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Instead traducir turco

22 traducción paralela
Pero, de pronto, ya no es la reina de corazones, y se convierte en un as de espadas.
# Next moment instead of her heart # # The ace of spades is there #
I've just been sleeping with my songs instead
Senin yerine şarkılarımla uyuyordum
En lugar de eso él le pegará a dos cuerpos frescos de infantería de la Unión.
Instead he'll be hitting two corps of fresh Union infantry.
Cuando yo era en cambio alguien más
When I was someone else instead
If none of us can make it my daughter can go instead.
Hiçbiriniz bunu yapamazsanız Kızım bizim yerimize gidebilir.
Well, I wish I'd married you instead of the hag in my house. Bueno, desearía haberme casado contigo en vez de la bruja en mi casa
Keşke evdeki acuze yerine seninle evlenmiş olsaydım.
# Embracing love instead of fear Amor universal en lugar de miedo
Korku yerine sevdiklerimizi kucaklamak
En vez de acosarte a ti debían buscar a tu madre.
Instead of persecuting you, Seni sorgulamak yerine, anneni aramaları gerekiyormuş.
So instead of just goodbye I'll say so long.
"O yüzden'hoşça kal'yerine,'görüşmek üzere'diyorum"
Es como el cuaderno, reconócelo, en lugar del de Alzheimer
It's just like the notebook, accept, instead of alzheimer's,
Going pong instead of Ping
- Pon yerine derim ki... -... pin
Instead with none
Bir hiç yerine
# Now they've lost themselves instead
* * Şimdi kendilerini kaybediyorlar * *
-... no mantequilla.
-...instead tereyağı.
- Just hold he "much". Instead of... - Too much.
"Fazla" kelimesini tut...
* Esta noche es la noche en que mentirás en la cama * * Deberías decir la verdad * * Pero mentirás *
â ™ ª Tonight's the night you'll lie in bed â ™ ª â ™ ª You should tell the truth â ™ ª â ™ ª But you'll lie instead â ™ ª â ™ ª Don't have sex, Jane â ™ ª
Casi que lo persiguieron por un reality sobre abogados indios, pero se quedaron con la versión de los nativos americanos.
They were almost going to follow him around for a reality TV show about busy Indian lawyers, but they went with the Native American version instead.
¡ Ah! * Estamos en clase de yoga *
Ah! Ah... ⠙ ª We are in a yoga class ⠙ ª ⠙ ª Now is the time to let your mind go blank ⠙ ª ⠙ ª And focus instead on how awesome ⠙ ª
Mesa, con esa.
Onun yerine, yatak. ( instead, bed )
# # And Instead... # #
# # Ve bunun yerine, sütü karıştırıyorum # #
You put A instead of H.
OK, ¿ listo para un G 0? estoy listo.
Instead of a hundred times the atmosphere of Earth, on Mars it's 100th, which presents its own unique set of problems when you wanna try and land.

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