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Mace traducir inglés

726 traducción paralela
- Eu usarei o maço e a corrente.
- I bear mace and chain this day.
Clava e corrente.
Mace and chain.
Clava e correntes para ele, também.
Mace and chain for him, too.
Não se mace.
Don't bother.
- Sou o Capitão Mace.
- Captain Mace.
- Certo, 200 dólares. Mas isso inclui a sela e as duas espingardas. Não se mace.
But that includes the saddle and the 2 rifles. - 1 won't part with my horse.
- Não se mace.
- Don't bother.
- Não se mace com isso...
- Oh, not- - Don't worry about- -
Stoney, Mace.
Stoney, Mace.
Vamos, Mace.
Come on, Mace.
É o Mace.
It's Mace.
Quem iria querer matar o Mace Jones?
Who'd want to kill Mace Jones?
Mas para o desalmado que matou Mace Jones, peço a Deus que o castigue por ter violado a sua casa.
But for the limitless evil of him who slew Mace Jones, I ask for limitless punishment for he took a man's life in God's House.
Rezemos para que a alma de Mace Jones descanse no céu, E que a de seu assassino vagueie pelas trevas para sempre.
Let us pray, therefore, that heaven receives the soul of Mace Jones, and that the soul of his killer wander the darkness for ever.
Venho Te pedir para perdoar todos os pecados de Mace Jones.
I pray You regard any score against Mace Jones as even.
Stoney com um arame, Fred sufocado e Mace enforcado.
Stoney with wire, Fred smothered, Mace got the rope.
Até tu, Mace.
Even you, Mace.
A morte do Mace na sua igreja incomodou-o muito pastor.
That sermon over Mace, you take it hard that he died in your church.
Ainda está preocupado com o Mace Jones?
Are you still stewing about Mace Jones?
Mace Jones na igreja, Joe Hurley no celeiro.
Mace Jones in the church, Joe Hurley in the stable.
Carson, Mace, Hurley.
Carson, Mace, Hurley.
Desmonta, Mace.
Get down, Mace.
Mace, este é o Pop Chaney.
Mace, this is Pop Chaney.
A Mrs. Stoner vai para casa quando eu disser... e não de manhã, Mace.
Mrs. Stoner goes home when I say she goes home and she ain't going home in the morning, Mace.
Mace, se estiver sozinho com o Pop e o seu filho... nunca lhe vire as costas. - Eu sei.
Mace, if you're ever alone with Pop and his little boy don't you turn your back on them.
Mace, não te tinha dito, mas é muito bom te ver de novo.
Mace, I ain't had a chance to tell you, but it sure is real good to see you again.
Quem, o Mace?
Who, Mace?
Não, Mace, vou dizer-te a verdade.
No, Mace, I'll tell you the truth.
É o que parece, Mace.
Looks that way, Mace.
Mace, vamos acampar na cantina.
Mace, we'll put up over in that cantina.
Mace, acha que nos safávamos no Montana?
Mace, you think we could make a go of it in Montana?
- Mace, e os índios?
- Mace, what about the Indians?
- Que mais, Mace?
- What else, Mace?
Quero dizer que há muitos índios no Montana, Mace.
I'm trying to say there's a lot of goddamn Indians in Montana, Mace.
Sentas-te, Mace?
Will you sit down, Mace?
Estou cansado, Mace.
I'm tired, Mace.
Mace, precisamos de dinheiro.
Mace, we'll need money.
É só um sentimento, Mace.
It's just a feeling, Mace.
Mace, que queria ela dizer?
Mace, what'd she mean by that?
Tem razão, Mace.
You're right. That's right, Mace.
- Mace Bishop.
- Mace Bishop.
Tu, Mace?
You, Mace?
Tu não sobreviverás muito tempo na prisão, Mace.
Your kind don't live long in prison, Mace.
Ouviu, Mace?
Did you hear that, Mace?
Está aí, Mace?
You here, Mace?
E o Mace, o Miguel, o Hyatt?
What about Mace, Miguel, Hyatt...?
- Mace.
- Mace.
- Onde está o Mace?
- Where's Mace?
Fica à espera, Mace.
Be waiting, Mace.
Faz de conta que isto é um ceptro.
Pretend that drumstick is a mace.
E não me mace.
Get out of here!

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