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Translate.vc / francés → turco / Should

Should traducir turco

239 traducción paralela
- Each picture should have a definite point of view, Jerry.
Her filmin belli bir bakış açısına sahip olması gerekir, Jerry.
- You said l should kick you.
- Sana vurmamı istedin.
Tell me why should it be you have the power to hypnotize me
# Söyle hadi # Beni hipnotize edecek # Güç
J'aurais dû t'épouser.
I should have married you.
- Maybe we should...
- Belki de...
Je me mêle peut-être de ce qui ne me regarde pas, mais il faudrait en parler. Des saignements de nez?
Listen, sweetheart, this may be butting in where I don't belong but don't you think someone should say something?
Les cordes ont attaqué l'intro d'Easy to love... et je me suis mis à jouer...
Yaylılar, Easy to Love'ın introsuna girdiler. Ama ben If I Should Lose You'yu çalmaya başladım.
I asked my teacher, what should I try?
# Öğretmenime sorardım, ne yapmayı denesem?
Should I paint pictures?
# # Resim mi çizsem?
Should I sing songs?
# # Şarkı mı söylesem?
You know, l'd like to go for a couple days to the Loire Valley and... what do you think I should go first?
- Burada uyudu. - Anlıyorum. Loire'ye gitmek istiyorum, acaba orada birkaç gün geçirebilir miyim?
Je ne pense pas que nous devrions attaquer ce point.
I do not think we should attack this point.
Pourquoi aurais-je des suggestions?
Why should I have suggestions?
- Pourquoi le ferais-je?
- Why should I?
Elle aurait dû lutter.
She should have fought back.
On devrait peut-être dialoguer?
Maybe we should talk about this?
Voilà qui devrait nous permettre de traverser le vortex.
That should allow safe passage to the wormhole.
- Should've Nous été.
- O bizim olmalıydı.
- Should've Nous été.
- Bizim olmalıydı.
Vous pouvez partir.
Maybe you should go.
"For you should know, your heart is not what it was"
Şunu bil ki kalbin eskisi gibi değil.
/ / Isn't really something I should do / /
/ / Isn'treallysomething Ishoulddo / /
/ / I should try to be strong / /
/ I should try to be strong /
/ / Isn't really something I should do / /
/ Isn't really something I should do /
/ / Oh, I know I should go / /
/ / Oh, IknowIshouldgo / /
/ / Well, I should try to be strong / /
/ / Well, Ishould try tobestrong / /
/ / I should try to be strong / / / / But, baby, you re the right kind of wrong / /
- / / Ishould try tobestrong / / - / / But, baby, you're theright kindofwrong / /
Tu aurais pu te faire écraser, abruti.
You should have gotten hit, idiot.
Qu'elle apprenne la leçon qu'enseigne la nature de ne pas demander pourquoi nous sommes blessés mais seulement si la blessure peut etre guérie.
Ondan doğanın bize öğrettiği dersi öğrenmesini isterdim. That we should not ask why we are wounded... only if the wound can be healed.
Il faut savoir si vos racines sont si entremelées qu'il serait impensable de vous séparer jamais.
You have to work out whether your roots... have become so entwined together... that it is inconceivable... that you should ever part.
# Made to feel the way that every child should
# Hissetiriyor her çocuğa,
Nous should ve établi un igloo et un élever stinky po.
Kokuşmuş bir eskimo evi yapıp içine girmeliydik.
Et les losers, foutez-vous derrière.
You losers should hang out in the back.
Tu devrais lever le pied.
You should take it easy.
- Je le sens pas, ce plan. - Silence!
- I'm not sure we should be doing this.
Le coach est d'avis qu'on se calme.
Coach reckons we should take a knee.
Qu'est-ce que je dois faire?
What do you think I should do?
Alors, vous levez le camp?
You guys should hit the road.
Dis, maman, Eclaire-moi
Tell me, Mom, what should I do?
Tu devrais prendre cet avion pour Paris.
Maybe you should get on that plane and go to Paris.
The sentence should read,...
Cümle şöyle okunmalı
Je doit comprendre.
Tahminde bulunayım.I should've guessed.
On aurait dû être fort, on aurait dû laisser Emma à la maison.
We should've been strong and left Emma at home.
On aurait dû être plus fort.
We should've been stronger.
- What is and what should never be
Sokak boyunca
Oui, non, selon mes calculs I should have been a little more to the...
Evet, hayır, hesaplarıma göre biraz daha şeyde olmalıydım.
- Je le téléporte?
- Should bize sadece küre bebek?
Vous devriez.
You should. Gitmelisiniz.
And if you should survive
# O da kalben genç olmak
" And if you should survive
# Peri masalları gerçek olabilir # Bu senin başına gelebilir
Et après Bilbao?
What should I do?

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