/ portugués → inglés / Bitsy
Bitsy traducir inglés
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A mãe ursa, o pai urso, e, um ursinho fofinho!
The mama bear, the papa bear, and the itsy-bitsy baby bear.
Uma bonita e pequena mosca caseira?
A cute, teeny-weeny, itsy-bitsy housefly?
Pequeno, muito pequeno.
A little nail. A little bitsy nail.
Nem sequer um corrimento nasal?
Not even an itsy-bitsy nosebleed?
Você não abriu a boquinha.
You wouldn't open your little, bitsy lips.
"Itsy-Bitsy Bikini"?
"Itsy-Bitsy Bikini"?
Ela está cheia desses pequeninos buraquinhos, o que significa que a bile continua vindo através da minha vesícula, pingando através da minha vesícula, pelos buraquinhos pequenininhos.
It's full of these itsy-bitsy, weeny holes, which means that the bile keeps coming through my gallbladder, dripping through my gallbladder through these itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny holes.
- Em pedacinhos.
- Itsy-bitsy pieces.
Quer-me dizer que este pirralho é a mente científica mais brilhante dos nossos tempos?
You mean to tell me this itsy-bitsy little kid is the most brilliant scientific mind of our times?
Não quero ver um pedacinho intacto.
I want nothing left but itsy-bitsy splinters.
Talvez nos sentemos aqui e converse comigo um tempinho, meu precioso.
Perhaps ye sits here and chats with it a bitsy, my preciousss.
Bitsy Glass. - Joe Pickles.
Bitsy Glass, Joe Pickles.
A pequena aranha Subiu pelo algeroz
The itsy-bitsy spider Went up the waterspout.
A pequena aranha
The itsy-bitsy spider.
A pequena aranha Subiu pelo algeroz
Itsy-bitsy spider Went up the waterspout.
E a pequena aranha
And the itsy-bitsy spider.
A pequena aranha
Itsy-bitsy spider.
- Bitsy.
- Bitsy.
Bitsy, parte-me o coração se disser que não se lembra de mim.
Bitsy, don't break my heart and tell me you don't remember me.
A pequenina aranha
The itsy bitsy spider.
E a pequenina aranha
And the itsy bitsy spider.
A pequenina aranha Subiu pelo cano da água
The itsy bitsy spider Climbed up the water spout.
" Vi a dona aranha...
The itsy-bitsy spider
" E a dona aranha...
And the itsy-bitsy spider
- "Itsy Bitsy Spider"?
- "Itsy Bitsy Spider"?
Sou eu que tenho de trazer tudo?
Why do I have to carry everything anyway? You get to carry a little bitsy baby purse.
minhocas finas e pequenas
"... itsy-bitsy, fuzzy worms
Uma aranhinha.
Ltsy-bitsy spider.
uma tremenda farsa política, que se atrevia a ridicularizar todas as ideologias no auge da Guerra Fria.
It was an itsy-bitsy teenie-weenie? a savage political farce that dared ridicule all ideologies at the height of the Cold War.
Bitsy, não ladra.
Bitsy, no bark.
- Estás pronta para algo exitante amor?
Are you ready for something itsy-bitsy, baby?
Bem, é um mundo muito pequenino afinal de contas.
Well, it's an itsy-bitsy world after all.
Era um biquini pequenino às bolinhas amarelas
♪ It was an itsy bitsy, teeny-weeny ♪ ♪ Yellow polka dot bikini
Que usava pela primeira vez
♪ that she wore for the first time today ♪ ♪ An itsy bitsy, teeny-weeny ♪
Bem ainda há uma pequenina e simples coisinha que nos falta...
Well there is one last teeny-tiny, itsy-bitsy thing we still need.
Temos aqui um problemazito.
We got a tiny, little, itsy-bitsy problem here, OK?
Bastava um simples divórcio e rasgar a nossa certidão em pequenos, pequeninos pedacinhos de papel.
All it would've taken was a simple divorce... and ripping our prenup to teeny, itsy-bitsy little pieces.
- E eu sou a Bitsy Mae.
- And'm Bitsy Mae.
- pequeníssimos artefactos e...
Itsy-bitsy artefacts and...
- Baixe isto, Bitsy.
- Turn that down, Bitsy.
- Claro, Bitsy.
- We sure can, Bitsy.
Bitsy, você já teve um caso... com algém que faltasse um braço ou outra coisa?
Bitsy, have you ever had an affair... with anybody with missing limbs or anything?
- Muito bom, Bitsy.
- That's real good, Bitsy.
Sua melhor amiga até o fim foi Bitsy Mae Harling.
Her best friend toward the end was Bitsy Mae Harling.
Bitsy Mae Harling que namorava negros no segundo grau?
Bitsy Mae Harling who used to date blacks in high school?
Bitsy Mae Harling e Mama.
Bitsy Mae Harling and Mama.
Lá está a Bitsy!
There's Bitsy.!
Por que, neste mundo, você estaria às voltas com a Bitsy Mae Harling?
Why on Earth would you run around with the likes of Bitsy Mae Harling?
" Cacifo 1049 :
And the itsy-bitsy spider
Bitsy, não ladra.
Bitsy... - Me?