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Cardiff traducir inglés

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A Bronwyn e o Ivor iam ser casados pelo novo pregador, o Sr. Gruffydd, que viera da universidade de Cardiff.
Bronwyn and Ivor were to be married by the new preacher, Mr Gruffydd, who had come from the university at Cardiff.
Pai, em Cardiff os homens fazem fila para receberem pão do governo.
Father, in Cardiff the men are standing in line to have bread from the government.
Para a escola em Cardiff, a universidade depois, para seres advogado, ou médico?
To Cardiff to school, then the university to be a lawyer, is it, or a doctor?
Sim, no Queen's Hospital, em Cardiff.
Queen's Hospital in Cardiff.
Como vim parar a Cardiff?
How did I get to Cardiff?
Fala o Inspector Owen, de Cardiff.
Well, this is Inspector Owen speaking, from Cardiff.
Tal como o polícia em Cardiff.
Same as the constable in Cardiff.
Não é o homem que temos em Cardiff?
Isn't that our man in Cardiff?
Era melhor o Sargento vir a Cardiff para tentar identificar este homem.
I think the Sergeant here better come back to Cardiff with us and see if he can positively identify this man.
Ligue-me ao Queen's Hospital de Cardiff, por favor.
Put me through to the Queen's Hospital in Cardiff, please.
- Porter, Cardiff?
- Porter, Cardiff? - 10.43.
- Cardiff tem grandes docas?
Has Cardiff got big docks?
Cardiff tem grandes docas?
- Has Cardiff got big docks?
Sou a Grace Cardiff, amiga do Hutch.
I'm Grace Cardiff, Hutch's friend.
Olá, Sra. Cardiff.
Hello, Mrs Cardiff.
Sou a Grace Cardiff.
- I'm Grace Cardiff.
Encontrei-os em Cardiff, quando fingia ser o reverendo Smiler Egret.
I tracked them to Cardiff, posing as the Reverend Smiler Egret.
Quando cheguei a Londres, descobri que tinham voltado a Cardiff.
On my arrival in London, I discovered they had returned to Cardiff.
De volta a Cardiff, revivi o meu triunfo como Sancho Pança em Man of La Mancha, que o Bristol Evening Post descreveu como : "Uma actuação brilhante de rara sensibilidade." Embora o Bath Chronicle tenha sido menos entusiasta.
Back in Cardiff, I relived my triumph as Sancho Panza in Man of la Mancha, which the Bristol Evening Post described as'a glittering performance of rare perception', although the Bath Chronicle was less than enthusiastic.
O grande cliente, Mr. Eric Praline, que está inevitavelmente aterrado pela magnificência, até mesmo pelo absurdo desta grande ocasião, aqui em Cardiff Arms Park, está finalmente espantado.
And the great customer, Mr. Eric Praline who is understandably awed by the magnificence and even the absurdity of this great occasion here at Cardiff Arms Park has finally gone spare.
Vi-o lutar em Cardiff, Gales.
I saw you fight in Cardiff, Wales.
Em Cardiff, trabalhava em casa. Sempre o aceitei quando vivia lá, mas agora, mata-me vê-la ser usada assim.
In Cardiff, my mother had always worked from home, which I always just accepted when we lived together, but now when I go and see her, it kills me to see how she gets used, man.
Percebes : podias ser o Travis Bickle de Cardiff! Uma bomba-relógio.
You could be Cardiff's answer to Travis Bickel, on a timer waiting to explode.
Viemos de Cardiff p'ra dizer "OLÁ"!
We came all the way from Cardiff to say hi!
Eu quero que ETs me raptem do planeta Cardiff!
Said away goes trouble down the drain I want E.T.'s to abduct me from planet Cardiff.
Ponta-de-lança do Cardiff. Vive em Hell's Kitchen.
Striker out of Cardiff, now residing in Hell's Kitchen.
Se eles vos telefonarem e pedirem a vossa conta, vocês dizem Cardiff Giant.
if they call you up and they ask you the account, you say "cardiff giant".
Com o sinal "Cardiff Giant".
The sign. Cardiff giant.
Eu só sei que Cardiff Giant é a nossa conta.
i don't know. All i know- - cardiff giant. That's our account.
Eu trato da maior parte das contas da Cardiff Giant.
well, i handle most of, uh, cardiff giant's accounts.
O quarto e a taxa foram escolhidos pela Cardiff Giant assim como $ 150 para despesas secundárias.
Is that for this here? room and tax have been picked up by cardiff giant, sure has. Plus 150 in incidentals.
Cardiff Giant?
or cardiff giant?
Já falou com eles?
cardiff giant. You ever deal with them before? have you ever dealt with my people before?
Estamos na conta do Cardiff Giant.
we're with the cardiff giant account.
Talvez seja melhor ver neste nome.
cardiff giant.
- É melhor ver em Cardiff Giant.
What? cardiff giant. Just check the list.
Talvez queira tentar o China Club.
cardiff giant. Maybe you want to try the china club.
Ela diz que tem um novo inquilino, de Cardiff, e parece que é gay.
I was talking to old Ma Evans and she's taken in a lodger from Cardiff. And guess what - he is a gay!
Sabem, a beleza do sorteio da Taça é que é uma questão de sorte, a hipótese de encontrar um dos velhos rivais, como o Cardiff ou o West Ham, ou se tivermos muita sorte, o Millwall.
See, the beauty of the Cup draw is, it's a lucky dip, a chance to meet one of the old rivals, like Cardiff or West Ham, or if you're really lucky, Millwall.
Estes gajos podiam ser do West Ham, Cardiff, Arsenal, Stoken e até do Manchester.
And this lot could be West Ham, Cardiff, Arsenal, Stoken even Man United.
Cardiff City vai jogar...
- Cardiff City will play...
Deveríamos ter ficado num hotel em Cardiff.
We should've stayed at a hotel in Cardiff.
Numa pequena loja em Cardiff.
A little place in Cardiff.
Então, o que estão a fazer em Cardiff?
So what are you doing in Cardiff?
Cardiff tem uma fenda a atravessar a cidade.
Cardiff's got a rift through the middle of the city.
Cardiff, século 21. e o vento vem de... este. Confia em mim.
Cardiff, early 21st century, and the wind's coming from the... east. Trust me.
Esta central nuclear mesmo no coração de Cardiff vai dar trabalho a toda a gente!
This nuclear power station right in the heart of Cardiff city will bring jobs for all!
O Castelo de Cardiff vai ser demolido, permitindo ao Projeto Blaidd Drwg crescer, alto e orgulhoso. Um monumento à indústria galesa.
Cardiff Castle will be demolished, allowing the Blaidd Drwg Project to rise up, tall and proud, a monument to Welsh industry.
Desculpe, chamo-me Cathy Salt, Represento o Jornal de Cardiff.
Excuse me, my name's Cathy Salt, I represent the Cardiff Gazette.
E o acidente com o Comité do Património de Cardiff?
And the accident with the Cardiff Heritage Committee.
Da Cardiff Giant?
Are you familiar with him?

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