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Polly traducir inglés

2,663 traducción paralela
- Polly, tu peux attendre un instant?
Polly, can you hang on a second? Just hang on one second.
- Les perspectives d'avenir de Polly.
Polly's career prospects. Risky.
Tu biaises les chiffres en faveur de Polly, Reuben.
You're skewing the numbers in Polly's favor, Reuben.
Je veux dire, ma fichue femme se pointe à ma porte... pour qu'on revienne ensemble et Polly panique.
I mean, my goddamn wife shows up on my doorstep... wanting to get back together, Polly's freaking out.
- Polly?
Polly me fait manger des mets ethniques... alors depuis quelque temps je vomis beaucoup.
Polly's been making me eat ethnic food, so I've been throwing up a lot lately.
Cool. Polly Prince.
- Je sais, mais... - On est tombés amoureux de ces...
I know, but- - Polly.
O.K., tu sais quoi? Je peux tout expliquer, Polly.
I can explain this, Polly.
Polly, je peux t'expliquer?
Polly, would you let me explain this? Uh-huh.
Je veux dire, tu étais une déléguée en chef à l'O.N.U. de l'école, Polly.
I mean, you were a senior delegate at the Model U.N., Polly.
- Polly...
Polly- - l am.
Hé, c'est Polly...
Hey, it's Polly...
Hé, Polly, c'est moi.
Hey, Polly, it's me.
Hé, tu as parlé à Polly?
Hey, have you, um- - have you talked to Polly?
Je ne veux pas que tu partes, Polly.
I don't want you to go away, Polly.
- Voici Polly.
This is Polly.
C'est ce qu'il cache qui me déplaît. et sont probablement morts.
I don't like what's behind it. Listen, Polly, six scientists are missing, probably dead.
Editor Paley. Mr. Paley, it's me, Polly.
Polly, listen to me.
It's been a pleasure, Polly.
Hi, Polly. Hi, Dex.
I want that blueprint, Polly.
C'est Polly Perkins.
It's Polly Perkins.
Polly. Assez plaisanté.
All right, Polly... no more games.
Ne recommence pas.
This is not a game, Polly.
Sit back, Polly.
C'est toi qui a insisté pour me suivre.
Look, Polly, it was your idea to tag along, not mine.
Je te présente Polly Perkins.
This is Polly Perkins.
Polly Perkins.
Polly Perkins.
Où est Polly?
Where's Polly?
alors il faut que je sache.
Polly, this may be our last moment together. There's something I need to ask you.
- Dis-le pour voir.
You can say it, Polly.
Ne t'en fais pas. Tout va bien.
Relax, Polly, everything's fine.
It's kind of a secret. You can keep a secret, can't you, Polly?
voici Polly Perkins.
Commander Cook, meet Polly Perkins.
Polly Perkins?
Polly Perkins.
tu veux?
Polly, try not to touch anything.
Je t'entends mal.
I can't hear you, Polly.
I thought your takeoff was just fine. Thank you, Polly.
Polly. Ça va secouer.
Hold on, now, Polly.
Nice shot, Polly.
Polly Ester.
polly Ester.
Hé, Polly!
Hey, Polly!
Salut, Polly.
Hi, Polly.
J'ai été heureux de te revoir.
It's good to see you again. Good-bye, Polly.
Au revoir, Polly. - Au revoir.
Polly, leave it!

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