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Hank traducir inglés

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Ao que parece, Hank Mahoney trabalha como mecânico num sitio - a uma hora e meia daqui.
Turns out Hank Mahoney is a regular and he works as a mechanic at a garage like an hour and a half away.
Quando lá cheguei, o gerente disse-me que Hank se magoou a trabalhar num carro.
No, so when I got there, the shop manager told me that Hank was injured while he was working on a car.
Para de dizer "Hank", estás a confundir-me.
Stop saying Hank, it's confusing.
Soubeste dar-te bem, Hank.
Done well for yourself, Hank.
Sargt. Hank Voight,
Sergeant Hank Voight,
Hank, guarda a arma, sou eu.
Hank, put the gun down. It's me.
Hank, chama a polícia.
- Hank, call 911. - I have an intruder.
Quem é, Hank?
- Who is it, Hank?
Destranca a porta, Hank.
- Unlock the door, Hank.
- Sou a Hank.
I'm Hank.
Rusty, onde é que estás?
( bicycle bell rings ) HANK : Rusty, where are you?
- Rusty!
- É a Hank!
It's Hank!
Hank, sei que a equipa esteve a gozar-me.
Hank, I know the team was making fun of me.
ouviste o que a Hank disse.
You heard what Hank said.
A Hank quer-te lá. Foi o que ela disse.
Hank wants you there.
Estou aqui, Hank.
I'm here, Hank.
Agente Hank Bishop.
All right, here we go. Officer Hank Bishop.
- Agradeça antes à Eva.
- Don't hank me, give thanks to Eva.
Era importante para ele.
( hank ) she definitely meant something to this guy.
Se o Zack foi atrás da Bella e a encontrou, será ela testemunha ou estará envolvida?
( hank ) if zack went after bella, caught up with her, Are we thinking she's a witness to what happened Or involved?
Encontrámos o capacete e a bicicleta no caminho, e o corpo dele na ravina.
( hank ) we found his helmet and his bicycle on the trail And his body in the ravine.
Não conseguimos ligá-la ao crime nem fazê-la wogar.
( hank ) so we can't tie her to the crime And we can't make her woge.
É o Rick Thornton, membro do clube de ciclismo.
( hank ) this is rick thornton, One of the guys from the cycling club.
- A que horas fechou?
( hank ) what time did you close up tonight?
- Poderá ser a mãe?
( hank ) could that be her mother?
- Sim Hank, o que precisares.
- Of course, Hank, whatever you need.
Se quiseres, podemos contar ao Hank.
Hey, if you want to tell Hank, we can tell him.
- Não quero falar sobre o Hank.
I don't want to talk about Hank.
Contaste ao Hank?
You told Hank?
O que é que achas, Hank?
So what do you think, Hank?
- Nick, Hank, venham para aqui.
So cold. Nick, Hank, get over here.
Esta é Hank, como em a Hank.
This is Hank, as in the Hank.
Tal como em ex-fiancà © Hank.
As in ex-fiancé Hank.
É muito un-Hank.
It's very un-Hank.
Quero dizer, Jesus Cristo, Hank.
I mean, Jesus Christ, Hank.
Extremamente un-Hank.
Extremely un-Hank.
Isso foi Hank.
That was Hank.
Hank, eu quero aplicar a faculdade de medicina.
Hank, I want to apply to medical school.
Good-bye, Hank.
Good-bye, Hank.
Hank, e sim.
Hank, and yeah.
Você pedir desculpas muito, Hank.
You apologize a lot, Hank.
Fora da Sra Dr. Hank Lawson lá em algum lugar.
Mrs. Dr. Hank Lawson's out there somewhere.
Não, Hank!
Hank, não!
Hank, no!
- Este é o Detective Griffin.
This is Detective Hank Griffin.
O que foi?
- Yeah, Hank, what's up?
- Olá, Hank.
Hey, Hank.
Hank, apanhei-o!
Hank, I got him!

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