende hâlâ *
# We may have had our ups and downs #
* Oldu hepimizin inişli, çıkışlı zamanları *
Several colleagues have been lost, and all through sheer negligence.
Tamamen ihmalkârlıktan, birçok yoldaşı kaybettik.
Toma mi sombrero Toma mi sombrilla
# # You can have me hat or me bumbershoot
"I'm going to take two weeks, going to have a fine vacation."
"I'm going to take two weeks, going to have a fine vacation."
"Got to have love from my friends."
"Got to have love from my friends."
" I'm going to shake it on a great big doll.
I'm going to have more fun. "
"I know I have forgotten maybe one or two..."
"I know I have forgotten maybe one or two..."
And I guess I'll have to cry
Ve sanırım ağlayacağım.

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