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Jockey traducir inglés

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Il nous faut simplement 35 $ pour les frais.
We need $ 35 for expenses. 10 for a jockey, 25 for nomination.
- Vous avez un jockey?
– You got a jockey?
Whitey, le voilà.
This is Ted Williams, the jockey.
C'est Ted Williams, le jockey.
Is that bandage okay?
Bien sûr, mais mon jockey...
I don't like this implication of my jockey.
Pourquoi mon jockey serait impliqué?
What makes you think my boy's involved?
J'ai trouvé. C'est votre jockey, Roberts.
It's your jockey, Roberts.
Le jockey de Sun Up peut tout tenter.
He's a tough customers. He might try anything.
Sun Up, un cheval formidable, Broadway Bill qui, la dernière fois, a fini dernier...
Sunup, a great money horse. Broadway Bill, who threw his jockey... Johnson!
Faites dégager la piste, c'est dangereux. Les chevaux vont arriver. Relevez le jockey.
Everybody keep back, you know how dangerous it is.
Je veux voir ce jockey au bureau.
Have that jockey report to the office.
Le jockey de Chester refuse de participer à cause du danger.
The Chesterjockey backs out in the face of danger.
Avalanche n'a pas de jockey.
Avalanche is now without a rider.
Si je mets un autre jockey sur Courageux, tu peux prendre Avalanche?
If I put one of the other boys on Gallant Lad, will you ride Avalanche?
Je suis heureux de vous dire qu'Avalanche et le jockey... vont très bien.
Uh, happy to report Avalanche and jockey... as son Lee would say, hunky-dory.
J'approuve ces messieurs du Jockey qui vous ont tendu la main simplement parce qu'ils se fiaient à la parole de l'un d'eux.
I approve of those gentlemen who offered you their hands simply because they trusted the word of one of their fellows.
Faites-en le jockey de "Hi Hat"!
Gil, why don't you give Stuffy a job. Let him ride Hi Hat.
Burns, c'est le jockey.
Some days it gives you the name of the jockey instead of the horse.
Trouvez le cheval que monte Burns, et c'est votre homme!
You find out who jockey Burns is riding, and that's the horse you bet on. It's easy.
Voilà votre cheval : 152...
Jockey Burns, 152. That's Rosie.
Si vous pensez me faire labourer, vous vous mettez le doigt dans l'oeil.
If you think you'll make a plow jockey out of me, you got another thing coming.
Vous connaissez M. Brent, le jockey?
Say, you know that gentleman jockey, Mr. Brent?
C'est certain. Même si je n'aime pas critiquer les jockeys classieux.
I know he pulled that horse, although I don't like to say anything against a gentleman jockey.
- Si, elle me tue, quand je te vois. Gimp Carter, au 2 ° étage, juste bon à péter dans son fauteuil.
Yeah, it kills me every time I look at you, Gil Carter, second story man turning into a stool jockey.
Figurez-vous, mes choutes... que cet Himalaya de graisse épouse un jockey!
I'm coming. My dears! That solid mountain of flesh is going to marry a jockey.
Mais le jockey est descendu aux trois quarts... et a dut le trimballer sur son dos.
He won, but the jockey got off at the three-quarters, and had to carry him across the tape on his back.
Le jockey était un gars très insultant.
The jockey was a very insulting fellow.
Jockey, M. Frederick Ross.
Jockey, Mr. Frederick Ross.
Vous avez deviné, c'est bien elle.
You guessed it, jockey. She is.
C'est un autre jockey.
That's anotherjockey.
Je n'en doute pas, avec un jockey inconnu sur le dos de Furioso.
I have no doubt you are glad, senorita, with a strange jockey on Furioso's back.
Les arnaqueurs, pour lui, ça ne signifie rien.
Crooked people, crooked jockey, don't mean nothing to him, nothing.
Après tout ce que j'ai fait pour lui, il a fait changer le jockey de Furioso.
After all I've been to him, he turns out to be a horse fixer. He switched jockeys on Furioso.
Aucun jockey n'a jamais été éliminé pour avoir essayé Chiquita.
No jockey was ever ruled off for trying, chiquita.
- Quel genre de jockey?
What kind of a jockey?
- J'étais un jockey de rennes. Ah oui?
I used to be a reindeer jockey.
Un bandit, maigre, jockey, a une cicatrice chevaline derrière l'oreille gauche.
One crook, slight build, evidently a jockey, has a horse scar behind his left ear.
- On a tué Goldez, le jockey qui a fait exprès de perdre, hier.
- You know that jockey, Goldez? The one caught throwing the fourth race yesterday?
Le jockey a été tué dans la salle de douches. Or il n'y a pas de traces de pas dehors.
The murderer couldn't get in from this side and there are no footprints on the outside.
Goldez était notre premier témoin.
That jockey was our first real witness.
La police a découvert quelque chose sur la mort du jockey?
Whitey, I haven't seen the papers. What's new on the jockey? Police got any leads?
Du nouveau sur le jockey?
Any dirt about the jock? The one that got drilled?
- Ce jockey me cause du souci.
- What really worries me is that jockey.
- Là où le jockey a été tué?
Where the jockey was shot?
Tu sais qui a tué le jockey?
Really? Then you know who killed the jockey?
L'arme qui a tué le jockey.
- That's the gun that killed the jockey. - Nick! That's great!
Le jockey n'a pas été assassiné.
Lieutenant, the jockey wasn't murdered.
Il lira que nous croyons à un seul assassin, et il essayera de nous coller un assassin.
Now, when he reads that we think the jockey's murderer committed both crimes he may try to help us find that murderer.
Je n'ai pas tué ce jockey!
If you're trying to hang the jockey's murder on me, save your breath.
Un jockey?
We can't afford a jockey.
Qu'ont-ils en commun?
- What's she got in common with a jockey?

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