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Hastings traducir inglés

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Este Fox "Terror" não é surpreendente, Hastings?
Isn't this Fox "Terror" amaizing, Hastings?
Ela continua a temê-lo, Hastings.
She still fears him, Hastings.
Não, nós acreditamos em si, Hastings.
No, we'll take your word for it, Hastings.
- Não, não, Hastings.
- No, no, Hastings.
O Dr. Grainger está sempre ao lado dela.
This Dr. Grainger, Hastings, he is at her side.
Este caso tem muitos pares, Hastings.
This case has many pairs, Hastings.
Hastings, faça-me um favor.
Hastings, a favor.
Hastings, lembra-se do escândalo Fairbank?
Hastings, you remember the Fairbank scandal?
São jovens e tolos, Hastings.
They are young and foolish, Hastings.
Mas há uma coisa que lhe quero perguntar, Hastings.
But there is a thing I wanted to ask you, Hastings.
Se quer mesmo saber, é uma referência à Batalha de Hastings.
Well, if you must know, it's Battler as in Battle, Hastings.
Até que enfim, Hastings.
Hasting, at last.
Ainda não, Hastings.
- No. Not yet, Hastings.
Oui, mas pelo menos uma coisa boa adveio disto tudo, Hastings.
Oui, but one good thing has come from this, Hastings.
Ainda não, Hastings.
Not yet, Hastings.
O Macleay, o Hastings, o Clarence, o Manning, o Hunter e o Namoi.
The Macleay, the Hastings, the Clarence... the Manning, the Hunter, and the Namoi.
- Arroz frito com porco e crepes de ovo.
Pete Hastings pushes us in, holds the door shut... and you were crying. We were pushed in. That's right.
Ray, ele adora.
Wait, that's Pete Hastings. Guys, I want you to meet Debra Barone.
Hastings, Goldman, à frente!
Hastings, Goldman, up front!
Nasci em Hastings, na Inglaterra.
Born in Hastings, in England.
- Mon Dieu! É do Capitão Hastings!
It is from the good Captain Hastings.
Pode dizer-me se havia um passageiro chamado Capitão Arthur Hastings?
If you please, can you tell me if there was a passenger called Captain Arthur Hastings?
- Ah, mon cher Hastings! - Nunca esperei revê-lo tão cedo!
Mon cher Hastings, it was beyond all my expectations to see you again so soon.
- Bem-vindo a casa, Capitão Hastings.
- Welcome home, Captain Hastings.
Sim. E a Senhora Hastings?
And Madame Hastings?
Onde vai ficar enquanto está em Londres?
Where will you stay while you're in London, Captain Hastings?
Pobre Capitão Hastings!
Poor Captain Hastings.
- Quem é aquela, Hastings?
- Who is that, Hastings?
Achou, Hastings?
You thought so, Hastings?
Diga-me, Hastings, o que pensa desta Jane Wilkinson?
Tell me, Hastings, what is your opinion of this Jane Wilkinson?
O Monsieur Poirot e o Capitão Hastings, sua senhoria.
Monsieur Poirot and Captain Hastings, My Lord.
Há uma qualidade na Lady Edgware que é muito atraente, não acha, Hastings?
But there is a quality in Lady Edgware that is most attractive, do you not think, Hastings?
- Não, não, não, Hastings.
- No, Hastings.
Hastings, a razão por que disse estar ocupado hoje é que espero que jante comigo.
Oh, Hastings, the reason that I said I was occupied tonight, it is that I hope you will dine with me.
Capitão Hastings, está aqui o seu táxi.
- Captain Hastings? Your taxi's ready.
- Bom dia Poirot, Capitão Hastings.
- Morning, Poirot, Captain Hastings.
Veja, Capitão Hastings.
Oh, look, Captain Hastings.
Com o Inspector-Chefe a respirar-lhe no pescoço, como você diz, ela terá certamente necessidade da minha assistência.
With the Chief Inspector, as you say, Hastings, breathing down the neck, she will be in need most assuredly of my assistance.
Diga-me, Hastings, o que pensa disto?
This way, Mr Martin. So tell me, Hastings. What is your opinion of all this?
- Hastings, não percebe?
- Hastings, do you not see?
- Não, Capitão Hastings.
- No, Captain Hastings.
Hastings... Penso na morte do Lorde Edgware e nas perguntas que ainda não têm resposta.
Hastings..... I think of the murder of Lord Edgware and the questions to which there remain no answers.
Obrigado, Hastings.
Thank you, Hastings.
- Não, Hastings, não me parece.
No, no, no, Hastings. I think not.
Cinco perguntas, Hastings.
Five questions, Hastings.
E, por favor, Hastings, suplico-lhe não se atrase. Venha às sete e meia, mon ami.
Come at 7 : 30, mon ami.
Com licença, Hastings.
Excuse me, Hastings.
- Bonjour, Hastings.
- Bonjour, Hastings.
Não, não, Hastings.
No, no, no, Hastings.

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