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Bût traducir inglés

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Mais mon père était là.
But my dad was there.
C'était très excitant, mais très sévère.
It was very exciting... but really strict.
C'était une dynamique intéressante de les sentir tous les deux dans la pièce, d'être piégée par les deux, de sentir ces deux hommes non seulement imposants, mais puissants parce qu'ils représentaient Dieu.
So, it is a very interesting dynamic to feel both of them in the room, to be cornered by them both, to feel two men of not only great size, but that they were powerful because they represented God.
Mais j'ai appris que :
But then I learned that :
Pas seulement des religieuses, mais les prêtres, c'était encore pire.
Not only the nuns, but the priests, they were on a whole different level.
Mais ce prêtre, père Joseph Maskell, il avait quelque chose.
But this priest, Father Joseph Maskell, there was something about him.
La plupart des gamins n'auraient pas posé de question, mais je n'ai pas pu me retenir.
Probably most kids wouldn't have questioned him, but... I just let it go.
Je n'oublierai jamais le regard qu'il m'a lancé.
But I'll also never forget the look he gave me.
Mais quelques jeunes aussi.
But there were a few young ones, too.
"J'aimerais crier, mais j'ai fait vœu de silence."
"I'd yell, too, but I took a vow of silence."
Mais Cathy voyait bien que quelque chose n'allait pas.
But Cathy could see that something was wrong with me.
Elle avait eu le courage non seulement de s'adresser à moi, mais aussi de s'adresser à lui.
She had the courage to not only address me, but she also addressed him.
"Je sais qu'il est bizarre, mais tu dois y aller."
One teacher, uh, said : "I know he's weird and all, but you have to go."
Elle a fait celle qui ne savait pas, mais son visage exprimait le contraire.
She acted like she didn't know, but yet her face said she did know.
Il a pris son arme, l'a mise contre ma tempe et a appuyé sur la détente en disant qu'il ferait pareil, mais avec des balles cette fois.
And then he took the gun, he put it up to my... my temple, and he pulled the trigger, and he said he will do the same thing, but he'll keep the bullets in.
Il a présenté ça comme un défi parce que je n'y croyais pas, et il disait : "Tu verras."
He... But he presented it more as a challenge, you know, and with me saying, "Oh, you can't," and he's like, "Oh, let's just see."
Et c'est vrai, elles se brisent, mais certaines se réunissent par deux en un arc-en-ciel et volent, et vivent, et éclatent ensemble.
And, true, they break... but some are coupled in a rainbowed joining and float, and are, and burst together.
Les religieuses prononçaient des vœux pour quelques années, puis il arrivait un moment où elles devaient prononcer leurs vœux définitifs, et Cathy était arrivée à cette étape.
The... The nuns took vows for X number of years, but then they reached the point where they would shift taking temporary vows to take final vows, and she was facing that.
" J'ai comme l'impression de me jeter dans le vide, mais je me lance quand même.
" I feel like I'm about to jump off a cliff, but I'm gonna do it anyway.
Mais avec le recul, je me dis que si j'avais su à l'époque que des prêtres agressaient sexuellement des filles de Keough, c'est peut-être de ça dont elle voulait parler.
But I look back now and say, if at that time she was aware... of priests sexually abusing the girls at Archbishop Keough, then maybe that's what she wanted to talk about.
Ce n'est pas arrivé.
But it never happened.
Mais la profondeur de notre croissance spirituelle était... comme un don.
But the depth of spiritual growth was... It was a gift.
Mais pendant nos neuf premières années de mariage, je lui disais que je l'aimais bien, mais qu'il fallait qu'il se trouve quelqu'un qui apprécierait vraiment l'amour qu'il me prodiguait.
But for the first nine years of our marriage, I would always say to him I liked him and I thought he should go out and find somebody who could really appreciate the love that he was... bestowing on me.
Finalement, je me suis rappelée d'un souvenir que j'avais toujours eu en moi mais partiellement.
And at the end of it... was a memory that I had always had a part of it... but not the whole part.
Et en même temps, ce que je vivais intérieurement me dévorait.
But at the same time, I was consumed by what was happening inside of me.
J'aurais préféré être folle que de me dire que c'était vraiment arrivé. Mais j'étais adulte et assez sûre de moi.
I not only hoped that I was insane,'cause I would have rather it been that than this really did happen, but I was a grown woman who had a sense of who I was.
J'étais encore très catholique, mais je n'allais plus à l'église.
So, at this time I'm still very Catholic, but I've stopped going to church.
Au cours d'une de nos rencontres, il m'a annoncé que Magnus était mort. mais que le père Maskell était toujours pasteur en ville, à Sainte-Croix.
He proceeded through the course of a couple visits to tell me that Magnus had died... but that Father Maskell was an active pastor downtown at Holy Cross.
Il a dit que j'étais la première à me plaindre de Joseph Maskell, mais qu'il me croyait.
Maybe two pieces of paper, and he said I was the first to voice a complaint like this about Joseph Maskell... but that he believed me.
Je ne voulais en parler à personne, encore moins à un prêtre en face de moi, un avocat et un autre avocat.
I wouldn't wanna talk about these things with anyone, much less with a priest across the table and a lawyer and another lawyer. But, um...
J'y suis allée, bien que j'avais peur.
I was afraid to go in, but I did.
Mais j'avais peur de refuser.
But I was afraid of saying no.
non seulement des sévices que m'avaient fait subir ces prêtres, mais aussi d'autres adultes, comme ce policier et le frère Bob, dont j'ai été la victime.
I've now remembered... not just the abuse that these two priests had done... but also there's other adults, like the police... and this Brother Bob...
Mais je donnais des noms d'adultes à qui ils ne pouvaient pas dire :
But I'd give them names of adults and they say : " We can't go up to someone and say :
Elle essayait de consolider ce qui allait lui permettre de surmonter ces moments difficiles.
But she was trying to put in place in her life the things that she needed to get her through this rough time...
Nous pouvons comprendre vos réserves, mais comprenez également que nous avons les mains liées face à ce prêtre, sans cette corroboration.
We understand your reservations about doing this, but you also understand that our hands are tied in dealing with the priest unless we have corroboration.
C'était le but de la réunion.
That's what the meeting was for. Right.
Je ne dirais pas que c'était tabou, mais la conversation a pris une autre tournure pendant cette réunion.
I wouldn't say taboo... but the level of conversation we had took a completely different twist during that meeting.
Mais elle disait : "Je l'ai tuée..."
But the fact that she was saying, "I killed her..."
Cela dit, je l'ai crue.
But nevertheless... I mean, it was... I believed her.
Mais elle avait beaucoup de soutien.
But she had such a great support network.
Elle a répondu : "Oui, mais ce sera dix dollars."
And she says, "Oh, yes, but it'll cost you ten bucks."
" J'ignore qui vous êtes, mais je sais des tas de choses sur Keough.
" I don't know who you are, but I sure know a lot about Keough.
Mais à la fin de ma seconde, j'allais dans les cafés à Gibbons.
But the latter part of tenth grade, I would go to coffeehouses at Gibbons.
Je ne dois pas toucher les étudiantes, mais c'est parfois nécessaire. "
I'm not supposed to touch... the students, but sometimes this is necessary. "
Mais Maskell, c'était le côté obscur du monde.
But this was the dark side of the world.
Mais j'ai fini par me marier et j'ai eu des enfants à 18 et 19 ans.
But I ended up getting married and having children when I was 18, 19.
Mais ça ne faisait qu'accentuer ma peur, ça devenait plus réel.
But that all scared me more because it made it more real.
Mais ce n'était pas de la folie si d'autres l'avaient vécu.
But it wasn't crazy if other people had experienced it, too.
"Je ne sais pas tout ce qu'il y a en-dessous, mais je sais où c'est enterré."
"I know... I don't know what all's down there, but I know where it's buried."
"C'est dangereux de trop fouiller, votre famille pourrait en payer le prix."
"This could be very bad for you if you get deeply into it," but, "Your family could pay the price."

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