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Gulliver traducir inglés

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61, Burdett Street, Camden Town Gulliver, 6198...
"61 Burdett Street, Camden Town. Gulliver 6198."
Telefonista, ligue-me para Gulliver, 6198, por favor.
Operator, I want Gulliver 6198.
Dói-me um bocado a mona.
Bit of a pain in the gulliver, Mum.
Doía-me um pouco a mona e deixei-me dormir.
I had something of a pain in the gulliver, so I had to sleep.
Será talvez por puxares muito pela cachola?
Using the gulliver too much-like, maybe.
Encerraram-me num colete de forças com a cabeça amarrada à cadeira e ligada a uma data de fios.
I was bound up in a straitjacket and my gulliver was strapped to a headrest with wires running away from it.
Ela aproximou-se de mim como uma autêntica luz, a luz da graça do Céu e a primeira ideia que me veio à cabeça foi lançá-la ao chão ali mesmo e possuí-la como um selvagem.
She came towards me with the light, like it was the light light of heavenly grace. And the thing that flashed in me gulliver was that I'd like to have her there on the floor with the old in-out, real savage.
Via os médicos às voltas com a minha cabeça como que dentro do meu cérebro.
All these doctors were playing around with me gulliver. You know, like the inside of me brain.
Gulliver parece ter perdido a memória e está longe de continuar interessado em comida segura, julgando agora que é Clodagh Rodgers, a rapariga cantora.
And far from being interested in safer food Is now convinced That he is clodagh rogers, the young girl singer.
Depois de vários dias, consegui encontrar o meu amigo,
After several days I succeeded in tracking down my friend mr. gulliver
Continuando, à medida que nos afastávamos de casa e como Mr.
Anyway, as we were so far from home and as mr. gulliver- -
Gulliver, ainda pensando ser Trotsky, estava cansado de discursos dirigidos às massas de Monte Carlo...
Still believing himself to be trotsky- - Was very tired from haranguing the masses All the way from monte carlo...
Gulliver, estava claramente a atravessar outra mudança de personalidade.
My friend mr. gulliver was clearly undergoing Another change of personality.
Beowulf, os ídolos do rei, as viagens de Gulliver, a tempestade,
Beowulf, The Idols Of The King, Gulliver's Travels, The Tempest,
Depois da guerra, deixou tudo e foi para uma ilha, não sei onde.
Went to live on some small island... somewhere I think. Just like Gulliver.
No "As viagens de Gulliver" Swift escreveu sobre Laputa, mas era só uma história.
Swift wrote about Laputa in'Gulliver's Travels', but that was just a story.
No livro "Viagens de Gulliver", Swift escreveu sobre Rapyuta mas era só uma história.
Swift wrote about Laputa in'Gulliver's Travels', but that was just a story.
Parece as viagens do Gulliver.
Shades of Gulliver's Travels.
Uma é lembrada nas As Viagens de Gulliver em que dois países estiveram em guerra sobre qual o lado de um ovo fica rachado :
One is reminded of Gulliver's Travels in which two countries warred over which side of an egg gets cracked :
Vou ter uma dorzinha.
Got a pain in me gulliver.
eu me senti o proprio Gulliver.
I felt like Gulliver around that place.
Olá, Gulliver.
Hi, Gulliver.
Para cima, Gulliver.
Gulliver. Gulliver, up!
Foi por isso que fez uma cena de 10 minutos com a Florence, com a Dorothy, com o Gulliver, ouvindo, escutando e olhando para a Lynn a falar comigo e isso reafirmou o seu personagem.
That's why you'd shoot a 10-minute magazine on Florence - Dorothy Gulliver - listening and watching... and looking at Lynn talk to me in the way - and to - and that reassured her character.
Chamo-me Gulliver.
Name's gulliver.
Olá, eu sou o Gulliver.
Hey, I'm Gulliver.
E, quando for velhinha ele vai ler-lhe As Viagens de Gulliver.
And when you're gray and old, he's going to read Gulliver's Travels to you.
Disse-lhe que, quando fosse velhinha, o Sam iria ler-lhe As Viagens de Gulliver.
I told you when you're gray and old, Sam's going to read to you from Gulliver's Travels.
As Viagens de Gulliver.
Gulliver's Travels?
Precisava de apanhar ar, Sra. Gulliver.
- Fancied some air, Mrs. Gulliver.
Gulliver's Travels Subtitles : Maver.ikk
- Bom dia, colega!
"Somos namorados"
We're "boyfriend, girlfriend" "You know Gulliver and Darcy?"
"Conheces o Gulliver e a Darcy?" "Fazem o casal mais bonito de sempre"
"Yes, they're the cutest couple ever!"
Olha, Gulliver, a razão de não a teres convidado e de nunca o ires fazer, é a mesma de nunca ires sair de daqui.
Look, Gulliver, the reason you didn't ask her out and you never will, is the same reason you're not going to leave the Mailroom.
Hey, Gulliver!
As Viagens De Gulliver
Gulliver's Travels
Estou tão impressionada, Gulliver.
Wow! I'm so impressed, Gulliver.
Não me importo se me chamarem de Gulliver.
Once again, totally cool to be just called Gulliver.
Quando voltarás para casa Fantástico e Nobre Gulliver?
When do you return home, noble and awesome Gulliver?
Mr. gulliver appears to have lost his memory
Gulliver, nos arredores de Smolensk.
On the outskirts of smolensk.
- Gulliver.
Gulliver! Pither!
Como Gulliver.
Went out into the Pacific Ocean away from civilization.
Para cima!
Up, Gulliver!
Gulliver, stop! Hold it, Gulliver!
Sou o Lemuel Gulliver.
I'm Lemuel Gulliver.
- Gulliver.
Got any mail for me?
Chamo-me Gulliver.
I am Gulliver.

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