/ portugués → inglés / Joe
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Devia pensar no Joe.
I should think about Joe.
Quando é que a tua neta se tornou o Joe Pesci?
When did your granddaughter become Joe Pesci?
Vou ver o Byamba pegar no Big Joe pela fralda.
I'm watching Byamba pick up Big Joe by his diaper.
O mesmo vale para o Joe e a Iris.
That goes for Joe and Iris too.
Joe, o que se passa?
Hey, Joe, what's up?
Desculpa, Joe, mas não é uma boa altura.
Okay, Joe, look, I'm sorry, Right now is kind of a crazy time.
Tenho de ir ver o filho do Joe.
I got to go see Joe's son.
O Joe pensou que seria bom que desses uma olhadela.
Joe thought I should have you take a look.
O Joe e a Iris contaram-me muito sobre ti. Fizeram parecer que consegues andar na água, mas não contaram nada sobre ser cobarde.
You know, Joe and Iris told me a lot about you, made it out like you could walk water, or something, but they never mentioned anything about you being a coward.
E fomos ver o Joe apresentar-se.
And we went to go see Joe perform.
Agora, o Joe West da Terra 2 está morto, porque apareci.
And now Joe West on Earth-2 is dead, because I showed up.
Não quero que as pessoas pensem que o Flash é um ladrão.
Joe, I don't want people thinking The Flash is a petty thief.
Poderia ter ajudado a salvar o Joe da Terra 2, Jay.
It could have helped me save Earth-2 Joe, save Jay.
- Detective Joe West.
- Detective Joe West, ma'am.
Hey, Joe!
- Então, Joe...
I didn't. Come on, Joe.
- Olá, Joe. - Olá, Eddie.
Hey, Joe.
- Joe, então...
Joe, come on.
E superei, Joe, superei.
I have, Joe.
Joe, o Singh precisa de ti no escritório.
Joe, Singh needs you in his office.
Joe, eu estou bem.
Joe, I'm good.
Até logo, Joe.
Later, Joe.
- Como se fosse teu.
- Wait, Joe.
- Espera, Joe. O que é isto?
What is this?
Tu tens algo que o Reverb nunca teve, Caitlin, Joe, Iris, Wells e eu.
You got something that Reverb never had, and that's Caitlin and Joe and Iris and Wells and me.
É a única maneira, Joe.
This is the only way, Joe.
- Está tudo bem, Joe.
- It's all right, Joe.
- Joe, Singh quer vê-lo.
Joe? Singh wants to see you.
Vou tentar o reconhecimento facial e Joe vai verificar a base de dados da polícia.
I'll see if facial recognition brings him up and I'll have Joe check CCPD's database.
- Joe?
- Hey, Joe.
- Joe vem a caminho.
- Joe's on his way. - I'm coming with.
Abri mão deles para salvar o Wally, o filho do Joe. Zoom raptou-o.
I gave them up to save Wally, Joe's son.
Ele vai matá-los, Joe.
He'll kill them, Joe.
- Deixa-me ajudar.
- Whatever we can. - Joe, let me do something.
Joe, estamos a falar do Barry, certo?
Joe, we're talking about Barry, right?
Joe, ele luta contra o Zoom, o monstro que o derrotou, quase matou-o e roubou a única coisa que ele acha que pode completá-lo.
Joe? He goes up against Zoom, the monster that snapped his back and almost killed him, and then took the one thing that he's convinced now that he needs in order to make him whole?
- Joe, falaste com o Flash?
- Joe, did you reach The Flash?
Eu vou ficar bem, Joe.
I'll be fine, Joe.
É o Joe MacMillan.
- It's Joe MacMillan. - Wait, what?
- Já te esqueceste de mim?
Come on, did you really forget about me? Joe?
Fui a casa do Joe e esperava vê-lo pendurado do teto.
So I go over to Joe's house, you know, I'm expecting to see this guy swinging from the rafters.
- O Joe MacMillan sabe abraçar?
Joe MacMillan knows how to hug?
Não, o Joe...
No, Joe's...
O Joe é genial.
Joe's brilliant.
Paul Sonntag, Roy Schmidt, Billy Snowden...
Paul Sonntag, Roy Schmidt, Billy Snowden... Joe, hold it.
Joe, espere. Espere um minuto.
Hold just a minute.
- Joe...
- Joe.
Não, tenho que verificar uma pista para o Joe.
I kind of got to go check out a lead for Joe.
- Joe?
- Joe?
- Ele salvou a minha vida, Joe.
He saved my life, Joe.
Joe, tira eles de lá.
Joe, you need to get those guys out of there.