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É tão burro, que não se ia safar com nada.
He's so dumb, I don't think he could get away with anything.
Alguma vez ia ser protagonista de uma comédia romântica?
Do you think I'm ever gonna be the lead in a romantic comedy?
Ia no meu submarino à caça de cruzeiros numa noite de verão, à luz do luar.
I'd have my own sub and I would hunt these cruise ships on a moonlit summer night.
Todas as noites ao luar, no verão, ia à caça.
And every moonlit summer night, every summer I would go out to harvest.
E depois ia até lá, dava cabo dos sobreviventes.
And then you cruise over, you strafe all the survivors.
E, ao afundar os navios, ia mandando construir réplicas ao mesmo tempo.
And as I sank the ships, I would be building exact replicas at the same time, right?
Ia-me cair tudo em cima.
All of society's gonna go down on you.
E, quando ia a puxar o gatilho, o gorila saca da Glock.
And right as you go to pull the trigger, the gorilla pulls out that Glock you couldn't find.
Isto era o que eu ia dizer...
That's what I was gonna say...
Eu ia dizer irritante, mas sim.
I was gonna say infuriating, but, yeah.
Quando deixei a Enger, ela ia para a entrada oeste.
When I left Enger, she was headed in the west entrance.
Como eu ia a dizer...
- Yes, as I was saying, uh...
Se o meu pai estivesse vivo para ver a PBR ser uma cerveja fixe, tê-lo-ia matado mais depressa do que o cancro o matou.
If my dad were still alive to see PBR be a "cool beer," it would've killed him faster than the cancer did.
Não, não ia. Ia...
- No, I wasn't, I was...
Ela disse que ia tirar uns dias de folga.
No. She said she was taking a few days'leave.
Eu ia marcar um golo. Era uma jogada limpa.
'Cause you got in the way of me scoring, asswipe.
Podia ter-te dito como ia acontecer.
Mayos. I could've told you exactly how that would play out.
E achei que só ia aprender sobre cirurgia.
And I thought I was just gonna learn about surgery.
O Karev ia aceitar o acordo.
W-well, Karev was gonna take the plea.
Todos os dias eu ia buscar o jornal e pensava em seguir em frente.
Every day, I'd get the paper, and I'd think about going farther.
O Dr. Hawkins ia fazê-lo, mas está doente.
Dr. Hawkins was gonna do it, but he's sick.
- Sabia que algo ia correr mal.
I knew something was gonna go wrong.
- Achei que ela ia comigo.
I thought I was taking her home. Hi.
- que ele ia receber um novo.
I had no idea he was even getting a new kidney.
Eu sei, mas se pudéssemos, ela dá-lo-ia ao filho.
I know, but if we could, she'd say give it to her son.
Estou, ia pintar uma parede e vê-la secar.
Yes, I was just about to paint a wall and watch it dry.
Eu não ia... não ia colocar em ordem.
I... I wasn't... Uh, I wasn't gonna put in... in the order.
Quando soube que ia acontecer uma guerra civil, ele mandou um filho para o Norte e outro para o Sul.
When he knew a civil war was about to break out, he sent one son to fight for the North and one to the South.
- Eu ia fazer isso.
- I was gonna do that.
Uma cirurgia bem sucedida dar-lhe-ia mais tempo.
A successful surgery would definitely buy you more time.
O filho, Lee, já chumbou duas vezes, e ele ia a exame hoje.
Her son Lee has failed it twice, and he was supposed to go to the DMV today.
Não, é que eu ia ter com a London...
No, it's just that... I'm supposed to go meet London.
Desculpa, ia ter com um amigo.
I'm sorry. I had to meet a friend.
Dirias que a ia roubar.
You would have said it was a swoop.
Agradeço, Frank, mas já liguei para Alyse e disse-lhe que ia para casa.
I appreciate that, frank, but I already called alyse and told her it's okay to come home.
Sabes, querida, eu ia...
I was gonna tell you about this, but I... You know, baby, I was...
Faço os nós de gravata ao Frank, desde os meus 14 anos. Sempre que ele ia ao tribunal, o que era muitas vezes.
I've been tying Frank's tie since I was 14, every time he went to court, which was a lot.
Disse que ia contar ao Billy o que realmente aconteceu na Water Street.
Said he was gonna tell Billy what really went down on Water Street.
Ele ia voltar aqui, pela segunda chave.
He was coming back here for the second key.
Sabes, sempre pensei que ia ter tempo para uma família filhos...
You know, I always thought I would have time for family, kids.
Eu avisei-te que isto não ia acabar bem.
I warned you that this was not gonna end well...
Ele ter-nos-ia dito, se soubesse.
He would have told us if he did.
Como descobriram eles que Kern ia falar?
Well, how did they find out Kern was gonna talk?
Eu ia dizer gelo de Cabe, mas o "picolé de Cabe" apareceu-me.
I was gonna say ice-ice cabe-y, but "cabe-sicle" just came to me.
- Ia dizer unilaterais. Mas a tua colocação foi ouvida e aceite.
I was gonna say unilateral, but your input is heard and appreciated.
Se explicássemos, provavelmente não ia entender.
If we explained, you probably wouldn't get it.
Ia dizer menos traumático, mas também divertido.
I was going to say less traumatic, but also fun.
Se tivesse o meu QI, ia entender, mas penso que quer perder outro homem.
If you had my IQ, you'd understand, but I suppose you're okay with losing another man.
Pensei que ele nunca mais ia.
I thought he'd never leave.
Montamos a rede na parte partida do tubo que ia para o buraco.
We set up the net in the broken part of the pipe that went into the sinkhole.
Pensei que a SN te ia reembolsar.
I figured Homeland would reimburse you.

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