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Jéremy traducir inglés

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La victime est Jeremy Geist.
Okay. The victim's name is Jeremy Geist.
Il dirige le lien entre le FBI et le groupe de travail de l'ATF qui a envoyé Jeremy Geist sous couverture.
He's running the joint FBI and ATF task force that sent Jeremy Geist undercover.
Jeremy était un agent de premier rang, donc...
Jeremy was a first-rate agent, so...
Avez-vous vu Jeremy Geist ici hier soir?
Did you see Jeremy Geist here last night?
Tish, auriez-vous vu Jeremy se disputer avec quelqu'un hier soir?
Tish, did you notice Jeremy arguing with anybody last night?
Vous avez remarqué quelque chose d'étrange à propos de Jeremy hier soir?
Did you notice anything odd about Jeremy last night?
Jeremy allait bien quand il est arrivé.
Jeremy was fine when he got here.
N'avez-vous jamais parlé à Jeremy Geist quand vous y alliez?
Did you ever, uh, did you ever talk to Jeremy Geist when you went over there, Andy?
Jeremy est un bon gars.
Jeremy's a good guy.
Je vous ai dit que Jeremy Geist était un agent du FBI qui travaillait sous couverture tout le monde - - oui, tout à fait - - a montré un bref air surpris.
So when I tell you that Jeremy Geist was an FBI agent working undercover, everyone - - yes, there they are - - showed a brief expression of surprise.
Mais quand je vous ai dit que Jeremy Geist enquêtait sur un gang qui vendait illégalement des armes à feu en dehors du bar, une seule personne a montré de la peur une personne qui a peur d'être démasquée.
But when I tell you that Jeremy Geist was investigating a gang selling illegal firearms out of this bar, only one person will show fear - - the person who is afraid of being caught.
J'ai besoin du profil psychologic de Jeremy Geist
I need Jeremy Geist's psychological profile.
Le rapport psychologique sur Jeremy Geist.
FBI's psychological report on Jeremy Geist.
Je suis aller à l'appartement de Jeremy Geist. et j'ai remarquer qu'il mettait son lit sur le sol et dort avec une petite veilleuse a côté de lui.
Well, I went to Jeremy Geist's apartment, and I noticed that he makes his bed on the floor and sleeps with a little night-light next to him.
C'est le flingue qui a tué Geist, n'est ce pas?
That's the gun that killed Jeremy Geist, isn't it?
Et Jeremy Geist vous a reconnu.
And Jeremy Geist recognized you.
Son vrai nom est Jeremy Patch.
Real name is Jeremy Patch.
À la maison de la bière de Jeremy?
Jeremy's Ale House on Front?
Lieutenant Jeremy Foster de l'armée de Sa Majesté.
Lieutenant Jeremy Foster of His Majesty's army.
On ne peut pas aller à Mystic Falls, donc c'est au tour de Matt et Jeremy.
Well, we can't step foot in Mystic Falls, so now it's up to Matt and Jeremy.
C'est Jeremy...
This is Jeremy- - Jeremy Gilbert.
Jeremy aussi.
Jeremy, too.
J'essaie de t'aider à te ressaisir, Jeremy.
I am trying to help you pull yourself together, Jeremy.
Tu veux parler de ressentiment?
Listen, Jeremy. You want to talk about resentment, huh?
J'ai du ressentiment pour des années!
and now I can't even talk to a girl without fantasizing about tearing into her neck? I mean, Jeremy, I have resentment for years, years!
Elles embrassent des Jérémy.
They kiss Jeremies.
Val, la policière de Boston et son mari pompier Jeremy ont une forme de rivalité professionnelle, malgré leur amour fou.
Reversal- - the fireman starting fire. Fire. jeff :
J'essaye de participer à Survivor depuis 10 ans.
Jeremy have an ongoing rivalry over their jobs despite being Over their jobs despite being madly in love with each other.
Jeremy, n'est-ce pas notamment dur car vous ne pouvez plus rien faire pour votre femme?
jeff : Jeremy is one of the jeff : Jeremy is one of the tough parts being separated
- Ce sera Jeremy?
I should do this. I should do this.
Jeremy, venez près de moi.
It. jeff :
Allez Jeremy!
It's going to be jeff : It's going to be jeremy?
Le perdant va sur l'île de l'Exil. Jeremy contre Val.
Wins reward for their tribe, loser goes to exile island.
- Mari contre femme.
Loser goes to exile island. Jeremy versus val, husband Jeremy versus val, husband versus wife.
- Allez Val! Allez Jeremy!
Versus wife.
- Allez Jeremy!
Go! Go!
Jeremy fonce!
Val flying through it. It.
Jeremy a un peu d'avance, Val doit passer par-dessus.
Keep the rope tight. jeff : Jeremy with a bit of jeff :
- Accroche ta jambe!
get up there, girl! Jeremy coming out of jeff : get up there, girl!
- Jeremy a son 1er anneau. - Donne du mou!
Jeremy coming out of the box with his first ring.
Jeremy lance déjà.
Val having a hard time untangling that rope. Time untangling that rope. Jeremy is already tossing, but
Mais agripper cette plateforme n'est pas si facile que ça!
Jeremy is already tossing, but it's not as easy as it looks, ula
Jeremy a presque accroché le sien.
We've got a match!
Est-ce que ça marchera?
Jeremy almosts that hooked.
Jeremy almosts that hooked.
Jeremy a accroché le sien.
There you go! nice! nice!
- Il commence à bouger.
Jeremy's got his jeff : Jeremy's got his hooked. Hooked.
Jeremy fait du beau boulot.
He's starting to move! you got it! you got it!
Jeremy a sa première plateforme.
Jeremy doing a nice jeff : Jeremy doing a nice job. Job.
Raccrochez-vous et retournez-y!
Jeremy has the first platform. Jeremy has the first platform.

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