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Translate.vc / francés → ruso / Nighttime

Nighttime traducir ruso

4 traducción paralela
And who by fire who by water who in sunshine who in the nighttime...
Кто в огне, Да кто водой? Кто среди бела дня,
Ah, pourriez-vous alors m'indiquer le dentiste de nuit le plus proche?
Ah, then could you point me to the closest nighttime dentist?
Mais parfois j'étais sage, il me laissait sortir la nuit et on plantait des fleurs.
But sometimes I was good and he let me go outside at nighttime, and we planted flowers.
- Super fête.
# I like the nighttime # # especially when I'm going to sleep # - Клёвая вечеринка!

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