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Leedy traducir inglés

31 traducción paralela
O Leedy era o tipo dos computadores da Tríade Chang.
So, this guy Leedy was the big computer wonk for the Chang Triad.
Vocês têm de mantê-lo vivo o suficiente para depor em Atlanta.
I need you guys to move Mr. Leedy up to the pen in Atlanta so I can keep him alive long enough to testify.
Os gatos vão comer melhor do que nós no avião.
Leedy, the cats will be better fed than we will on this plane. You're not just saying that to make me feel better, are you? - Now, why would I do that?
- Leedy, vem comigo.
- Leedy, come with me. - No, no, no!
É o Leedy, isto foi uma armadilha.
- It's Leedy... - What? - It was a setup.
- E o Leedy?
- What about Leedy, now?
O vosso preso :
Your prisoner, Leedy.
Um dos mortos era um preso federal, Earl Leedy.
... and a federal prisoner by the name of Earl Leedy.
- Os corpos estão todos queimados. Se isso são os terroristas e o Leedy, não faz sentido.
Yeah, but the only bodies we've got that are burned beyond recognition are those of the terrorists and that prick Leedy.
Tenho de ver como o Leedy se encaixa nisto.
Now all I have to do is figure out how Leedy fits into all this.
- Faz o que te compete.
- Leedy, do your job.
- Despacha-te, Leedy.
- Come on, Leedy.
Eu trato da parte que me cabe.
The guy you killed is his brother. Leedy! I said don't worry about him.
- Leedy. Earl.
Earl, anda lá.
Earl! - Leedy, quickly. Where are you?
Vou ao teu encontro.
I'm coming to meet you. Stay with Leedy.
Vou com o Leedy.
I'm coming with Leedy.
- Leedy, estou aqui fora.
- All right, Leedy, I'm right outside.
Leedy, não te mexas.
- Leedy, don't you move. - What?
Leedy? Leedy!
Leedy. Leedy.
Volta aqui.
Leedy, you come back here. Leedy.
Parem esse tipo.
Leedy. Stop that guy. Stop.
- Leedy!
Leedy! Leedy!
Olá, Mrs. Leedy.
[CELL PHONE BEEPS] Hey, Mrs. Leedy.
Mrs. Leedy, esta cadeira de jardim é sua?
Mrs. Leedy, is this your lawn chair?
Mrs. Leedy, esta cadeira de jardim é sua, ou não?
Mrs. Leedy, is this or is this not your lawn chair?
- O Leedy já acabou de vomitar?
Has Leedy finished throwing up? - Yes. - Good.
A merda do Leedy vomitou por cima de mim.
Fucking Leedy threw up all over me.
- O Leedy.
The one with the bozo hairdo. Leedy.

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