/ portugués → inglés / Eee
Eee traducir inglés
113 traducción paralela
Vá um susto deu-me!
Eee, you fair tartled me!
Sim, fiquei com fome!
Eee, I were all hungry, like.
Cucu, eis-me.
Coo-eee! Lt's the grocer!
Tuuu... tuuuu... iJeee.... eee!
Hooooo... hooooo... Mmmeh.... Mmmeh!
Mas ela me deixou doido!
Eee! But she still pissed me off.
Ninguém me ouve? !
Então, ninguém me acode?
Pah-eee. Mine! Mine!
Meu! Não! Meu!
Pah-eee, mine, no, mine, no.
Intercontinental? Ein moment bitte, eee...
Mas o amor Não quis nada comigo
♪ but love fell out ♪ ♪ with me-eee. ♪
C'um caraças, isto dói!
Eee! Great horny toads, that smarts!
Angie, vem cá falar com este vadio antes que o arrebente.
- Tu-eee. Angie, come out here and talk to this bum... - before I stomp him into the stoop.
Ha quanto tempo.
Long time no eee.
EÉe vai oferecer-Éhe um aneÉ.
He's going to give her a ring.
E se eÉe vier a Paris e for ao teatro?
What if he came to Paris and to the theater?
EÉe vive aqui?
He Éives here?
E se eÉe descobrir que tens noivo, es uma franciu despedida.
And if he finds out you're engaged, you're a canned frog.
EÉe esta triste por estar Éonge da muÉher?
És he unhappy to be away from his wife?
EÉe apaixonou-se por eÉe proprio quando se viu ao espeÉho.
He feÉÉ in Éove with himseÉf the first time he Éooked in a mirror.
Sera que estas apaixonada por eÉe?
You are in Éove with him maybe?
- Entao, eÉe e teu?
- He beÉongs to you, then.
- Ìas eÉe parte amanha.
- But he Éeaves Paris tomorrow.
EÉe e um querido, paciente e carinhoso.
What a dear, sweet, patient darÉing he is.
- EÉa ate dorme com eÉe.
- She even sÉeeps with it.
Quando me tocas, eÉe canta pequenas cancoes.
When you touch me, it pÉays ÉittÉe tunes.
EÉe nao te consegue reconhecer.
He couÉdn't have recognized you.
EÉe esta tao zangado.
He's so angry.
EÉe nao sabe quanto eu o amo.
He doesn't know how much É Éove him.
E eÉe nao quer saber.
He doesn't care.
- EÉe nao vaÉe as tuas Éagrimas.
- He isn't worth crying about.
EÉe tambem tem andado a beber perfume?
Has he been hitting the perfume bottÉe, too?
EÉe esta aqui.
He is here.
Antes que eÉe chegue.
Before he gets here.
FaÉei com eÉe e expÉiquei-Éhe aÉgumas coisas.
- No? WeÉÉ, É had a ÉittÉe taÉk and expÉained a few things.
Sei que nao querias que eÉe tivesse quaÉquer iÉusao.
É knew you wouÉdn't want him to be under any iÉÉusions.
- Que ira eÉe pensar?
- What's he going to think?
Podes faÉar aqui, eÉe nao percebe ingÉes.
You can taÉk in here, he can't understand EngÉish.
Quando era miudo, se Éevava um cachorro doente para casa, eÉe mordia-me.
Even when É was a kid, if É brought a sick puppy home, it bit me.
EÉe quer-me pedir para evitar ostras e tem muita razao.
He wants to remind me to avoid oysters and he's quite right.
O pior de tudo... e que eÉe trabaÉha todas as noites contra as ordens do medico.
The awfuÉ part about it is... he's been working every night against the doctor's orders.
- EÉe contou o que e?
- Did he say what it was?
E do coracao, mas eÉe nao admite.
Heart, but he wouÉdn't admit it.
Fiquei surpreendida por eÉe ter deixado de beber.
É wondered why he'd given up drinking a few weeks ago.
Poucos homens fariam o que eÉe esta a fazer.
There aren't many men who'd do what he's doing.
Joy, eÉe tem de ter aÉgo para viver.
Joy, he's gotta beÉieve he's got something to Éive for.
EÉe nao se vai sacrificar por mim.
He's not gonna sacrifice himseÉf for me.
TeÉefonei-Éhe esta manha e eÉe nem se Éembrava do meu nome.
É teÉephoned him this morning and he couÉdn't even remember my name.