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Meatballs traducir inglés

416 traducción paralela
Olá, Almôndegas.
Hiya, Meatballs.
Querida, é um amigo meu, o Almôndegas Murphy.
Honey, meet an old pal, Meatballs Murphy.
Bem, nem sei que lhe diga, Sr. Almôndegas.
Well, I don't know what to say, Mr. Meatballs.
- Idiotas.
- Meatballs.
Deixas ferver. Misturas todas as salsichas e as almôndegas.
You get it to a boil, you shove in all your sausage and meatballs.
Esparguete com almôndegas e gelado de framboesa.
Spaghetti and meatballs and raspberry ice cream.
Pois. Assim prendeu os palermas... publicou a notícia de que os tinham assassinado... para iniciar uma guerra de gangs.
Yeah, so you locked up those meatballs and passed the word that they been knocked off, so as to start a gang war.
Esparguete com almôndegas, e feijão com maçã assada.
Spaghetti and meatballs, raspberry ice cream.
Sempre pensei que o Mongo ia esmagá-lo e fazer... almôndegas de xerife.
I thought sure that Mongo would mash him up into little bitty sheriff meatballs.
! Juntos fazemo-lo em papa.
Together we'll make meatballs of them!
Vamos, que nós também temos fome.
- Come on! We're hungry too. - Meatballs!
Euterpess, como Aristóteles, Eurípides, almondegas, Platão.
Euterpess, like Archimides, Euripides, meatballs, Platos.
Almôndegas picantes. Aquí tens.
This is spicy meatballs here.
Todos adoravam as minhas almôndegas.
Everybody loved my meatballs.
Sim, bem, eu espero que eles achem o mesma coisa depois de Arnie forçar umas das suas famosas almôndegas garganta abaixo deles.
Yeah, well, I hope they feel the same way after Arnie forces a couple of his famous meatballs down their throat.
Norman, não comece com a historia de almôndegas novamente este ano.
Now, Norman, don't get started on the meatballs again this year.
Norman, não comece com a historia de almôndegas novamente este ano.
Now, Norman, don't get started on those meatballs again this year.
Norman, chegou na hora para experimentar almôndegas fresquinhas
Norman, just in time for a fresh batch of meatballs.
Esqueça as almôndegas, eu estou preocupado.
Forget the meatballs, I'm worried.
Esquecer minhas almôndegas?
Forget my meatballs?
Quer dizer, comer as almôndegas
I mean, the meatballs.
Provavelmente ele comeu uma das suas almôndegas. Pobre homem.
Probably ate some of your meatballs.
Ele não comeu minhas almôndegas.
Poor man. He did not eat my meatballs.
Arnie, o que você colocou nas almôndegas?
Arnie, what did you put in the meatballs?
A Madonna das mamas grandes!
Madonna with meatballs!
Esparguete, almôndegas, salada.
Spaghetti, meatballs, a salad.
- Buddy Meatballs.
- Buddy Meatballs.
Desintegrem-nos, desfaçam-nos!
Make meatballs out of them.
Sim, com almôndegas.
Yes. With meatballs.
- Caviar, em vez de almôndegas!
- Caviar instead of meatballs!
Ajuda-me a descer a mochila para tirar as almôndegas?
You will help me get my rucksack down for the Swedish meatballs.
Acabou-se o fumo de charuto, acabaram-se as almôndegas suecas.
No more Swedish meatballs there, tootsie.
Isto é um autêntico jantar da ONU, daí as almôndegas suecas.
It's a veritable UN for dinner here, so Swedish meatballs!
Parecem duas almôndegas.
Those are some meatballs.
Gostas de almôndegas com espaguete, certo?
You like meatballs on your spaghetti, right?
Aperfeiçoa os teus cozinhados.
Practice your meatballs.
Ponha duas bolas de carne!
Put in two meatballs!
Senhor, ponha duas almôndegas.
Mister! Put in two meatballs!
Acabaram-se as cebolas e as almôndegas.
We're out of onion dip and meatballs.
- Com almôndegas.
With meatballs.
Eu fotografo mulheres bonitas, não almôndegas!
I photograph beautiful women, not meatballs!
Têm banha condimentada, pasta de fígado, almôndegas, biscoitos de chocolate, margarina, ovos, queijo.
They've got spiced lard, liver paste, meatballs, chocolate shortcake... margarine, eggs, cheese.
Podes desenhar as almôndegas.
You could draw the meatballs.
E desenhaste as almôndegas.
And you drew in the meatballs for me.
O "Meatballs"?
- Esparguete e almôndegas.
- Spaghetti and meatballs!
Almôndegas suecas.
Swedish meatballs.
Três tipos de carne nas almôndegas :
Three kinds of meat in the meatballs :
Joey, despacha-te com as almôndegas.
Joey, I'm still waiting for those meatballs.
Aproveitei o intervalo entre as almôndegas e a tarte de maçã, e arrotei.
I found a gap between the meatballs and the apple tart. There was no success.
- Está bem!
If you wanna talk... we'll talk. And meatballs.

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