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Jeremiah traducir inglés

553 traducción paralela
Quem desejar seguir a carreira de mendigo, em Londres, tem de ter uma licença de Jonathan Jeremiah Peachum Cª.
Anyone wishing to take up a beggar's trade in London must have a license from Jonathan Jeremiah Peachum Co.
Jeremiah Duveaux Durrance.
Jeremiah Duveaux Durrance.
- Jeremiah Duveaux Durrance.
Jeremiah Duveaux Durrance.
Para o Sr. Jeremiah Duveaux Durrance.
To Mr. Jeremiah Duveaux Durrance.
Jeremias 51 : 10...
Jeremiah 51 : 10...
Se o Jeremiah aqui estivesse...
If Jeremiah were only here!
O Jeremiah teria gostado de si.
- Jeremiah would have liked you.
Pobre Jeremiah, nunca saberá o que são 20 milhões de barris de petróleo.
Jeremiah will never know how close he came to 20 million barrels of oil.
É o reverendo Jeremiah Brown.
The Rev. Jeremiah Brown.
O meu nome é Jeremiah Burns.
My name is Jeremiah Burns.
Jeremiah, dá ao Sr. Peterson algum leite coalhado.
get Mr. Peterson some buttermilk.
É o nome do meu filho, Jeremiah...
That's my son's name. Jeremiah.
Como assim, bom dia capitão, o que queres dizer?
Jeremiah, what's the matter something gone wrong with your memory. Don't you, don't you recognize me?
O nome dele era Jeremiah Johnson.
His name was Jeremiah Johnson.
Adeus, Jeremiah Johnson!
- Bye, Jeremiah Johnson!
Aqui está um homem para ti, Jeremiah Johnson.
There's a man for you, Jeremiah Johnson.
Como estás, Jeremiah?
How you been, Jeremiah?
O mesmo lugar que tu, Jeremiah.
- Same place you are, Jeremiah.
- Jeremiah...
- Jeremiah -
Para onde vais, Jeremiah?
Which way you headed, Jeremiah?
Calma, Jeremiah.
Easy, Jeremiah. Well...
Jeremiah! Sou eu, o Ben.
No, don't hit me no more.
Finalmente realizou-se o que foi previsto pelo profeta Jeremias.
Lust is fulfilled. That which was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah.
Conheci-a pelo meu ex-marido, o Jeremiah.
I met her through my ex-husband Jeremiah.
O Donny diz que eu me meto nas situações deliberadamente nomeadamente com o meu ex-marido.
Donny says I get involved in situations and that it's deliberate, especially with my ex-husband Jeremiah.
E o Jeremiah, o meu ex-marido.
And Jeremiah, my ex-husband.
- É o meu amigo Isaac Davis. - Olá.
- Jeremiah, this is my friend Isaac Davis.
- Adeus, Jeremiah.
- Bye. Bye, Jeremiah.
É o Jeremiah.... contra o Moby Dick.
Jeremiah. He's a Jeremiah. It's Jeremiah versus Moby Dick.
O Jeremiah era um sapo.
Jeremiah was a bullfrog
Li Salomão e Job e Isaías e Jeremias e Malaquias e Mateus e Marcos e Lucas e João.
I have read Solomon and Job and Isaiah and Jeremiah and Malachi and Matthew and Mark and Luke and John.
Claro, o Jeremiah era mais velho que eu, mas éramos íntimos.
Of course, Jeremiah was senior to me, but we were close friends.
E Jeremias.
And Jeremiah!
- Jeremias.
- Jeremiah!
E Jeremias.
And Jeremiah.
- E Jeremias.
- And Jeremiah.
- Jeremias.
- Jeremiah.
Isaías, Daniel, Ezequiel e Jeremias.
Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah.
Isaías, Daniel, Ezequiel e Jeremias.
Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah!
Em nome dos Profetas, em nome de Jeremias e do meu Pai, em nome do Deus mais sagrado, vem cá.
In the name of the Prophets in the name of Jeremiah and my Father in the name of the most holy God I call you here.
Mas vamos tentar não pensar nisso... e pensar nas lamentações de Jeremias... versão longa.
But let's just put it out of our minds... and turn to the lamentations of Jeremiah... long version.
Vamos, Jeremiah.
No, come on, Jeremiah.
Jeremiah Carlyle "
Jeremiah Carlisle.
- O que foi, Jeremias?
- What's wrong, Jeremiah?
Jeremiah, stop!
Temos andado à procura de um homem chamado Jeremiah Smith.
We've been searching for this man, Jeremiah Smith.
Jeremias Pitt!
Jeremiah Pitt!
É o Jeremiah.
Come on.
Não, não.
That's Jeremiah.

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