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Drums traducir inglés

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- Os tambores já começaram de passar a palavra... - e então amanhã estaremos cheios de comida e bebida para a Irmã Luke.
The drums have already started passing the word... so by tomorrow we'll be swamped with food and drink for Sister Luke.
Sim, instrumentos de percussäo, como os tambores.
Yes, instruments of percussion, like drums.
- Os tambores estão mais altos.
- The drums are getting louder.
E depois, excelência então marcharemos para o passado. Para o passado!
And soon, Your Honor, with banners flying and with drums beating, we'll be marching backward!
Não lhes deixem intimidar pelos tambores.
You must not be frightened... by the sound of a few drums.
Estou batendo os tambores.
I'm digging them drums.
Os tambores me movem.
The drums move me.
Chamar a postos.
Beat your drums to quarters.
- Trás os meus tambores.
Get my drums, right away.
Roubou 200 libras daquele escritório e logo foi até ao centro, comprar uma roupa nova e uns tambores.
He got 200 quid when he robbed that office. As soon as he gets it, he goes down south, and gets himself a Teddy boy suit and a set of skiffle drums.
Com os grandes trombones E os faróis de ra-ta-tá
With the big trombones And the rat-a-tat drums
Verão o brilho dos pratos colidindo e ouvirão o rufo dos tambores e a luz trémula dos clarins.
You'll see the glitter of crashing cymbals and hear the thunder of rolling drums and the shimmer of trumpets. Tam-tada!
- Sem bidões, andamos mais depressa...
- Without those drums, we must be lighter.. we can go faster..
É por isso que toco bateria, para compensar.
I know. That's why I play the drums. It's me active compensatory factor.
- Queria mais bateria.
Excuse. Pardon me. - I'd like more drums there.
Tambores índios.
Silencie os tambores.
No rio Our, vi um camião alemão de abastecimento a largar bidons na água, que flutuavam.
At the Our River, I saw a German fuel truck drop oil drums in the water, they floated.
Bidons vazios e homens com tubos de borracha para sacarem combustível.
Empty fuel drums and men carrying siphon hoses add up to one thing.
Soem os tambores, pois aqui está : A Millie completamente moderna!
So beat the drums,'cause here comes thoroughly modern Millie now.
Temos de marchar ao som dos tambores.
We must march to the sound of drums.
Seis ducados? Encherei de ouro os vossos tambores!
You'll get all the gold you want, enough to fill up your drums!
Às vezes, passa sobre o pescoço de um soldado, e depois ele sonha com inimigos degolados, com quezílias, emboscadas, espadas espanholas.
Sometimes she driveth o'er a soldier's neck, and then dreams he of cutting foreign throats, of breaches, ambuscadoes, Spanish blades, drums in his ear, at which he starts and wakes, and being thus frighted
- O que é aquilo?
( Drums ) - What's that?
Então, Upsidasi, o que diziam os tambores?
Well, Upsidasi, what do those drums say?
São os tambores da tribo muito má, os Noshas.
They say those are the drums of a very bad tribe - the Noshas.
Os tambores pararam.
The drums have stopped.
- Os tambores pararam.
- The drums have stopped.
São os tambores Nosha.
That's the Nosha drums.
Não ouve os tambores?
Can't you hear the drums?
E então, porque meteram os dois bebés em dois tambores?
And why did you put these little babies in those big drums?
Soem tambores e metais, vêm aí os cavalos.
Beat the drums and sound the brass, here come one big horse's ass.
Meu Deus, obrigado pelo que vamos receber e esperamos que os tambores que nos separam se calem em breve.
God, we thank you for what we're about to receive and we hope that the drums that divide us will soon be silent.
"No tempo das diligências", "A mocidade de Lincoln", "Ao rufar dos tambores", "A longa viagem de volta",
Stagecoach, Young Mr. Lincoln Drums Along The Mohawk.
Uma tipa com um rabo e umas bochechas tão cheias e firmes que nem tambores.
One girl had an ass : Her cheek s were hard like drums.
Não há muito tempo, o vale era perturbado pelo som de tambores.
Not long ago, the glens shook to the sound of drums.
- O som da bateria está vazando.
- The drums are leaking like a wino.
Ponha no nove, a bateria no 10 com outro microfone e pronto.
Put it on 9 and put the drums on 10 with a different mike, and we'll have it.
- Não, Inspector.
A roll of drums? No, sir.
Homens não batem em tambores antes de caçar tigres.
Men do not beat drums before they hunt for tigers.
Pelo cantar dos tambores!
The drums sound!
Silenciados os tambores, silêncio.
Muffle the drums, silence.
- Através dos tambores da selva, pá.
- Jungle drums, man.
Oh, os tambores são tão lamentosos Minha querida, ó meu amor
Oh, the drums are so mournful My dear, oh, my love
Na bateria está Ronnie Tutt.
On the drums is Ronnie Tutt.
Louve-O na bateria e na dança.
Praise Him on drums and in dance.
Qual é, furaste os tímpanos?
What's with you, punctured ear drums?
- Chamam o espírito de Klekih-petra.
The drums are calling the spirit of Klekih-petra.
Não mexas na bateria.
Leave them drums alone.
Os tambores do México nos chamam, Coronel.
The drums of Mexico beckon us, Colonel.
Oh, os tambores estão tão lamentosos
The song of the children at play Oh, the drums are so mournful My dear, oh, my love

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