/ francés → turco / There
There traducir turco
1,223 traducción paralela
Uh, Jack, there s a storm brewing out there.
Eh, Jack, fırtına çıkaçak gibi.
Hey, hold up, there.
Şuna bakın.
There's no easy way
Kolay bir yol yok...
Les filles ont quelque chose de spécial.
There's something special about girls.
J'ai quelque chose à te dire.
There's something I want to tell you.
Je n'ai pas dormi de la nuit parce que je veux t'entendre dire...
I haven't slept all night because there's something I need to hear you say...
Je n'ai pas dormi de la nuit car je veux t'entendre dire...
I haven't slept all night, because there's something I need to hear you say...
Il y a un mur entre nous, on ne peut se voir ni se toucher.
There's a wall between us, we can't see each other or grope each other.
Il y a un mur entre nous, on ne peut pas se sentir ou se savourer.
There's a wall between us, we can't smell each other or taste each other.
Je suis là.
İşte geldik. There we are.
- Le revoilà.
- Hey, there's the man!
Il y a un charme pour détruire chaque démon qu'on connaît.
Şimdiye kadar tanıştığım her iblis için buraya There vanquishing büyü.
Traduction : Gregory
Getting from there to here
- Getting from there to here - Aller d'ici à là
( Oradan buraya varabilmek )
~ There's no place I can be ~
~ Bulmadan önce Serenity'i ~
~ There's no place I can be ~
~ Başka hiçbir yerde olamam ~
~ There's no place I can be ~ ( Je n'ai nulle part où aller )
~ Bulmadan önce Serenity'i ~
Bon, je vous retrouve là-bas.
All right, I'll just meet you there at dinner.
II y a d'autres histoires de zizi qu'ils ne savent pas.
There are some adult willy stories they don't know.
There's no more bald jokes.
Artık kel şakası yok.
There's a-boy.
İşte oğlum.
- Le cidre est à la pression
- There's apple brandy by the keg
Le chiot est dans l'entrée La poêle est sur le feu
Well, there's a puppy in the parlor And a skillet on the stove
Un baiser vous attend, au bout de l'arc-en-ciel
There's a kiss at the end of the rainbow
Un baiser vous attend au bout de l'arc-en-ciel
There's a kiss at the end of the rainbow
Qui va d'ici à là
And it goes from here to there
Et dépose ma sœur, là, en bas
So my sister was born down there
On ferait bien de l'y laisser
Guess we better leave her there
Le pop-corn chaud frétille
There's popcorn in the popper And a porker in the pot
La tourte est prête Le café fume
There's pie in the pantry And the coffee's always hot
Saucisses le matin Fêtes le soir
There's sausage in the morning And a party every night
Infirmière Pour les malaises
There's a nurse on duty If you don't feel right
Le poulet rôti vous attend Mais il faut dire vos grâces
There's chicken on the table But you gotta say grace
Il y a toujours de quoi manger Chez Joe
There's always something cooking At Old Joe's Place
Un baiser vous attend Au bout de l'arc-en-ciel
There's a kiss at the end of the rainbow
On voit briller à l'horizon une étoile Qui flamboie de mille feux
There's a star on the horizon And it's burning like a flare
Le cidre est à la pression Et la sciure, à vos pieds
- There's apple brandy by the keg - And sawdust on the floor
Apparently, there are two.
Burada iki tane var.
"Trouve la Fiancée de Roméo et le mot de la peur apparaîtra."
It finds "the Fiancèe of Romeo" and the fear word will be there.
Stand there.
Orda kal.
Tu n'as pas besoin d'insister sur le "professeur".
There's no need to emphasize that you were a teacher.
Il y en a deux!
There are two of them! ( Orada ikimizin )
- Il y en a deux.
- There are two of them.
¤'There's nothing I wouldn t do for you ¤'
¤'Senin için yapamayacağım hiçbir şey yok. ¤'
- Eh, there s gas here!
- Burda benzin var geri çekil.
'Cause God's there all the year.
Çünkü Tanrı tüm sene burada.
Let There Be More Light, Sets the Controls for the Heart of the Sun :
"Let There Be More Light", "Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun", gibi şarkıları bilirsiniz.
Les avoir jusque-là Jusqu'aux épaules ou plus longs
Give me down to there hair Shoulder length or longer
Jusque-là, maman Partout, papa
Here, baby, there, mama Everywhere, daddy, daddy
Tous ces gens, des patriotes, croyant travailler pour le gouvernement américain.
All those people standing there.
Un nid pour les oiseaux lmpossible de décrire la beauté
A nest for birds, there ain`t no words