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Ido traducir inglés

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Eu pensei que era alguém famoso que tinha lá ido para beber um copo, percebe?
I thought somebody famous had just walked in... to get a drink, you know?
Já é mau ele já ter ido, mas ver-te todos os dias a odiares-me por isso.
It's bad enough he's gone, but to see you every day hating me for it.
Deveríamos ter ido pela esquina lá no cruzamento.
It must be that we should have gone left at the fork.
Tenho pena por não teres ido ao Aquarium.
I'm sorry you had to miss the aquarium.
Tenho ido à universidade e visto algumas caras conhecidas.
I've been to the university a few times and seen a few old faces.
Ele ainda não tinha ido ao Jacuzzi, então fomos comer um hambúrguer.
He hadn't done a Jacuzzi, so we went and got a burger.
Não teria ido para a reabilitação se não fosse por ela.
I wouldn't have gone to rehab if it weren't for her.
Ido para o Sepulcro sem ti?
Headed to this Safehold without you?
Devia ter ido para a cama, mas ele ligou-me para vir cá.
I was supposed to go to sleep, but then he called me to come here.
Imaginas se eu não tivesse ido à casa de banho quando te vi?
Can you imagine if I didn't have to take a dump when you were in that hallway?
Que tinha ido à cidade comprar coisas para os filhos...
She was going down to the city to buy things for their children...
Mas a Marian não estava lá, tinha ido para casa às 11 horas.
But Marian wasn't there, she had already gone by eleven!
Ela acha que ele apenas partiu, como se tivesse ido trabalhar.
She thinks he just left, like he went to work.
Tenho ido para a academia.
- Going to gym.
Falei com o Billy, e ele disse que a Polly, a Esme e a Lizzie tinham ido para uma greve.
I just spoke to Billy, he says Polly, Esme and Lizzie... have gone on fucking strike (! )
Queria que não tivesses ido.
Wish you hadn't gone.
Devíamos ter ido quando tivemos hipótese.
We should have left when we had the chance.
No dia seguinte, a Gertrud tinha ido embora.
The next day, Gertrud was gone.
Talvez tenhas ido a casa dele para o fazer desistir?
Maybe you went over to his place to talk him out of it?
- Eu devia ter ido atrás dela?
I should have gone after her.
O sacana devia ter ido lá, dado um autógrafo à filha dele e aos outros miúdos que lá foram.
That prick should have came up here, signed an autograph for his daughter, these other little kids there. This is bullshit.
Pois, Queria ter ido.
Yeah, I wanted to come.
Ele podia ter-se ido embora comigo e com a Simu, há dias.
He could've left with Simu and me days ago.
Se quiséssemos arriscar a vida, teríamos ido para a Força Aérea.
And if we wanted to risk our lives... then we would've joined the Air Force.
Herr Strippli, já devia ter ido embora.
Herr Strippli, you should have gone by now.
Já tinha ido lá antes?
Have you been there before?
Eu teria ido desta para melhor.
I would've been gone.
Se tivesse ido para casa contigo naquela noite, isto não aconteceria.
If I would've just gone home with you that night, none of this shit would have happened.
Ela aprecia que tenha ido vê-la.
She appreciated your coming to see her.
Na realidade, não, não votou. Não devia ter lá ido.
As a matter of fact, no, she didn't.
Quando eu voltei, o Diego já se tinha ido embora e o corpo da miúda já estava no meu porta-bagagens.
By the time I came back, Diego was gone, and the girl's body was already in my trunk.
Não podem ter ido longe.
They can't have gone far.
- Ele tem ido ao escritório.
Lemme guess. He's been going into the office.
Talvez tivesses ido longe demais.
Maybe you went too far.
Talvez não tivesses ido longe demais.
Maybe you didn't go far enough.
- Você devia ter ido embora!
You should've left!
O filme era bom e ele desejou que a Vonnie tivesse ido para o partilhar com ela.
And he wished Vonnie would have been there to share.
Desculpe, julguei que já tinham ido todos para casa.
Oh! Sorry, I thought everyone on this floor had gone home.
Talvez tenha ido para fora.
Maybe he's away.
No meu oitavo aniversário depois de ele se ter ido embora... ela disse-me que... ele não era meu pai.
On my eighth birthday..... after he'd left... she told me that... he wasn't my father.
Então mais tarde alguém disse que ela "tinha ido para um lugar melhor".
Then later someone said that she'd "gone to a better place."
Devia ter ido com Amy no lago.
I was meant to go to the lake with Amy.
Se tivéssemos ido embora quando eu disse, nada disto teria acontecido.
If we had left when I said, none of this would have happened.
A ambulância que transportava a Rose já tinha ido embora,
The ambulance transporting Rose had already left,
Embora ele se tenha ido, tua aldeia ainda precisa dum protector.
Podia ter ido aos Jogos Olímpicos, mas não interessa, é fatela.
Probably could've made the Olympic team, but whatever, lame.
Devia ter ido à cena da coruja.
Dammit! Should've gone to the owl thing.
Obrigado a todos por me terem ido buscar.
Thank you all for coming to get me.
Temi que tivesses ido procurar os humanos, por causa daquilo que fiz à tua sobrinha.
I was afraid you went to the humans because of what I did to your niece.
Podias ter ido com ele sem partilhares as tuas teorias sobre o caso.
You could have gone without sharing your theories on the case.
Ele tinha muito orgulho pelo facto de eu ter ido para a faculdade de Direito e por ter começado a exercer.
He was very proud of the fact that I went to law school, and I started practicing law.

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