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Foi uma discussão triste... um momento triste porque foi a pior altura.
And it was a sad discussion, a sad... a sad, you know, a sad moment, really, because that was everything at its worst.
Lembro-me de visitar a Diana em Kensington Palace quando... andava bastante emocional.
I remember going to see Diana in Kensington Palace when... when things weren't particularly easy, you know, in her married life. She was, you know, very emotional.
Isto antes de deitar. ( RISOS ) E foi ver a cara dela mudar de uma conversa triste e de repente... ( EXPLOSÃO )
This was before bed. And just watching her face light up, going from sad chat to suddenly...
Nunca vou esquecer aquele momento via-se que o mais importante eram os rapazes dela. 490 ) } o príncipe e a princesa de Gales decidiram separar-se.
You know, I'll never forget that moment, and them, you know, crawling all over her and things flying everywhere, and through all the difficulty of other stuff at that time... .. you could see it was the most important thing in her life, were her boys. It is announced from Buckingham Palace that, with regret, the Prince and Princess of Wales have decided to separate.
sendo membro da família real.
Privacy had been hard to come by as a member of the royal family.
Mas a seguir à separação a obsessão dos mídia chegou a níveis extremos.
But following her separation, media obsession with the Princess reached fever pitch.
O acordado foi o Palácio marcava uma sessão de fotos no primeiro dia.
And the deal was that the Palace would arrange for us to have a photo call on the first day.
deixem-nos esquiar e ter umas férias encantadoras. por isso já não devíamos andar com a câmera atrás.
"OK, let them then ski off and have a lovely holiday." And this particular day, we'd had our photo call, so, you know, you shouldn't have been out with your camera anymore.
A Diana saiu com os rapazes Eram fotógrafos a correr por todo o lado
And Diana came out with the boys and they tried to go through the town to the sweetshop. And the photographers were just, like, running everywhere.
Pareciam ratos a correr por todo o lado.
It was like rats running everywhere.
Porque estão a fazer isto?
"What are they doing?" You know, " Why are they doing this?
Porque estão a fazer isto? " disse ela.
Why are they all doing this? " You know, she said,
Com licença. posso pedir para respeitar o espaço das crianças? e agredecia o espaço.
Excuse me. As a parent, could I ask you to respect my children's space? Because I've brought the children out here for a holiday...
Será possível tirar só uma...?
And we'd really appreciate the space. Would it be possible to just get a picture of...?
Não. Então deixo-a em paz.
Then I'll leave you alone.
quero proteger as crianças.
As a parent, I want to protect the children. Right.
as pessoas iam ficar espantadas se soubessem o que se passava. perdeu a perspectiva do que era apropriado. não acredito que ser perseguida por 30 gajos em motas não creio que seja apropriado.
Back then, 20 years ago, people would be utterly appalled if they knew exactly what went on. I think it was an industry that lost its way quite heavily, lost its sense of decency, lost its perspective on what was appropriate. If you are the Princess of Wales and you're a mother,
Infelizmente lembro-me que na maior parte das vezes que chorava tinha a ver com a intromissão dos mídia.
I sadly remember most of the time that she ever cried about anything was to do with press intrusion.
Boa viagem.
Have a nice trip, then.
Tens que manter um limite se ambas partes ultrapassam podem aparecer muitos problemas e sofrimento. o Príncipe e a Princesa de Gales divorciam-se.
And, erm, you've gotta maintain er, a barrier and a boundary, er, because if you cross it, if both sides cross it, erm, a lot of pain and problems can come from it. In August 1996, after 15 years of marriage, the Prince and Princess of Wales divorced.
Diana era livre para começar uma vida nova.
Diana was free to shape a new life for herself.
ANNE : Depois do divórcio das poucas vezes que a vi parecia estar melhor.
Once the divorce had come through, the few times I saw her she seemed to be in a better place.
Assim que deixou a família real que ela sentiu liberdade.
Once she was no longer a member of the royal family, she, I think, just felt a sense of freedom.
Era uma mulher muito atraente.
She was a very, very attractive woman.
E acho que era maravilhosa. mas não era escrava delas.
She was as free as a bird and I think she looked rather amazing. My mother loved her fashion, she loved her clothes, but she wasn't a slave to it.
tive uma boa ideia.
I was like, "Well, I had a good idea."
A venda dos seus vestidos começou um novo capítulo na vida da princesa.
The sale of her dresses marked a new chapter in the Princess's life.
força a atenção dos mídia para o que fazia e não no que vestia.
From now on, she would force the press to focus on what she did and not on what she wore.
E sabia que ao fazer isso ia propagar pelo mundo fora.
And she knew that by doing that it was going to have a ripple effect across the whole world. In August 1997, only three weeks before she died, Diana arrived in Bosnia.
O país estava despedaçado por uma guerra civil brutal. era um dos lugares mais perigosos do mundo.
The country had been torn apart by a brutal civil war. With a million landmines still lurking underground, it was one of the most dangerous places on Earth.
os guias de Diana na Bósnia foram dois ativistas antiminas. na Bósnia... 489 ) } Eu não recomendava ir connosco.
Diana's guides in Bosnia were two committed landmine activists. The willingness to take such a crazy risk on these two American, you know, legless cowboys - we have one leg between both of us - who didn't have, you know, two shekels to rub together in Bosnia... I wouldn't have recommended that she go with us.
Era deprimente a Bósnia pós conflito.
It was in a depressing environment in the post-conflict area of Bosnia.
E ele noite e dia visitava sobreviventes. a Princesa de Gales podia estar lá.
And she was, morning to night, visiting survivors. Most people want to get away from pain ; They can't listen to pain ;
Enquanto estava na Bósnia que perdeu a perna ao pisar uma mina.
While she was in Bosnia, Diana met some of the younger victims of the conflict, like 12-year-old Zarko, who'd lost his leg after stepping on a landmine.
Também perdeu uma perna quando pisou uma mina
He'd also lost his leg after stepping on a landmine.
A visita à Bósnia fazia parte de uma campanha maior ela preparava uma proibição mundial das minas. cartas que faltavam ser revistas datadas de 31 de Agosto.
Diana's Bosnian visit was part of a wider campaign. Behind the scenes, she was pushing for a global landmine ban. About a month ago, I found a whole series of letters, er, letters that she was supposed to top and tail that were, er, dated 31st August.
E só recentemente eu percebi verdadeiramente o efeito que ela tinha naquelas áreas e também à escala internacional. foi assinado um pacto a proibir minas.
And it's only recently, over the years, that I've actually really understood the effect that she was having in those areas, and on an international scale as well. Three months after Diana's visit to Bosnia, an international treaty was signed outlawing landmines.
Foi talvez a sua maior conquista.
It was perhaps her greatest achievement.
Tinha a capacidade de mudar a mentalidade de milhões de pesssoas.
She had the ability to literally change a mindset of millions upon millions of people.
Talvez com menos cabelo.
You maybe have a little bit less hair.
Vocês foram... talvez as últimas pessoas a ver a minha mãe.
You guys were the... almost the last people to see my mother.
Deve ter sido estranho pra vocês terem... uma princesa daquelas aparecer e... mostrar interesse nas vossas vidas e com a Bósnia e a situação das minas?
Was it quite strange for the two of you to have a... to have a Princess like that come and... to come and show an interest in your lives and... and... and within Bosnia, the landmine issue?
Ela era a única luz no fundo do túnel para nós.
She was the only light at the end of the tunnel for us.
( TRADUZ ) recordo essa frase. o Príncipe Harry está a terminar o trabalho que a sua mãe começou.
Whenever I had hard times, I remember that sentence. On the 20th anniversary of Diana's visit to Bosnia, Prince Harry is finishing the work his mother began.
Obrigado. estavam a desfrutar do verão nos planaltos escoceses.
Please help me keep her word to Zarko and Malic, and other people like them throughout the world, who still need us to finish the job. Thank you. During August 1997,
WILLIAM : A última memória que tenho dela é um telefonema em Balmoral.
A very last memory that I have is a phone call at Balmoral.
Na altura o Harry e eu andávamos a brincar divertidos. em vez de falar uns com os outros por causa da situação.
At the time, Harry and I were running around, minding our own business, playing with our cousins and having a very good time. As a kid, I never enjoyed speaking to my parents on the phone, erm, and we spent far too much time speaking on the phone rather than speaking to each other, because of just the way the situation was.
Ouve uma altura quando estavam separados ou pouco tempo com o pai. que eu ganhava. não quero fingir sermos os únicos a ter que passar por aquilo
Their Royal Highnesses have no plans... There was the point of where our parents split, and the two of us were bouncing between the two of them and... and we didn't... we never saw our mother enough or we never saw our father enough. You know, there was a lot...
É um duende.
It's a leprechaun.
Isto é uma reunião.
I mean, this was, this was it, 20 years ago. This is a reunion.
Está a lançar uma campanha para destruir todas as minas que restam. era acerca das pessoas. semanas antes da sua morte precoce... ela disse-lhe que não seria esquecido. e a pessoas como eles pelo mundo fora que ainda precisam de nós para acabar o trabalho.
He's launching a new campaign to destroy every remaining landmine. The attention my mother brought to this issue wasn't about politics, it was about people. When my mother said goodbye to Zarko that August, just weeks before her untimely death...

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