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Butterfield traducir inglés

113 traducción paralela
Butterfield 84597.
Butterfield 84597.
Ele impediu o comboio de Butterfield de andar e impediu o correio dos US de chegar cá.
He's stopped the Butterfield stage from running he's stopped the U.S. mails from going through.
Eu sou Butlerfield, de Saint Louis, tecidos, artigos femininos...
l- - l'm- - l'm Butterfield, Saint Louis. Dry goods, ladies'hose, and notions.
Sou o Butterfield.
I'm Mr. Butterfield.
Viram a diligência do Butterfield?
You see the Butterfield coach?
- Este é o Sr. Butterfield.
- This is Mr. Butterfield.
- Butterfield.
- Butterfield.
- O Butterfield não vai.
Butterfield isn't. I am.
O Butterfield tem uns homens lá em baixo.
Butterfield's got some men downstairs.
O Butterfield também.
Butterfield too.
Às cinco para as três, o Butterfield vai abandonar... e deixa-vos sozinhos.
At five minutes to 3, Butterfield will walk out and leave you all alone.
Porque o Butterfield perdeu o seu carregamento de ouro?
Because Butterfield lost his gold shipment?
Butterfield, vou levá-lo pelas traseiras.
Butterfield, I'm gonna take him out the back way.
Butterfield 8-1-0-9-8.
Butterfield 8-1-0-9-8.
A Jade Butterfield.
Jade Butterfield. Mmm.
- A Jade Butterfield.
- Jade Butterfield. Mmm-hmm.
Jade Butterfield
Jade Butterfield.
Jade Butterfield, entra já para o carro.
Jade Butterfield, get in the car this instant.
Agora os meus amigos estão todos na festa da Jade Butterfield.
Now all my friends are at Jade Butterfield's party.
Alguém nomeou a Jade Butterfield e o seu novo amigo.
Now, someone named Jade Butterfield and her new friend.
É o Dr. Butterfield para falar com o Detective Sutton.
This is Dr. Butterfield for Detective Sutton.
Ele encurralou o Hugh Butterfield.
He's got Hugh Butterfield in the corner.
Raparigas como a Jade Butterfield não querem rapazes como tu para sempre.
Girls like Jade Butterfield, they just think they're settling for guys like you.
Jade Butterfield?
Jade Butterfield?
Hugh Butterfield.
Hugh Butterfield.
O toque chama-se Dan Butterfield.
Ever hear tell of Dan Butterfield?
Que, General Butterfield?
What, General Butterfield?
Ainda, o velho Butterfield, a chamada especial de nossa brigada.
Anyway, old Butterfield, he wrote a special call for this here brigade.
És a Jade Butterfield.
You're Jade Butterfield. ( CHUCKLES )
Jade Butterfield
MACE : Jade Butterfield
Foi o Corky Butterfield quem ma contou há uns tempos.
Corky Butterfield told me that one back in the day.
Houve uma fuga do parque de borboletas de Butterfield Ninnery?
There's been a break-out at the Butterfield Ninnery Park?
O parque de borboletas de Butterfield Ninnery.
The Ninnery Butterfly Park.
... o Agente Especial Ron Butterfield ficou ferido.
- -Agent Ron Butterfield, head of the president's Secret Service detail.
- Vou falar com o Ron Butterfield.
- l'm gonna talk to Ron Butterfield.
Encontrei-me com o Butterfield e alguns agentes.
I met with Butterfield and some agents.
Por que me encontrei com o Butterfield e os rapazes?
Why did Butterfield and the guys meet with me?
Sou o Agente Especial Ron Butterfield dos Serviços Secretos.
I'm Special Agent Ron Butterfield of the U.S. Secret Service.
O Agente Butterfield disse que não...
But Agent Butterfield said you're a reluctant...
Ron Butterfield.
Ron Butterfield.
Que pensa o Ron Butterfield?
What does Ron Butterfield think?
Agente Butterfield, ninguém sai.
Agent Butterfield, no one leaves.
Sim, estou consciente da política de privacidade da Academia Butterfield, mas isto é um homicídio...
Ye... Yes, yes, I'm very aware of Butterfield Academy's privacy policy, but this a homicide...
Sim, estou ciente da política de privacidade na Butterfield Academy, mas isto é uma investigação de um homicídio...
Ye... Yes, yes, I'm very aware of Butterfield Academy's privacy policy, but this a homicide investigation. Daluca's all over the condoms.
Ouvi dizer que andavas à procura da lista de estudantes da Butterfield Academy.
I heard you were looking for the student directory for Butterfield Academy.
- A tua filha vai para Butterfield?
Your daughter goes to Butterfield?
O Forte Cooper, em Butterfield Stage Route.
Fort Cooper... on the Butterfield Stage Route.
O Agente Butterfield vai dar os pormenores da segurança no avião.
Agent Butterfield will be briefing you on security on the plane.
Liz Taylor em Disque Butterfield 8.
Liz Taylor in Butterfield 8.
Paul Butterfield!
Paul Butterfield.
És a Jade Butterfield.
You're Jade Butterfield.

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