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Heather traducir inglés

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A Heather, por outro lado, passou o último dia a parecer nervosa.
Heather, on the other hand, spent that last day looking like she was gonna pop a button on her pant suit.
A Heather, a companheira de equipa ficou infeliz com a falta de vontade dele para atravessar.
Heather, his teammate, was unhappy with his unwillingness to walk the fire.
Então, achas que depois que a Heather o repreendeu no banho de lama, ele voltou para o quarto, e ganhou coragem e tentou.
So you think that after Heather berated him in the mud bath, he went back to his room, and he warriored-up, and he gave it a shot.
Certo, Heather, muito obrigada por vir.
All right, Heather, thank you very much for coming in.
- Heather, calma.
Into America! Heather, slow down.
Ainda não abri a Heather Conner para determinar a causa da morte. Mas nos lavabos, o David encontrou isto.
Haven't had a chance to open up Heather Conner yet, to determine C.O.D.- - but, in the washroom, David found this.
A Heather Conner estava mais pedrada que o Elvis no Vegas Hilton.
Whoa. Heather Conner was higher than Elvis at the Vegas Hilton.
Encontramos pelos de cabra nas roupas da Heather.
We found goat hair on Heather's clothes.
O Justin Wade e a Heather Conner estavam sob investigação por roubar pesquisas e drogas para a fabricação de drogas sob encomenda.
Justin Wade and Heather Conner were under investigation for stealing research and drugs to manufacture designer meth.
Os mesmos traços contaminantes que encontramos na Heather Conner?
Same trace contaminants we found in Heather Conner?
- Está bem. Também investiguei umas coisas sobre o sulfato de magnésio... Das unhas da Heather.
Okay, well, I did a little follow-up of my own on the magnesium sulfate from, uh, Heather's fingernails.
Sei que acham que o Justin, a Heather e eu somos traficantes.
I know you think Justin, Heather and I are all meth dealers.
É aí que a Heather se encaixa.
That's where Heather came in.
Desculpa pela Heather, está aqui.
I'm sorry that Heather was here.
Por isso, vou dizer à Heather e ao meu pai que estarei ocupada e tu e eu poderemos...
So, I'm just gonna tell heather and my dad That I'm busy, and, um, you and I can...
- Heather. - Sim.
Que estava prestes a matar a Heather.
Who was about to shoot Heather.
Tenho que fazer isto, Heather.
I have to do this, Heather.
O seu nome era Heather.
Her name is Heather.
- Ela é um deles. A Emily, a Heather...
Emily, Heather...
A Emily, a Heather, o tipo que a Lydia achou na piscina, Todos três eram virgens.
Emily, Heather, the guy Lydia found at the pool, all three were virgins.
Não tens coragem para admitir que andas a dormir com a Heather.
You don't have enough sack to admit you're sleeping with Heather.
Ele deve pagar-lhe. - É a Heather.
I mean, she gets paid to - - he probably pays her money.
- A Heather? Está bem.
That's Heather.
Todas as jeitosas chamam-se Heather?
Heather? Okay.
Não é que ela seja jeitosa.
All hot girls got to be named Heather?
Estou a ver a Heather.
I see Heather.
- Olá, Heather.
- Hey, heather.
Por favor, deixe-me ligar para alguém, por favor!
Please let me tell someone, please, god. - Heather? - Matt?
- Heather?
- Oh, god.
Heather, eu sinto muito.
Heather, I am... I am so sorry.
Cala-te, Heather.
Shut up, Heather.
Devias ter-me dito, Heather.
You should have told me, Heather.
As raparigas no salão disseram que a Heather está desaparecida.
Well, the ladies at the hairdresser told me that Heather's missing.
Há uma rapariga, Heather Clarke, de Phoenix, Arizona.
There's one lady, Heather Clarke, from Phoenix, Arizona.
Pessoal, Heather tem uma amostra de ADN no arquivo.
Guys, Heather has a DNA sample on file.
A amostra de ADN da Heather corresponde à do dente no estômago da última vítima.
Heather's DNA sample matches the tooth found in our victim's stomach.
Heather é a vítima que ele usava para alimentar as outras. - Credo.
Garcia, Heather Clarke is the victim that our unsub's been feeding to the others.
A Heather com 16 anos terminou com um tipo chamado Wallace Hines.
When Heather was 16, she broke up with a guy named Wallace Hines.
O Wallace matou a Heather, e como isso não aliviou a sua raiva, - matou outras mulheres.
So Wallace killed Heather, and when that didn't alleviate his rage, he began killing other women.
O antigo quarto está cheio de fotografias da Heather, mas cortou a cabeça a todas elas.
His old bedroom was full of pictures of Heather, but he's cut the heads off of all of them.
E com a Heather?
And Heather? Oh, God.
Eu sei que a Heather é uma amiga, e se precisas de mais tempo, eu posso...
Look, I know Heather's a friend, and if you need more time, I can...
- Eu gosto da Heather.
- I like Heather.
- A Heather Conner.
Heather Conner.
- Heather, tem que relaxar. Está bem?
Heather, you need to relax, okay?
Blake, tu e o Reid avisem os pais da Heather.
Blake, you and Reid notify Heather's parents.
A Heather está fora da competição.
Heather's out of the competition.

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