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Lucious traducir inglés

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Tu vais gerir a empresa, como sempre, e o Lucious vai ensinar ao Jamal o resto.
You're gonna run the business as you always have, right? And Lucious will teach Jamal the rest of it, and... it's everything we ever wanted.
Senhoras e senhores, bem-vindos à arena Mercury para um espetáculo único de "O Som Lucious Lyon".
ANNOUNCER : Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Mercury Arena for a one-night-only performance of the Lucious Lyon... ( over speaker ) :
... "What the DJ Spins", do álbum "Black-Out", líder de vendas.
And now give it up for Hakeem and Jamal Lyon as they perform Lucious Lyon's smash hit, "What the DJ Spins" from his number one selling album, Black-Out.
Podem morrer hoje Esta é a vossa festa
LUCIOUS : ♪ All y'all might die tonight ♪ ♪ This is your party, right ♪
É o que o DJ toca
LUCIOUS : ♪ That's what the DJ spins ♪
- Aproveitem, a vida é de graça
♪ Live it up'cause life is all free ♪ LUCIOUS :
Vamos receber Juicy J e a estreante Michelle White, que vão cantar uma clássico de Lucious Lyon,
ANNOUNCER : Please welcome to the stage Juicy J and newcomer Michelle White singing the classic
"Whatever Makes You Happy", do seu álbum líder de vendas, "Songs of Love and Hate".
Lucious Lyon joynt, "Whatever Makes You Happy," from his number-one selling album,
por isso, criei o Lucious, o Lucious Lyon, o imortal, o que não podia ser morto.
( sighs ) So I created Lucious. Lucious Lyon, the immortal. The one who could not be killed.
Lucious Lyon, está preso pelo homicídio de Marcus "Bunkie" Williams.
Lucious Lyon, you're under arrest for the murder of Marcus "Bunkie" Williams.
- Não. Juro, Lucious!
No, I swear, Lucious.
Estive 17 anos presa por ti, Lucious!
A ghetto rat? ! I did 17 years for you, Lucious!
Queremos o Lucious!
We want Lucious!
Pensava que era entre ele e o Senhor.
We want Lucious! I thought it was between him and the Lord.
Lucious, procurei o Vernon por todo o lado e não o encontro.
( phone chirps ) Lucious, I've been looking for Vernon everywhere, and I can't find him.
Ele não atende e lamento dizer isto, mas já todos sabem que o Lucious foi preso e as ações estão em queda.
He's not picking up. I'm really sorry to tell you this, but the news of your arrest has already hit, and now the stock is plummeting.
Há de vir o dia em que Lucious Lyon regressará.
The day will come when Lucious Lyon will return.
Ou eu ou ela, Lucious.
It's either me or her, Lucious.
Chamamos-lhe "Legado Lucious Lyon".
We'll call it Lucious Lyon Legacy.
Lucious, tens um instante?
Nice to meet you, Ryan.
- Vou começar já a recolher imagens.
Lucious, do you have a moment? I'll, uh, start shooting b-roll right away.
Esquece a tanga do Dr. Phil e manda o rapaz trabalhar.
Look, cut the Dr. Phil crap and tell the boy to get back to work, Lucious.
Deixa-me falar com o Jamal e o Lucious para ver o que eles acham.
All right, let me, um... Let me talk to Jamal and Lucious and see how everybody feels about it.
Senhoras e senhores, como diretor financeiro, eu seria o mais qualificado para ser CEO interino, se Lucious Lyon ficasse temporariamente incapacitado.
Ladies and gentlemen, as the acting CFO, I think I would be the most qualified to be the interim head of the company if for any reason Lucious Lyon would be temporarily incapacitated.
- Lucious Lyon?
Lucious Lyon?
Vou ligar ao Hakeem e dizer-lhe que o Lucious deve cantar o final e mais ninguém.
Yeah, I'll call Hakeem, and I'll tell him that Lucious goes last. Nobody else.
Vai para o inferno, Lucious!
Go to hell, Lucious.
Cookie, se vieste falar-me do teu reencontro com o Lucious, não gastes o teu latim.
Oh, Cookie, if you came here to tell me about the little reunion that you and Lucious had, well, save your breath, honey. I already know.
- Cala-te, Lucious!
Shut up, Lucious!
Força, Mal!
- Go, Mal! - Lucious, no! Lucious!
O filho de Lucious Lyon assumiu-se publicamente ontem, numa atuação audaz Jamal confirmou que é gay, depois de mudar a letra de um dos temas para declarar ao mundo que é homossexual.
Lucious Lyon's son publicly came out yesterday in an audacious performance... Hip-hop icon Lucious Lyon's son, Jamal, confirmed he was gay after changing the lyric to one of his father's most famous songs. ... Changing the lyric to one of his father's most famous songs.
Não troco a Anika por ti. Por mim, tudo bem, Lucious.
That is fine by me, Lucious.
Ele assumiu-se perante o mundo e nada mudou, Lucious.
He came out to the world, and nothing changed, Lucious.
A Terra continua a girar, Lucious.
The world is still spinning, Lucious.
Lucious, não faças isso.
Lucious... don't do this.
- Este é o teu legado, Lucious.
This is your family legacy, Lucious.
Já sei do teu reencontro com o Lucious.
I already know about the little reunion that you and Lucious had.
Lucious ela está a enganar-te.
Lucious! Lucious. She playing'you.
É verdade, Lucious, e ela tentou subornar a Porsha.
Yes, she did, Lucious. And she tried to take Porsha.
- Lucious, não era o que eu...
Lucious, this is not how I... You know what?
A única forma de isto acabar é com a minha saída, porque me vais enrolando e eu estou cansada.
The only way for this to be over is for me to leave, because you just keep stringing me along, Lucious, - and I... I'm tired.
Não sou uma pessoa traiçoeira, Lucious, mas tu...
I am not a treacherous person, Lucious, but you...
Tentei dizer-te.
I warned you about her, Lucious...
E o Lucious está a usar os advogados para tirar o Titan da cadeia.
She stays on the Empire side.
Queremos o Lucious!
( crowd chanting ) We want Lucious!
Sou filho de Lucious Lyon.
( crowd cheering ) I am the son of Lucious Lyon.
É do Lucious.
It's Lucious's song!
- Deixa-me, Lucious!
- Go away, Lucious!
Elle, ela está a fazer isto para prejudicar o Lucious.
Elle, please.

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