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Cobain traducir inglés

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Perguntei o que fazia quando o Kurt Cobain morreu e disse que estava a ver cartoons.
I asked him where he was when kurt cobain died and he said he was watching cartoons.
Liberace Unplugged, Jim Morrison ao vivo com o Irving em Berlim... e o álbum de Natal do Kurt Cobain.
"Liberace Unplugged," "Jim Morrison Sings Irving Berlin" and Kurt Cobain's "Christmas Album."
Achas que ele se matou?
Think he pulled a Cobain?
Não foi nada de grave.
It wasn't like Cobain.
Como o Jim Morrison ou o Kurt Cobain.
You know, like, like Jim Morrison or Kurt Cobain.
- É o Cobain?
- Is it Cobain?
E se o Kurt Cobain tivesse desistido?
What if Kurt Cobain had quit?
Esta canção é do Kurt Cobain. Aquele puto tem futuro!
That song was by Mr Kurt Cobain, now that kid's got a future, huh?
- O Kurt Cobain, filho.
Kurt Cobain, son.
Follow me!
Kurt Cobain!
Kurt Cobain!
O Kurt Cobain matou aquela cabra maluca da Courtney Love, cortou a sua pila, comprou umas mamas, e ele agora é a Courtney Love.
Kurt Cobain killed that crazy bitch Courtney Love, cut off his own dick, bought him some titties, and he's Courtney Love.
A última vez que estive numa igreja, foi quando morreu o Kurt Cobain.
Last time I was in church was when Kurt Cobain died.
Estão um pouco dormentes, mas fiquei com calos à Kurt Cobain.
They're just a little numb. But I've got these Kurt Cobain calluses now, how cool is that?
Não venhas com essa... coisa de ser um incompreendido, à Kurt Cobain.
Don't give me that whole... 'I'm so misunderstood,'Kurt Cobain-y thing.
O grunge morreu muito antes do Kurt Cobain.
Grunge died long before Kurt Cobain did.
Para falar a verdade, foi o último concerto dos Nirvana antes do Kurt Cobain...
Actually it was the last Nirvana concert before Kurt Cobain...
Come on, I want to hear it, Kurt Cobain.
Come on, I want to hear it, Kurt Cobain.
Passei por isso e não me matei como o Kurt Cobain.
I went through it and didn't kill myself like Kurt Cobain.
O Kurt Cobain, sim, queria fazer mal a ele próprio.
Kurt Cobain, yeah, he wanted to hurt himself.
O Richie e eu escrevemos essa depois que o Kurt Cobain morreu.
Richie and I wrote it after Kurt Cobain died.
Kurt Cobain obviamente não teve ninguém que lhe ajudasse em suas dificuldades.
Kurt Cobain obviously didn't have somebody to help him through the hard part.
O que distinguia os Nirvana era o Kurt Cobain.
What set Nirvana apart was Kurt Cobain.
Something In The Way é uma canção complicada, porque as pessoas achavam que o Cobain falava de ele viver debaixo de uma ponte.
Something In The Way is a complicated song because people assumed that Cobain talked about himself living under this bridge.
Não é preciso ser um existencialista para perceber sobre o que o Kurt canta.
You don't have to be an existentialist to get what Kurt Cobain is singing about.
Não soava a História, nem a futuro, soava incrivelmente.
What set Nirvana apart was Kurt Cobain. He was the outsider.
Agarrei em dois microfones e liguei-o, desliguei o telefone da ficha, desliguei as ventoinhas e liguei o gravador. E disse : "Faz o que achas que tens de fazer."
Something In The Way is a complicated song because people assumed that Cobain talked about himself living under this bridge.
Something In The Way é uma canção complicada, porque as pessoas achavam que o Cobain falava de ele viver debaixo de uma ponte.
At some points we punched bar by bar to make sure it was really languid. When Dave was doing the drums, Kurt was in the control room saying, "Quieter."
Mas tocou de forma muito suave, muito atenuada.
You don't have to be an existentialist to get what Kurt Cobain is singing about.
O Kurt Cobain? Ele levou-me o grilo.
Kurt Cobain, he took my cricket.
Estou a beber com o Ernest Hemingway, Van Gogh e Kurt Cobain.
Hanging out drinking with Ernest Hemingway, Van Gogh and Kurt Cobain.
O corpo de Kurt Cobain foi encontrado de um tiro disparado pelo próprio.
Kurt Cobain's body was found in a garage apartment adjacent to his home, dead of an apparently self-inflicted shotgun wound.
Vives em Seattle e a tua filha nunca ouviu falar do Kurt Cobain?
You live in seattle And your kid's never heard of kurt cobain?
Kurt Cobain morreu hoje.
Kurt Cobain died today.
E de Kurt Cobain?
And Kurt Cobain?
Eu adoro o Kurt Cobain.
I adore Kurt Cobain.
Posso me parecer mais ainda com o Kurt Cobain.
I can look more like Kurt Cobain.
Ele tinha o charme de rancor do Kurt Cobain e a destreza com os media do Donald Trump.
He had the grunge charm of Kurt Cobain and the media savvy of Donald Trump.
Se estiver que esperar que sejas o Kurt Cobain, nunca vou ser mãe.
If I have to wait for you to become Kurt Cobain, I'm never going to be a mother.
Estou a dizer que o Cobain não queria deixar este mundo, só tentava deixar a Courtney.
I'm just saying Cobain wasn't trying to leave this world... All right? He was just tryin'to leave Courtney.
Coleridge ou Kurt Cobain fazendo seu melhor trabalho,... sem pressões.
Say, um... Coleridge or Kurt Cobain doing their best work under the influence.
Foste melhor que o Kurt Cobain.
You were better than Kurt Cobain.
Tem alguma coisa a ver com Kurt Cobain?
Has this got something to do with Kurt Cobain?
E a bicha do Cobain tinha que ferrar tudo.
- And that Cobain pussy had to come around... and ruined it all, ya know.
Excepto o Kurt Cobain, meu Deus eu amo-o.
Except for Kurt Cobain, oh, God I love him.
Melhor que o teu Kurt Cobain.
Better than your Kurt Cobain.
Jesus, aprovo-te como o único homem fixe para além do Kurt Cobain.
Jesus, I approve of you as the only cool man besides Kurt Cobain
Marvin Cobain.
Your cousin, Marvin Cobain!
Já se escreveram tantas músicas boas depois do Cobain, mas o Zack não acredita.
I mean, there's so many great songs that have been written post-Cobain, but try and convince Zach of that.
te pareces um pouco com o Kurt Cobain.
Plus, I think I was just dating you'cause you look a little bit like Kurt Cobain.
Parecias o Cobain "Ferido".
You're like Hurt Cobain.

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