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Waldo traducir inglés

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Etrange que Waldo ait le droit de t'aimer.
I'm surprised Waldo had a chance to fall in love with you.
- Waldo.
- Waldo.
Tu es l'homme le plus fort que je connaisse.
Waldo, you're the strongest man I know.
Waldo, à quoi penses-tu?
Waldo, what are you thinking about?
Tu prévois de planter Waldo?
Are you planning on a quick getaway from Waldo?
- Mme Bly, M. Waldo Beaver.
Oh, Mrs. Bly, Mr. Waldo Beaver.
Waldo est un genre de parent éloigné.
Waldo's a sort of distant relative of ours.
Andrew et Caroline sont les parents de Waldo.
Andrew and Caroline were the parents of Waldo.
Tout ça pour Waldo.
All that just for Waldo.
Waldo, montez.
Waldo, will get up there?
Restons plutôt jouer quelque temps avec Waldo et Irene.
Why can't we stay around and play with Waldo and Irene for a little while?
Waldo, j'adore ma sœur.
Waldo, I love my sister very much.
Plus qu'il n'en faut pour moi, Irene et Waldo.
More than enough for myself and Irene and Waldo.
Vous entretenez Waldo aussi?
Do you support Waldo too?
Cela ne m'intéresse pas, sauf pour Irene et Waldo.
I'm just not interested. Except for Irene and Waldo.
Oh, Waldo, c'est censé être un rire de dérision.
Oh, but, Waldo, that's supposed to be a derisive laugh.
Non, c'est ta réplique, Waldo :
Waldo, that's your line to her :
Regarde, Waldo, du punch, comme ça.
See, that's it, Waldo. "Yumph, yumph." Like this :
- Waldo, votre chapeau?
- Waldo, where's your hat?
Waldo et Irene doivent déjà se lasser.
I believe that Waldo and Irene are thoroughly bored by now.
Lrene et Waldo n'y ont pas três chaud.
I know Irene and Waldo don't think it's so hot.
Venez, Waldo.
Come, Waldo.
- Venez, Waldo.
- Come, Waldo. Irene.
- Je ne suis pas Waldo.
- I'm not Waldo.
Je n'aime plus Waldo.
I don't love Waldo anymore.
Qui aimes-tu, si ce n'est Waldo?
Then, whom would you love except Waldo?
Vous étiez au courant?
Waldo, did you know about this?
Waldo t'aime.
Waldo loves you.
S'il m'aimait, il ne me laisserait pas m'amouracher de Charlie.
Yes, if Waldo loved me, he wouldn't let me get infatuated with Charlie.
Waldo, je crains que vous ne deviez prendre position.
Waldo, I'm afraid you're going to have to assume a position.
C'est três gentil.
That was sweet of you, Waldo.
- Oui, Waldo?
- Yes, Waldo?
Ah, Waldo.
Oh, Waldo.
Waldo, j'ai un rendez-vous très important à 16 h.
Waldo, I have a very important engagement this afternoon at 4.
- Vite, sors-moi d'ici.
- Waldo, get me out of here quick.
- Waldo attend dans la voiture.
I'm glad to see you. - Waldo's waiting in the car.
Mais écoute, Waldo.
Yes, but look, Waldo.
Mets-y du tien, Waldo.
But, Waldo, you've got to put something into it.
Tu crois que j'aime Waldo?
Do you really think I'm in love with Waldo?
S'il était comme toi, je l'aimerais.
If Waldo were you, I would be.
Waldo, tes oreilles sifflent?
Hello, Waldo. Are your ears burning?
Bonjour, Waldo.
Hello, Waldo.
- Merci, Waldo.
- Oh, yes, thanks, Waldo.
- Pas du tout.
- Not at all, Waldo.
- Et Waldo, pas de retard.
- And, Waldo, don't be late.
Oh, Waldo.
Oh, and, Waldo.
Tu n'es plus le même, quand tu bois.
Waldo, you know, you're a very different person when you drink.
- Bonjour, Waldo.
- Hello, Waldo.

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