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Itsy traducir inglés

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A mãe ursa, o pai urso, e, um ursinho fofinho!
The mama bear, the papa bear, and the itsy-bitsy baby bear.
Uma bonita e pequena mosca caseira?
A cute, teeny-weeny, itsy-bitsy housefly?
Nem sequer um corrimento nasal?
Not even an itsy-bitsy nosebleed?
"Itsy-Bitsy Bikini"?
"Itsy-Bitsy Bikini"?
Ela está cheia desses pequeninos buraquinhos, o que significa que a bile continua vindo através da minha vesícula, pingando através da minha vesícula, pelos buraquinhos pequenininhos.
It's full of these itsy-bitsy, weeny holes, which means that the bile keeps coming through my gallbladder, dripping through my gallbladder through these itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny holes.
- Em pedacinhos.
- Itsy-bitsy pieces.
Quer-me dizer que este pirralho é a mente científica mais brilhante dos nossos tempos?
You mean to tell me this itsy-bitsy little kid is the most brilliant scientific mind of our times?
Não quero ver um pedacinho intacto.
I want nothing left but itsy-bitsy splinters.
A pequena aranha Subiu pelo algeroz
The itsy-bitsy spider Went up the waterspout.
A pequena aranha
The itsy-bitsy spider.
A pequena aranha Subiu pelo algeroz
Itsy-bitsy spider Went up the waterspout.
E a pequena aranha
And the itsy-bitsy spider.
A pequena aranha
Itsy-bitsy spider.
A pequenina aranha
The itsy bitsy spider.
E a pequenina aranha
And the itsy bitsy spider.
A pequenina aranha Subiu pelo cano da água
The itsy bitsy spider Climbed up the water spout.
" Vi a dona aranha...
The itsy-bitsy spider
" E a dona aranha...
And the itsy-bitsy spider
- "Itsy Bitsy Spider"?
- "Itsy Bitsy Spider"?
minhocas finas e pequenas
"... itsy-bitsy, fuzzy worms
De certeza que não há interesse num joguinho de Blackjack...?
uma tremenda farsa política, que se atrevia a ridicularizar todas as ideologias no auge da Guerra Fria.
It was an itsy-bitsy teenie-weenie? a savage political farce that dared ridicule all ideologies at the height of the Cold War.
- Estás pronta para algo exitante amor?
Are you ready for something itsy-bitsy, baby?
Bem, é um mundo muito pequenino afinal de contas.
Well, it's an itsy-bitsy world after all.
Era um biquini pequenino às bolinhas amarelas
♪ It was an itsy bitsy, teeny-weeny ♪ ♪ Yellow polka dot bikini
Que usava pela primeira vez
♪ that she wore for the first time today ♪ ♪ An itsy bitsy, teeny-weeny ♪
Bem ainda há uma pequenina e simples coisinha que nos falta...
Well there is one last teeny-tiny, itsy-bitsy thing we still need.
Temos aqui um problemazito.
We got a tiny, little, itsy-bitsy problem here, OK?
Bastava um simples divórcio e rasgar a nossa certidão em pequenos, pequeninos pedacinhos de papel.
All it would've taken was a simple divorce... and ripping our prenup to teeny, itsy-bitsy little pieces.
- pequeníssimos artefactos e...
Itsy-bitsy artefacts and...
Poruqe é que não cantas "Itsy Bitsy Spider"?
- "And all- -" - Why don't you sing Itsy Bitsy Spider?
Sobe aranhiço Pela goteira acima
Itsy bitsy spider, out the water spout -
E estas coisas pequeninas estão devorando a casas dessas pessoas.
And them little itsy-bitsy things is eatin'these people's whole house down.
Só entre nós, o nosso pequenino segredo.
Just between me and you, our itsy-bitsy little secret.
A aranha pequenina Pelo cano de água subiu
The itsy-bitsy spider Went up the water spout
A pequenina aranha Pelo cano subiu
The itsy-bitsy spider Went up the water spout
Cantei um pouco de "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider".
Just sang a little "The ltsy-Bitsy Spider."
É a Bitsy escanzelada.
She's itsy Bitsy.
Como na música.
As in Itsy.
A aranhita Deitou ácido no parque
The itsy-bitsy spider Dropped acid at the park.
Por isso, se fores apanhado a mentir, nem que seja um pouco, isto näo significa nada.
So if you get caught in a lie, even a teeny itsy-bitsy one... this means nothing.
Que aconteceu ao Frère Jacques e ao Papãozinho Vai-te Embora?
Whatever happened to Frère Jacques or Itsy-Bitsy Spider?
Um recém-nascido.
A little itsy-bitsy baby.
O grande Ancião está com medo do bebezinho pequenininho.
The great big Elder is afraid of the teeny-weeny, itsy-bitsy baby.
Nem a "mosca"?
- Itsy-bit of beard?
Eu vou te cobrir-te de doce assim, e depois... como-te.
My itsy-bitsy muffin. I cover you all up with jam like this, and then... And then eat you up.
A pequenina aranha O cano trepou
The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the spout
Não te descanalhas só porque, de repente, a tua consciência o dita.
You don't just go and unsleazebag yourself because all of a sudden your conscience hurts you an itsy little bit.
Anda cá!
" Cacifo 1049 :
And the itsy-bitsy spider
- Obrigado.
The itsy-bitsy spider

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