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Blakely traducir inglés

116 traducción paralela
Esta é Miss Blakely, Mr.
This is Miss Blakely, Mr. Rutland.
Entraremos em contacto consigo.
Well, you'll hear from us, Miss Blakely, I'm sure.
- Bom dia, Miss Blakely.
- Good day, Mr. Rutland. - Good day, Miss Blakely.
E as fabulosas atuações de Karen Black e Ronee Blakely.
And the fabulous performances of Karen Black, Ronee Blakely!
Como disse o Inspector Blakely?
What did Inspector Blakely call it?
98B643, Blakely ;
98B643, Blakely ;
John Blakely aceitou a oferta.
John Blakely's accepted the offer.
Foi o mesmo tipo que desviou John Blakely da "Datarc".
He's the same guy that nabbed John Blakely from DatArc.
- Sabias que Blakely era a pedra basilar daquela empresa?
- Then you know that Blakely was well-rooted in that company.
Tu mataste a esposa de John Blakely.
You killed John Blakely's wife.
Estes são os detectives Blakely e Preciado, Divisão de Homicídios.
Detectives Blakely and Preciado, Davis Homicide.
Então chama-se Blakely?
So your name's Blakely?
- Quem deu o alerta tinha esse nome.
- First responder was a Blakely.
- Aviso o Blakely e o Preciado?
- Should I tell Blakely and Preciado? - Of course.
Não se mexa, Carris!
BLAKELY : Don't move, Carris, hands up.
Tem calma.
BLAKELY : Hey, calm down.
- Em casa do Blakely?
- At Blakely's?
- Vou falar com o Blakely.
- I'm gonna speak with Blakely.
- Não te vai contar nada.
- Blakely's not gonna tell you anything.
O Blakely é da velha guarda.
No, Blakely's old school.
- Queria falar com Katherine Blakely.
- I'd like to speak with Katherine Blakely.
O agente Sam Blakely?
Officer Sam Blakely?
Quando se ouve o nome "Blakely" em Davis,
When people see the Blakely name in Davis...
Agente Blakely, podia deixar-nos a sós, por favor?
Officer Blakely, could we have a moment alone, please?
Tu és o Dale Blakely.
You're Dale Blakely.
Detective Blakely...
Detective Blakely- -
- O que lhe dava ela em troca?
CHO : What did she give you in return? BLAKELY :
O Sam Blakely chegou.
Sam Blakely's here.
Agente Blakely, obrigada por ter vindo.
Officer Blakely, thanks for coming.
Agente Blakely?
Officer Blakely?
Agente Blakely?
JANE : Officer Blakely?
- Blakely, pouse a arma!
- Blakely, drop the gun!
- E agora, ela sabe?
- Does she know now? BLAKELY :
- Diz Blakely.
Erm it says the Blakely.
Penso que têm dois quartos reservados em nome de Cranham e Blakely?
I think you have a couple of rooms booked under Cranham and Blakely?
Sr. Blakely?
Mr. Blakely?
Sr. Blakely.
Mr. Blakely.
O Sr. Blakely disse que se tinha ido embora.
Mr. Blakely said you had left.
Como as merdas que tínhamos quando andávamos às ordens do Blakely. Blakely?
It's like when Blakeley and I were in the swamp for two days.
John Blakely.
John Blakely.
Os outros nomes são Hunter Ahern e Jeff Blakely.
The other names are Hunter Ahern and Jeff Blakely.
- Dê tempo ao homem, Sr. Blakely.
Give the man some time, Mr. Blakely.
Blakely está no seu auge entre as 8h e as 11h.
Blakely is at her prime between 8 : 00 and 11 : 00 a.m.
- Sim, Jules. - Ray, achámos o Mo Blakely.
Hey, Ray, we've got a positive on Mo Blakely.
A vítima é Mo Blakely.
Victim Mo Blakely.
Jules, verificaste o Mo Blakely, disseste que ele tem ficha?
Hey, Jules. You checked on Mo Blakely, said he had a rap sheet?
Isso porque, de acordo com o registo do Mo Blakely, o Ronnie demitiu-o alguns dias antes dele se entregar.
That is because, according to Mo Blakely's employment benefits, Ronnie fired him a few days before he surrendered to authorities.
Fiquei encarregado de ajudar na situação do Mo Blakely.
I've been tasked to help manage the Mo Blakely situation.
O Sr. Blake foi um empregado que demitimos há alguns meses atrás e que agora está a ameaçar-nos com um processo judicial.
Um, Mr. Blakely was an employee that we fired a few months ago now threatening a wrongful termination suit.
Não queremos mais má publicidade. Precisamos de mais informações sobre a demissão do Sr. Blake.
We don't want any more bad press, so we need any information surrounding Mr. Blakely's termination.

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