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Translate.vc / francés → inglés / Culpa

Culpa traducir inglés

231 traducción paralela
- Mea culpa.
- That was my fault.
"Mia culpa".
"Mia culpa".
D'accord, mea culpa. Que me voulez-vous?
All right, mea culpa, what do you want of me?
Mea culpa. Je suis en retard, je ne vais pas manger.
I'm so late, I think I'll give it a miss.
Mea culpa.
Mea culpa.
Mea culpa
Mea culpa
Mea maxima culpa
Mea maxima culpa
Parmi ces tests, il y aura la coulpe et la pénitence,
Two of these tests are the culpa and the penance.
Je bats ma coulpe : j'ai parlé inutilement, je suis arrivée en retard à la chapelle, j'ai claqué une porte sans pénitence,
I say my culpa for speaking without necessity, for being late for chapel... for letting a door slam without penance.
Je bats ma coulpe : j'ai enfreint la règle d'obéissance en continuant à travailler au son de la cloche,
I say my culpa for breaking the rule of obedience... by not stopping work when I heard the bell.
Ainsi, je pourrai parler sans battre ma coulpe ou faire pénitence,
So I can talk without having to say a culpa or do a penance.
C'est incroyable, mais quand je battrai ma coulpe, je n'aurai aucune faute envers la règle à reconnaître,
It seems impossible, but when I say my culpa to you next... I don't think I'll have any imperfections against the Rule to proclaim.
Alors pas de mea culpa.
So no mea culpa.
- Mea culpa.
- My mistake.
Mea culpa, Je lui ai dit d'être discret.
It was my fault, really. I told him to soft-pedal a bit.
. Je suis si embrouillée!
- Mea culpa.
- Mea culpa.
- Who? - Latin for "my fault."
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa!
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa!
Fifty fifty rhumatismine, [br ] comme si c'était mea culpa... - Sous-titre non traduit -... la supercazzoleuse... [ br]
Fifty-fifty Reumatina as if it were mea culpa the supercazzola...
"Je ne te demande pas de faire ton mea-culpa en prêchant l'Armageddon."
"I'm not asking you to wear sackcloth and ashes, preaching the Armageddon."
Mea culpa.
Mea culpa. Mea culpa.
Mea maxima culpa.
Mea maxima culpa.
Masochistes, systèmes, lois,
We live off the success of sorrow, don't we? felix culpa...
Notre bonheur ne se nourrit-il pas d'affliction? Félix culpa.
Shouldn't I, shouldn't we live without this film, push aside our thougts think of something else, something more important?
Mea culpa.
I'm sorry.
On est en plein divorce, et c'est à mes torts.
We're divorcing. Mea culpa!
Le divorce à vos torts.
Your mea culpa divorce.
C'est lui, vos torts?
Is he your "culpa"?
Amen. Au nom du Père, du Fils et du Saint-Esprit. Amen.
Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa.
Je ne veux pas d'un bidonville au milieu de ma commune, qui m'aura bouffé le terrain à bâtir pour pas un rond.
Mea culpa, I don't want shanties in my town. They'd also use up all the building land, for nothing. I don't find this...
Vous avez fait votre mea culpa?
Azuma-san, Did you write an apology?
J'ai fait ton mea culpa.
Yes, in your name.
Ah ben donc si je résume, George n'a eu à vous faire qu'un mea culpa.
To round thing off, George had only to apologize.
- J'ai menti sur un détail!
I love trees Mea culpa I lied about one little thing!
Il y a des gens, et nous les connaissons... qui pensent qu'on peut aller au milieu de l'arène pleurer sa culpabilité... pendant que la foule hue, siffle et vous crache dessus.
Now, there's some people, and we both know them, Al think you can go stand in the middle of a bull ring and cry "mea culpa, mea culpa," while the crowd is hissing and booing and spitting on you.
Ce n'est pas ma faute.
- lt's not my fault - Mea culpa
C'est cette bohémienne Qui attise ma flamme!
- Mea culpa lt is the gypsy girl The witch who sent this flame Mea maxima culpa
À voulu que l'humain Soit moins fort que Satan!
Mea Culpa He made the devil so much stronger than a man
Les Américains adorent un bon mea-culpa.
We know how Americans love a good mea culpa.
Tu penses que c'était une sorte de mea culpa codé?
Do you think that was meant to be some kind of coded mea culpa?
- Ah, mea culpa.
- Mea culpa.
Mea maxima culpa.
Mea maxima culpa!
Je vous croyais cinéphile. Mea culpa.
I thought you liked movies.
Seigneur, j'en ai assez de Tony qui joue l'innocent.
Mea culpa! Oh, Jesus, I get exactly the same "who, me?" shit with Tony.
Mea culpa.
Et maintenant, le gouvernement fait son mea-culpa.
And now the government wants to kiss it and make it better.
Mv mistake.
Mea grandissima culpa.
Mea grandissima culpa.
Veronica m'utilisait et mea culpa.
Veronica was using me. Mea culpa.
Mea culpa.
Oh, my mistake.
Dieu Tout-Puissant...
- Mea culpa

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