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Leave traducir turco

217 traducción paralela
I will still leave, but I will not get home.
O zaman da gideceğim, ama yuvama dönemeyeceğim.
¿ Quieres decir...?
- Şu mu, "How can I leave thee"?
Un muchacho acudirá cuando lo llames, y se irá cuando lo mandes, pero algún día comprenderá que una mujer quiere decir que sí cuando dice que no.
A young man will come when you call him And leave when you tell him to go But some day he'll guess a woman means yes
Hoy debia salir el disco "No Me Dejes". ¿ Lo tienes?
Don't Leave Me Now bugün piyasaya çıkacaktı.
¿ "'No Me Dejes'de Mickey Alba "?
Mickey Alba'dan Don't Leave Me Now, ha?
No puedes dejar a alguien así que haga lo que quiera.
You cannot leave someone like that to do what he wants!
Te amo todo el tiempo y nunca te dejaré.
Love you all the time and never leave you
¿ Por qué irte en temporada alta?
Sezonun en önemli zamanında ayrılacak kadar çılgınsın. You're crazy to leave at the height of the season
Leave me alone.
Yalnız bırak beni.
Leave me alone!
Uzak durun benden!
- Tú me has metido en este lío y ahora debes de cumplir lo prometido o te quedarás aquí.
- You sold me on this claim and you'll pay off or I'm gonna leave you in here.
" I'm going to leave this city.
" I'm going to leave this city.
You know we've got to leave today. "
You know we've got to leave today. "
"... but we might even leave the U.S.A. "
"... but we might even leave the U.S.A. "
Leave too!
# I can't leave my wife
* Terk edemem karımı *
# Make me leave my cautious words and ways behind
* Tedbirli laflarımı ve hareketlerini unutturmaya *
# I won't leave you no more
* Seni asla terk etmeyeceğim *
# Six I won't leave you no more
* Altı ; seni asla terk etmeyeceğim *
# Six, I won't leave you no more
* Altı ; seni asla terk etmeyeceğim *
# Six I won't leave you # No more
* Altı ; seni asla terk etmeyeceğim *
# Six I won't leave you
* Altı ; seni asla terk etmeyeceğim *
- - ¿ Quieres que leave?
- Gitmemi mi istiyorsun?
- - Exijo que leave. -
- Gitmeni istiyorum.
Leave It To You, Beaver, Gilligan's Island.
Size Bırakıyoruz, Beaver, Gilligan Adası...
Pero si necesitas dejar un mensaje...
Ama eğer mesaj bırakmak isterseniz.. But if you need to leave a message...
Descuelga el teléfono y deja los platos en el fregadero Pasa de deberes :
# Disconnect the phone and leave the dishes in the sink
El Sr. Kirkland me ha pedido que le comunique que ya tiene a otro abogado, y que si quiere dejarle algún mensaje, que me lo dé a mí.
Mr Kirkland asked me to inform you he's obtained representation elsewhere, and that if you have a message for Mr Kirkland to leave it with me.
Now you tell me to leave you alone
# Şimdi beni yalnız bırak diyorsun
That I'd leave you if I could
# Yapabilseydim zaten, seni çoktan terkederdim
Never leave her
# Asla onu terketme
Never leave her
# Onu asla terketme
Squeeze her Never leave her
# Ona sıkıca sarılmak # ve asla terketmemek
¿ Y dónde encaja el Sr. Stanton?
So where does that leave Mr. Stanton?
¿ Para dejar este pueblo que recién hemos capturado, señor?
To leave this town we've just captured, sir?
Cuanto antes salgas, antes estaremos juntos.
The sooner you leave, the sooner we'll be together.
# No puedo creer lo que es ella.
~ I can leave her on her own ~
# Dejo este lugar.
~ Gotta leave this place ~
# Dejo esta ciudad...
~ Gotta leave this town ~
# Dejo este lugar...
~ Gotta leave this place ~
Acaríciame la mejilla Antes de irte
Just touch my cheek Before you leave me, baby
If I didn't leave him, he would have left me.
Ben onu terk etmeseydim, o beni terk edecekti.
You don't wish to leave Papa, do you?
Babamdan ayrılmak istemiyorsun, değil mi?
Your plane will leave without you.
Yoksa uçağınız sensiz kalkacak.
Ningun destino parece más justo que el mío
# Ah, leave me not to pine # Alone and desolate # No fate seemed fair as mine
Su nombre le quedaba bien pues "Leave" en inglés significa "irse".
Habire dersi bırakıp gittiğinden, pek bir yakışıyordu adı.
Uno cada uno.
We can leave.
And this loneliness won't leave me alone
Ve bu yalnızlık beni rahat bırakmayacak
- Déjame...
- Leave -
aquí.... ( de la sitcom "Leave It to Beaver" )
June Cleaver'a söyle.
- Empezábamos a aceptarlo, y se va.
- Yeh, just when he was being accepted, he has to leave and start all over.

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