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Warrick traducir inglés

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Big Ben était connu de 30 personnes, tous hauts responsables du gouvernement.
Hmm. John Smith, care of the Warrick Hotel.
Partout, de la saleté, M. Warrick.
Muck and filth everywhere, Mr. Warrick.
Ne criez pas sur moi, M. Warrick!
Don't you yell at me, Mr. Warrick!
Et la poussière bleue?
What about the blue dust, Warrick?
Je suis...
I'm Warrick. - I'm Nick.
Warrick Brown. De la police scientifique.
We're with Criminalistics.
- Nick et Warrick, le périmètre.
You got it. Nick, Warrick- - the perimeter.
- Mince! - C'est toi, Warrick?
That you, Warrick?
Que Warrick forme Gribbs jusqu'à ce que Nick soit promu.
Have Warrick shadow Gribbs for three weeks or until Nicky makes his 1 00th.
Ça suffit, Warrick.
- That's enough, Warrick.
Brass a envoyé Warrick superviser Holly sur un cambriolage.
Brass assigned Warrick to shadow Holly on a robbery.
Rentre chez toi.
Go home, Warrick.
Warrick. Juge Cohen.
Warrick Judge Cohen
Pourquoi Warrick Brown a-t-il quitté les lieux?
Why did Warrick Brown leave that scene?
Oû est Warrick Brown?
Where can I find Warrick Brown?
Avec Warrick, on bosse sur le 419, le cadavre du désert.
Warrick, you and I are on the 419 our dead body in the desert.
Warrick m'a dit que vous pensiez qu'il était mort de peur.
Warrick told me what you said about the cause of death being fear.
Trace fait une liste des produits faits en aluminium.
Warrick : Yeah. I got Trace putting together a list of products made with the stuff.
Tout concerne nos affaires.
Everything applies, Warrick.
Warrick Brown. 407. Vol avec effraction.
Warrick Brown, 407, home invasion, forced entry.
Oublie le mari, Warrick.
Forget about the husband, Warrick.
C'est pas terminé, Warrick. Restez ici.
Hey, we're not done, Warrick.
Warrick, je crois que c'est fini.
Hey, Warrick, I guess we're all done now.
C'est Warrick Brown.
That's Warrick Brown from ID.
- Grissom... - Je n'y crois pas. Qu'il forme Gribbs jusqu'à ce que Nick finisse sa 100ème enquête.
Have Warrick shadow Gribbs for the next three weeks or until Nickie makes his hundredth, whatever comes first.
Ça suffit, Warrick. Partons.
That's enough, Warrick.
On ne tolère pas la subjectivité dans ce service, tu le sais.
There is no room for subjectivity in this department, Warrick.
Grissom, du médico-légal. Je reprends l'enquête de Brown.
I'm taking over the case for Warrick Brown.
- Minute. Warrick, à vous,
Warrick, come in.
Warrick, on m'a raconté pour cette histoire de chaussure...
Uh, hey, Warrick, listen I heard about the whole thing with the shoe and...
I'm grateful, Warrick.
Warrick, tu bosses avec Catherine.
Warrick, you can work this with Catherine.
Brown a demandé à un de mes gars de le remplacer au tribunal.
Warrick Brown had one of my guys sub for him in court.
Je voudrais que tu surveilles Warrick pour moi, discrètement.
I need you to do some background for me on Warrick without letting him know why.
Warrick, votre inspecteur favori.
Oh. Warrick- - your favorite CSl.
C'est pour ça que je te confie ça. Pour qu'Ecklie ne m'accuse pas de favoritisme, si Warrick est clean.
That's why I want you to handle it so that Ecklie can't accuse me of favoritism if it turns out that Warrick's clean.
Son excuse pour le tribunal était... bancale.
I checked out Warrick. His story about missing court was, uh... Iame.
Warrick, tu l'accompagnes.
- Thank you. Warrick, go with. - Yeah.
Catherine Willows et Warrick Brown, de la police scientifique.
This is Catherine Willows and Warrick Brown from Las Vegas Criminalistics. They're here to gather evidence.
- Les indices physiques que nous avons rassemblés sont en contradiction avec les témoignages.
So you wanna tell us what we're doing here? The physical evidence that Sara, Nick and I collected is contradicting the anecdotal statements that you, Catherine and Warrick got, and my money's on physical evidence.
Max landed on the ground.
Ou plutôt Marlene, c'est là que tu te lèves pour prendre le tesson.
Warrick - I mean, Marlene. - that's when you got up and grabbed the broken wine neck.
Moi non, Warrick oui, Nick ne sait pas.
I couldn't, Warrick could, and Nick's on the fence.
Sara Sidle, Warrick Brown. Agent Joe Tyner.
Sara Sidle, Warrick Brown
Tu veux en venir oû, Warrick?
What are you getting at, Warrick?
Pariez pas trop sur ce coup.
Yeah, well, don't bet the sub shop, Warrick.
Nick Stokes.
This is Warrick Brown.
Ça va, Warrick?
You feeling all right, Warrick?
Merci, Warrick.
Thanks, Warrick.
- lci Warrick.
This is Warrick.
Tu as trouvé quelque chose sur Warrick?
Did you find out anything about Warrick? Um...

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