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Metz traducir inglés

148 traducción paralela
Fui a Metz requisitar estas máquinas de escrever.
I was in Metz to requisition these typewriters.
Contactámos todos excepto o Metz, tu ligas ao Metz.
All contacts have been made except at Metz, and you have to call Metz.
Está lá, Metz?
Hello, Metz?
Em Metz, fizeram reféns.
At Metz, they took hostages.
Dankwart e seu valente irmão Ortwin de Metz
And his brave brother Dankwart and Ortwin of Metzenter.
E as fortificações erguidas em Metz?
What about the fortifications that were done in Metz?
Professor Doutor Metz.
Professor Dr Metz.
- Dr. Metz, Willard Whyte para si.
Dr Metz... Willard Whyte for you.
Quero falar com o Metz.
Let me speak to Metz.
O Dr. Metz era seu empregado, Sr. Whyte?
Was Dr Metz on your payroll, Mr Whyte?
O primeiro raio laser foi gerado por um diamante e se o velho Metz fizer jus à sua reputação, o poder daquilo pode ser incrível.
The first laser beam was generated through a diamond. And if old Metz deserves his reputation, the power of that thing could be incredible.
Calma, Metz.
Calm yourself, Metz.
- Trate disso, Metz.
- See to it, Metz.
- Cale-se, Metz.
- Shut up, Metz.
Destrua isto, Metz.
Destroy this, Metz.
Mais uma palavra, Metz, e mando fuzilá-lo!
One more word, Metz, and I'll have you shot!
Nos anos 20, o Agulha foi cadete na Escola de Guerra, em Metz, e Wilhelm Canaris fez-se amigo dele.
In the'20s, the Needle was a cadet at the war school in Metz, and Wilhelm Canaris befriended him.
Vamos, Algernon, mostra a tua barriga ao Dr. Metz.
Come on, Algernon, show Dr. Metz your tummy.
Estão a atrasar-se muito, Dr. Metz.
They're running way behind, Dr. Metz.
O Dr. Metz vai ficar encantado.
Dr. Metz'll be delighted.
É o Dr. Metz?
It's Dr. Metz, isn't it?
Chamou-me a atenção, quando o Dr. Metz da Califórnia, me pediu para falar comigo sobre assuntos confidenciais.
It came to my attention first when Dr. Rudolph Metz in California asked to speak on what he called "urgent confidential matters."
O pobre do Dr. Metz está a sofrer. - A Ruth desapareceu mesmo e...
Dr. Metz is really hurting, and Ruth has completely disappeared...
- Kurt Von Metz.
- Kurt Von Metz.
Temos um agente alemão, um rei da pornografia e, agora, Von Metz.
So we got a German agent, a porno king. Now Von Metz.
Calcula a origem desses rumores, Mr. Von Metz?
Any guess, Mr. Von Metz, where these rumors have come from?
Só que Hitler era um maroto e que Von Metz era amigo dele.
Just that Hitler was a very naughty boy and that Von Metz was his buddy.
Von Metz e Steckler eram amigos.
Let me understand. Von Metz and Steckler were close.
Os oponentes subornaram Steckler, para que descobrisse algo contra ele.
Political opponents of Von Metz bribed Steckler to see if they could find something to use against him.
Von Metz matou todos os que o viram?
Von Metz killed everybody who'd seen it?
Ele, não.
Not Von Metz directly.
Von Metz perdeu o controlo.
Von Metz's people have lost control of him.
Cremos que Von Metz era um favorito de Hitler.
We believe Von Metz was a favorite of Hitler's.
Se contribuir para a impunidade de Von Metz, terei ainda mais pesadelos.
I know if I'm even partially responsible for letting a guy like Von Metz go I'll have more nightmares.
Por mim, tramamos esse Von Metz, que é o verdadeiro pulha.
Anyway, I say nail this Von Metz because he is a real sleazebag.
O Von Metz vai falar na Conferência de Cristãos e Judeus.
Von Metz is speaking to the International Conference of Christians and Jews.
Agentes israelitas interromperam Kurt Von Metz, com um espantoso filme que mostra a morte de Hitler por suicídio ritual.
When Israeli agents interrupted Kurt Von Metz's speech with this astonishing film showing the death of Adolf Hitler by ritual suicide.
Esse soldados é, com efeito, Kurt Von Metz, provando, assim, que Von Metz pertencia à elite nazi.
That soldier is none other than Kurt Von Metz leaving no possible doubt that Von Metz was a member of the Nazi inner circle.
Aqui, podemos ver claramente o sinal de nascença sob o olho esquerdo de Kurt Von Metz em velho e em nov o.
Here one can see, undeniably, the striking thunderbolt birthmark under the left eye of both the elder and the younger Kurt Von Metz.
Quem quer ouvir como resolvi o caso Von Metz?
Listen, who wants to hear how I broke the Von Metz case?
Vem muito bem recomendado pela Martha Metz.
You came very highly recommended by Martha Mertz.
- Metz.
- Metz.
- As Metz.
- Metz.
Tesoura de Metz!
My apologies. Metz! Metz!
Retire a gaze.
- Pickups, metz. - Careful of those ducts there, Doctor.
Cabo Metz, vamos embora!
Corporal Metz. Move out!
Análises e Metz.
Pickups and Metz.
I'm gonna mobilize the aorta.
- Depressa.

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