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Channing traducir inglés

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Margo Channing é uma estrela do teatro,
Margo Channing is a star of the theatre.
Seis noites por semana a ver Margo Channing entrar e sair do teatro.
Six nights a week for weeks of watching even Margo Channing enter and leave a theatre.
É a melhor amiga de Margo Channing.
You're Margo Channing's best friend.
- Olá, Menina Channing.
- Hello, Miss Channing.
- Gosto de tudo que a Menina Channing faz.
- I'd like anything Miss Channing played in.
Acho que a grandeza da Menina Channing está na capacidade de escolher o melhor.
I think part of Miss Channing's greatness lies in her ability to pick the best plays.
- A sua nova peça é para ela, não é?
Your new play is for Miss Channing, isn't it?
E depois, uma noite, Margo Channing representava Remembrance, e eu fui ver.
And then, one night, Margo Channing came to play in Remembrance, and I went to see it.
Menina Channing?
Miss Channing?
"A Menina Channing sabe que mandou vir gin nacional por engano?"
"Does Miss Channing know that she ordered domestic gin by mistake?"
Os restos mortais de Margo Channing... sentada.
The remains of Margo Channing sitting up.
Menina Channing não envelhece.
Miss Channing is ageless.
Estar aqui com a Menina Channing foi um... não consigo dizer.
Being here with Miss Channing has been a... I just can't say.
- A Menina Channing tem tudo organizado, não há muita coisa para me manter ocupada como devia.
- Miss Channing's affairs are in good shape, so there isn't enough to keep me as busy as I should be.
Mas no outro dia quando o Sr. Fabian disse à Menina Channing que a substituta dela ia ter bebé e tinham de arranjar outra...
But the other day when Mr. Fabian told Miss Channing that her understudy was going to have a baby and they'd have to replace her...
E se tivesse de representar uma noite para um público que fosse ver Margo Channing...
Suppose I had to go on one night to an audience that came to see Margo Channing.
- Acha que a Menina Channing aceita?
- You think Miss Channing would approve?
Menina Channing, nem imagina como me agrada ter chegado atrasada.
Miss Channing, I can't tell you how glad I am that you arrived so late.
Fui terrível, Menina Channing.
I was dreadful, Miss Channing.
Tudo o que um dramaturgo pensa em querer escrever, até a peça se tornar um veículo para a Menina Channing.
Everything a playwright first thinks of wanting to write about, until his play becomes a vehicle for Miss Channing.
A mim, não à Margo Channing.
But me, not Margo Channing.
Bill ama Margo Channing.
Bill's in love with Margo Channing.
Mas daqui a dez anos Margo Channing já não existirá.
But ten years from now Margo Channing will have ceased to exist.
Mas ainda é a interpretação da Menina Channing.
But it's still Miss Channing's performance.
- A Menina Channing já chegou?
- Has Miss Channing come in?
Margo Channing no Cub Room,
Margo Channing in the Cub Room.
"Esta noite Menina Margo Channing teve uma interpretação na tua peça banal como nunca vi antes, e não espero ver novamente."
"Tonight Miss Margo Channing gave a performance in your cockamamie play, " the like of which I have never seen before and expect rarely to see again. "
- Mais champanhe Menina Channing?
- More champagne, Miss Channing?
Menina Channing deve ficar contente.
Miss Channing should be happy to hear that.
Margo Channing.
Margo Channing.
Alathea manda o mordomo convidar Channing para o pequeno-almoço, mas, em vez disso, bebem whisk ey sours.
Alathea sends her butler to ask the lifeguard to have breakfast. But instead, they have whiskey sours.
Ela apaixona-se por Channing, que nao é bem nadador-salvador, mas estuda para ser "bacterogista".
She falls in love with Channing who's not really a lifeguard but is studying to be a bachelorterologist.
Ela quer casar-se com ele, mas Channing anda atrás de bactérias.
She wants him to marry her, but what Channing's after is bacteria.
Channing nao se lança á água porque pensa que é a fingir.
Channing won't swim after her because he thinks it's a trick.
Há aqui alguém que nos dê boleia para Channing?
Is there someone that can give us a ride to Channing?
Parece que um Agente Alonzo Mosely e o seu parceiro foram vistos a apanhar um comboio de carga perto de Channing.
It seems that an Agent Alonzo Mosely and his partner... were seen hopping a westbound freight train near Channing.
- Sim, mesa do Channing.
- Yeah, Channing's desk.
- Detective Channing, por favor.
- Detective Channing, please.
- Ei, Channing.
- Hey, Channing.
- Onde está o Channing?
- Where's Channing?
Channing, quero falar contigo.
Channing, I want to talk to you.
Secretária do Detective Channing, Detective Fishman falando.
Detective Channing's desk, Detective Fishman speaking.
Pareço a Carol Channing?
Do you think I look like Carol Channing?
Os seus colegas descrevem Patrick Channing,
Coworkers described Alleged pentagram killer,
Whoa! Woo! Hey!
Patrick Channing, o Assassino do Pentagrama.
Patrick Channing, the pentagram killer.
- Quão bem conhecia o Channing?
How well did you know Channing?
- Quem? - O Channing.
E se fosse mesmo o Channing?
What if it was Channing? Listen to me.
O famoso assassino do Pentagrama...
Patrick Channing,

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