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Windward traducir inglés

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A tribord, il vit les quais de Gæslingen et à babord le détroit de Hesnes.
To Ieeward he glanced at Gæslingen's top, and to windward at Hesnes'swell.
- Non, on ne crache pas contre le vent.
- No, matey, never spit to windward.
Je lui couperai ses bouts de mât avant. Que Cushman profite du vent fort.
I'll take the lower spars out of her before I'll let Walt Cushman... work the windward of me.
C'est normal, vu la façon dont la dame est morte.
- Well, that's only natural... after the way the lady of Windward House died...
Le nouveau propriétaire de Windward...
The gent that just bought Windward House.
Pour me dire de quitter Windward? Économisez votre salive.
Look here, young lady... if you want to talk me out of Windward House, save your breath.
Grand-père ne se remet pas de sa mort.
Grandfather will never get over her death. - He's hated Windward ever since.
J'aime Windward car elle y a vécu trois ans.
I love Windward because she lived there for three years... and those were my years.
Je suis ravie que vous veniez vivre à Windward.
I'm awfully happy you and your sister are going to live at Windward.
Windward vous appartient.
Mr. Fitzgerald, Windward House belongs to you now.
La mère de Stella a-t-elle été perturbée à Windward?
Just one more question. Was Stella's mother ever troubled at Windward House?
Rien qu'à m'imaginer à Windward, il a frôlé l'attaque.
At the mention of me coming to Windward, Grandfather almost had an attack.
Serez-vous là si je viens ce soir?
Would you and your sister be in if I came to Windward tonight?
C'est très peu indiqué pour toi d'aller à Windward.
I do not consider it suitable for you to visit Windward House.
J'irai à Windward quand je voudrai.
- I shall go to Windward whenever I please.
Il n'était jamais revenu.
- He never came back to Windward.
Ne m'emmenez-vous pas à Windward?
Haven't you come to take me to Windward?
N'approche plus de Windward. "
Stay away from Windward House. "
Et à Windward. Où elle est en danger.
It'll have to be at Windward, and it's dangerous for her.
Voulez-vous m'éloigner de Windward?
You don't want me to stay away from Windward, do you, Mother?
Elle était à Windward?
How did she happen to be at Windward?
Vous parliez de perturbations à Windward...
You told me on the telephone about disturbances at Windward.
Le soir où Carmel a vu qu'elle devait quitter Windward, elle aurait tué Mary et son époux, si elle avait pu.
That night, the girl Carmel had been told she must leave Windward. If she could've killed both Mary and her husband, she'd have done so.
Notre gouvernante ne reste pas à Windward la nuit.
She won't stay at Windward after dark.
A propos de la falaise de Windward, que craignais-tu en y courant?
About the cliff at Windward, Stella... what did you feel as you ran toward it?
Voilà : " Appelé à Windward.
Here we are. " Called to Windward House.
Retour à Windward le soir.
Returned to Windward this evening.
A Windward?
- You mean Windward?
Tu dois aller tout droit à Windward.
You must go straight to Windward.
Pas à Windward?
- Not to Windward House?
" 15 h 20. Windward. Le modèle de M. Meredith évanouie.
" 3 : 20 p.m. Called to Windward House... to attend Meredith's model, who had fainted.
Je t'ai cherchée à la Tortue puis j'ai pensé que tu carénais ici.
I looked for you in Tortuga and through the Windward Passage. Then I guessed you were here to careen.
Restons bien au large jusqu'à la nuit tombée.
Keep her up to windward, Mr. Dougal. Stand well off shore till it's dark.
Gardez le cap au vent.
Hold her to windward, close as you can.
- Tu vois la fumée du côté du vent?
You see that smoke to windward?
Vous quittez Kingston par Port Royal Road, puis vous prenez Wentworth Road, jusqu'à une usine de ciment.
You leave the Port Royal road out of Kingston, then along the Windward Road, until you get to the cement factory.
Un bateau à aube s'approche de la passe au vent.
Un beau trophée, et a l'air de descendre dans la passe au vent.
La majorité de ce que vous voyez du côté du vent constitue la partie sauvage.
You know, most of what you see here on the windward side is the wild part.
Si vous avez mal au cœur que ce soit dans le sens du vent!
- Mon pauvre. If you must go whoop-whoop, please go whoop-whoop not to windward, but to leeward.
Je comprends que vous restiez derrière.
Don't blame you for standing windward.
On a une douzaine de yachts à survoler autour de la grosse île, six de plus dans le chenal de Maui et encore deux au large de Kahoolawe.
Now, look, we got a dozen yachts to check to the south towards the Big Island. We got another six or seven in the Maui Channel and two more off the windward side of Kahoolawe.
Il faisait face au vent... et il a vu un brick sous petite voilure... qui se dirigeait vers lui.
He looked to windward... and saw a brig under shortsail... heading right for him.
On va les suivre. Si nous utilisons les grandes ailes... 20 000 pieds...
We'll be on their windward side.
On va les suivre.
We'll be on their windward side.
- Windward? - Yes.
Windward est à vendre?
We heard that Windward House is for sale.
C'est Windward?
- Isn't this Windward House?
Et il hait Windward.
- That's understandable.
- Et Windward?
- And Windward?
En direction du vent!
Sail ho to windward!

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