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Attacked traducir inglés
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Estive a filmar o dia todo e tenho imagens óptimas de um urso polar que quase me atacou.
Hmm? Well, I've been filming all day, and I got some really great footage of a polar bear that almost attacked me.
Pelo que me parece... o desenho e a tecnologia desta nave... n � o � como as que nos atacaram.
To my eye... the design and the technology of this ship... is nothing like the ones that attacked us.
Mas voc � s atacaram-me com as mesmas armas que eles usaram connosco.
But you attacked me with the same weapons they used on us.
Eles atacaram-te?
They attacked you?
Tu vives na rua. Podes ser assaltada ou atacada!
You're out on the street, you could be robbed or attacked!
Fomos atacados por um Bergen.
We just got attacked by a Bergen.
Depois fui atacada por um duche que está a tentar matar-nos!
I was attacked by a douche. He's trying to kill us!
O teu cão acabou de atacar a minha filha!
Your dog just attacked my daughter!
Ele foi atacado brutalmente.
He was brutally attacked.
Nem sequer planeávamos invadir o Iraque. "
"We didn't even have plans when we attacked Iraq."
Está a dizer que não sabe quem o atacou?
Are you saying that you don't know who attacked you?
Nunca disse que fui atacado.
I never said I was attacked, Sarge.
Porque quando os japoneses atacaram Pearl Harbor, levei isso a peito.
Because when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, I took it personal.
Criaturas Jade atacaram as nossas aldeias.
Jade creatures attacked our villages.
O Kai atacou o Vale.
Kai attacked the Valley.
Não podemos ser subornados ou atacados, porque eu apenas represento o interesse velado de uma administração.
We can not be bribed or attacked, Because I just represent the veiled interest Of an administration.
Quem os teria atacado aqui, em campo aberto?
Who would've attacked them out here in the open?
Sonhei que Godefroy, o Audaz, regressou e nos atacou.
Godefroy the Hardy returned and we were attacked.
Porque não atacaste a cidade?
Why haven't you attacked the city?
Um romano foi atacado na casa dos Hur.
There's talk. A Roman attacked at the house of Hur.
Fui atacada no caminho.
I was attacked along the way.
A nossa nave foi atacada.
Our ship was attacked.
You've attacked us.
Porque é que nos atacaram?
Why were we attacked?
Estás a ser atacado
You're being attacked.
fui agredido.
Yes, I've been attacked.
Fui atacada por um deles.
I got attacked by one of them. - What?
A coisa que me atacou arranhou-me a cara e o peito.
The thing that attacked me, Kate, scratched my face and my chest while it was strangling me.
Porque foi atacado.
Because he was attacked.
Ele é que atacou.
He attacked.
O governo atacou.
The government attacked.
Tu sabes, esta não é a primeira vez que ele nos atacou.
You know, this isn't the first time he attacked us.
- O quê? Tu atacaste-me.
You attacked me.
Este... este pastor atacou-me!
This... this pastor attacked me!
e começou a atacar-nos ela matou três dos meus homens.
She... she attacked... She killed three of my men.
Era ela a SemMage que atacaste?
And she was the No-Maj you attacked?
Fomos atacados à noite, enquanto dormíamos, pelos discípulos fanáticos do Nazareno.
We were attacked in the night while sleeping by the Nazarene's rabid disciples.
Quantos vos atacaram?
How many attacked you?
Fomos atacados durante a noite enquanto dormíamos, por discípulos fanáticos.
We were attacked in the night while sleeping by the rabid disciples.
200 separatistas fortemente armados da Frente de Libertação Nacional atacaram a cidade de Zamboanga.
Two hundred heavily armed separatists from the National Liberation Front attacked the city of Zamboanga.
Fomos atacados por um esquadrão de guerra de Dominion.
We were attacked by a Dominion war squad.
Trisha, a forma que ele atacou esse homem...
Trisha... the way he attacked that man there had to be something personal.
Erik Lehnsherr, atacar o Presidente e o governo no relvado da Casa Branca.
Erik Lehnsherr, attacked the President... and the Cabinet on the lawn of the White House.
E além disso ele atacou-me com uma faca.
he attacked me with a knife.
Não era para ser real, mas o Frank embebedou-se e atacou-me.
It wasn't meant to be real. But then Frank got drunk and attacked me.
Atacaste-me no túnel, porque eu vi-a contigo.
You attacked me in that tunnel because I saw her with you!
Ele atacou-o.
He just attacked him.
Achas que foi o tipo que te atacou?
- The guy who attacked you?
- E se fosses atacado?
What if you was attacked?
Atacou a minha carruagem.
He attacked my carriage.
Sabias que íamos ser atacados!
You knew we would be attacked.