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Loved by the Buffalo était poursuivi par des rêves sinistres sur l'avenir des Lakota.
Loved by the Buffalo was chased by dark dreams of days yet to come for the Lakota.
Loved by the Buffalo avait peur.
Loved by the Buffalo was afraid.
Loved by the Buffalo ne pouvait pas changer la vision de Growling Bear.
Loved by the Buffalo could not change Growling Bear's vision.
Loved by the Buffalo les écouta, plein d'espoir.
Loved by the Buffalo listened in hope.
"Un jour, un grand esprit viendra, ramènera les bisons, et tous les Indiens morts reviendront et ressusciteront."
"One day a great spirit will come, bring back the buffalo, and all dead Indians will come back and live again."
Buffalo Bill.
Buffalo Bill.
Je m'appelle Loved by the Buffalo.
I am called Loved by the Buffalo.
Et si d'autres vous demandent comment vous connaissez ces choses, dites-leur : "Loved by the Buffalo fut épargné pour que je vous raconte cette histoire."
And when others ask you where you know these things, tell them Loved by the Buffalo was spared so I can tell you this story.
Loved by the Buffalo avait parcouru les nations mais n'avait pas encore trouvé le prophéte qui démentirait l'horrible vision de la roue de l'homme blanc.
Loved by the Buffalo had traveled across the nations but had not yet found the prophet who could make false the terrible vision of the white man's wheel.
Ils volent, si nombreux, qu'ils assombrissent le ciel, et nous sommes comme des petits troupeaux de bisons éparpillés.
They fly so thick that the whole sky looks like a snowstorm, and we are like small buffalo herds left scattered.
Sans les bisons, nos garçons ne peuvent pas devenir des hommes.
Without the buffalo, our boys cannot become men.
Maintenant Black Kettle demanda aux jeunes hommes qui étaient restés d'aller chercher les bisons.
Now Black Kettle called on the young men who remained behind to search for the buffalo.
Tatanka nous a fait ce que nous sommes, une Nation de Bisons.
Tatanka made us what we are : A buffalo nation.
Tant que les bisons couraient, notre nation était forte.
So long as the buffalo ran, our nation was strong.
J'ai vécu avec ses gens, j'ai chassé le bison avec eux.
I lived with her people, hunted buffalo with them.
La premiére fois que nous avons vu un troupeau de bisons fut mémorable.
Our first sighting of a buffalo herd was a memorable moment for all.
Les bouses sèches de bison étaient le carburant de la prairie. Parfait pour les feux de camp.
Buffalo chips were prairie fuel, oil of the plains, fuel for the campfire, manna from the bison, fast and plenty.
Là il retrouva son frére, Loved by the Buffalo, et fut ravi de le revoir.
There he found his brother, Loved by The Buffalo, who was overjoyed to see him.
Les chasseurs blancs vinrent avec leurs fusils et tuèrent les bisons, laissant les carcasses pourrir dans les prairies sans fin.
White hide hunters came with their long guns and killed the buffalo, leaving carcasses to rot across the endless prairies.
Sans leur chair et leur âme pour subsister, les gens de la Nation des Bisons commencèrent à changer.
Without it's flesh and spirit to sustain them, the people of the buffalo nation began to lose their way.
Loved By The Buffalo est apparu dans une vision... il nous a dit de rentrer.
[Speaking lakota language ] [ Speaking lakota language]
Soaring Eagle, un sorcier, ne pouvait accepter la vision terrible de Growling Bear, que les bisons allaient disparaître et que les Lakota allaient vivre dans des maisons carrées.
Soaring eagle, a medicine man, could not accept the terrible vision of growling bear, the buffalo would disappear, and the lakota would live in square houses.
Parfois tu attends une demi-journée avant de voir un troupeau de bisons.
Sometimes you wait half a day for a buffalo herd to run past.
White Feather ne pouvait pas accepter la vision de Growling Bear que les bisons ne reviendraient pas.
White Feather could not accept growling bear's vision that the buffalo would not return.
Inciter les bisons à sauter, c'était se moquer de la mort.
To lead the buffalo to the jump was to taunt death.
White Feather fut rebaptisé Loved by the Buffalo, et tout le monde admit qu'il était destiné à suivre la voie d'un sorcier.
White Feather was renamed loved by the buffalo, and all agreed that he had been called to walk the road of the medicine man.
Que White Feather soit connu sous le nom de Loved by the Buffalo.
[Chanting in lakota language]
Ainsi, Loved by the Buffalo se priva de nourriture et de boisson pendant quatre jours.
And so loved by the buffalo took no food or drink in 4 days.
Les meneurs de bisons, Running Fox et Dog Star, étaient attirés par deux sœurs, mais ils devaient se mesurer à un adversaire plus dangereux qu'une ruée de bisons.
The buffalo jumpers, Running Fox and Dog Star, had their eyes on two sisters, but had to prove themselves to a more dangerous opponent than stampeding buffalo.
Loved by the Buffalo étudiait le pouvoir des plantes, des racines et des herbes.
Loved by the buffalo studied the power of plants, of roots, and herbs.
Loved by the Buffalo avait le pouvoir de s'approprier la douleur d'un autre.
Loved by the buffalo discovered he had the power to take another's pain upon himself.
Loved by the Buffalo commença à suivre la voie d'un homme sacré.
Loved by the buffalo began to walk the path of a holy man.
Dans la roue de la médecine, Loved by the Buffalo apprit les réalités mystérieuses de la vie.
In the medicine wheel, loved by the buffalo learned the mysterious realities of life.
Loved by the Buffalo savait qu'une vision de Wakan Tanka changerait le cours de sa vie.
Loved by the buffalo knew that a vision from Wakan Tanka would direct the course of his life.
White Buffalo Woman organisait des cérémonies sacrées pour que nous demandions de l'aide pour nos ennuis tout en offrant nos remerciements pour les dons de Wakan Tanka.
White buffalo woman brought us the sacred ceremonies so that we could ask for help in our troubles and give thanks for the gifts from wakan tanka.
Il avait vu qu'une vision pouvait tuer celui qui l'avait eue.
Loved by the buffalo had seen how a vision could kill its seeker.
Un esprit trompeur... a possédé Loved by the Buffalo.
[Speaking lakota language ] [ Speaking lakota language]
Va chercher Loved by the Buffalo.
[Speaking lakota language]
Quand Loved by the Buffalo tomba malade, Soaring Eagle dit aux gens...
When loved by the buffalo fell ill,
N'y va pas! ... que c'était lui qui avait amené la vérole.
Soaring eagle told the people it was loved by the buffalo that brought the pox to them.
Il la donna à Loved by the Buffalo pour guérir son frére Running Fox et ceux qui y croyaient.
He gave it to loved by the buffalo to cure his brother running fox and any who believed.
Loved by the Buffalo savait qu'il avait eu le signe qu'il recherchait.
Loved by the buffalo knew he had been given the sign he'd asked for.
Quand j'ai vu Loved by the Buffalo, j'ai eu la sensation étrange que je le connaissais et qu'il me connaissait.
When I saw loved by the buffalo, I could not escape the strange sensation that I knew him and he knew me.
Pour Loved by the Buffalo, la roue représentait une menace, le danger qui venait des gens de la roue en bois, mais il ne pouvait pas dire pourquoi.
In the wheel, loved by the buffalo saw the threat, the danger coming from the people of the wooden wheel, but he could not say why.
Je me demandais avec quoi j'étais né et ce qu'il me restait à acquérir sur la roue.
Loved by the buffalo left me wondering what I was born with... and what I had yet to acquire on the wheel.
Et Loved by the Buffalo quitta sa famille, pour rester en vie pour tout son peuple.
And loved by the buffalo left his family so that he might live for all the people.
After watching you wolf down those chicken wings... at Buffalo Bob's, I'll never be the same. Christ!
Pour décompresser, elles sont au billard.
She had to blow off some steam, so they went to the Buffalo Billiards.
Il y a un bison, là-bas.
There's a buffalo over there.
L'homme blanc les appelait des bisons.
The white man called them buffalo.
Village Lakota 1825 la Nation des Bisons.
The buffalo nation

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