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Howard traducir inglés

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De certeza que o Howard pagaria o custo de fósforos novos e mais.
I'm sure Howard would gladly pay the cost of new matchbooks and so on.
Queres guerra, Howard?
You wanna dance, Howard?
Quando esta reunião acabar, eu tiro o resto do dia.
I'll take care of it, okay? The last person to see Rachel was Howard Markby, a neighbour of Mrs Garrison. All right look, when this meeting is done I'll take the rest of the day off.
Homem Local Ilibado Em Caso de Desaparecida Howard Markby, anteriormente o principal suspeito no desaparecimento de Rachel Winacott de 20 anos, foi ilibado pela polícia.
Howard Markby, formerly a prime suspect in the disappearance of 20-year-old Rachel Winacott, has been vindicated by police.
Queria que eu fosse lá acima ver o que o Howard Markby estava a fazer.
She wanted me to go upstairs and see what Howard Markby was doing.
O Howard Markby era o principal suspeito por algum motivo.
Howard Markby was the main suspect for a reason.
O Howard Markby esconde algo, ele mandou a filha embora depois de nos apanhar a falar.
Howard Markby is hiding something, he sent his daughter away the day after he caught us talking.
À nossa frente estava Howard K. Smith.
Across from us was Howard K. Smith.
Se queres saber, vou a casa do Howard e da Bernadette ver o casamento.
If you must know, I'm going to Howard and Bernadette's to watch the wedding.
Howard, faz alguma coisa.
Howard, do something.
Se a Bernadette está com a Amy, eu escolho o Howard.
Well, if Bernadette's on Amy's team, I pick Howard.
Tyson, para o mastro dianteiro. Howard, para a mezena.
Tyson, foremast, Howard, mizzen,
- Capitão Howard.
- Captain Howard.
Aqui é o Capitão Howard.
This is Captain Howard.
Só disse que, ao ires pela Howard Street e não pela Maple, pouparias três minutos de viagem.
All I'm saying is if you took Howard Street, rather than Maple, we would save three minutes on the drive.
" gostava que a vida fosse mais fácil para o Tio Howard e para a Tia Linda.
"Also, I wish things weren't so hard " for Uncle Howard and Aunt Linda.
Vá lá, Howard.
Come on, Howard.
- Como o Tio Howard?
Like Uncle Howard?
Há imensos restos, Howard.
Well, there's plenty of leftovers, Howard.
Hey, Howard.
Agarra-te, Howard!
Hold on, Howard!
O Tom e o Howard sabem o que estão a fazer.
Tom and Howard know what they're doing. They're fine.
- Howard!
Mas tinha de ter a certeza que vocês estavam a salvo e trazer o Howard.
But I had to make sure you guys were safe. I had to get Howard back...
Quantas munições tens?
Howard, how much ammo do you have?
Claro, passar o Natal numa exploração de suínos.
Sure, Howard. Christmas on a pig farm.
- Boa noite, Howard.
Night, Howard.
Howard. Howard.
E eu a pensar que eu é que me tinha passado...
And here I thought I was the one losing it. Howard.
Howard, já chega.
Howard, that's enough.
Vou buscar o Howie.
- I'm getting Howie back. - Howard!
- Que estás a fazer?
Howard, what are you doing?
Que estás a fazer?
Howard, what are you doing?
- Howard...
Tu não queres fazer isto...
Howard, you don't wanna do this. Howard!
Escuta, vamos chamar o Howard e a Linda.
Let's get Howard and Linda.
Podemos falar contigo e com o Howard por um minuto?
Can we talk with you and Howard for a minute?
Howard, fica aqui.
Howard, stay here.
Tio Howard?
Uncle Howard?
Howard, é a Jordan.
Howard, that's Jordan.
Por amor de Deus, dispara!
For God's sake, Howard, shoot it!
- Onde está a Chrissy?
Howard, where's Chrissy?
Howard, a bebé!
Howard, the baby!
Howard, não!
Howard, no!
Quero um portátil.
You're the best, Howard. I want travel-size.
Falas com o Howard e explicas-lhe.
You talk to Howard, you explain things to him.
Lembras-te, eu queria fazer uma verificação da porcaria... Depois de ele ter dito que falou com Howard Dean.
Remember, I wanted to do a bullshit check... after he said he spoke with Howard Dean.
O Howard está certo, isso nunca funcionará.
Howard's right. That'll never work.
- Howard.
- Howard, eu ajudo-te.
Howard, let me help you.

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