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- O que significa isso?
I don't... What does that mean? What's a Mick Mouse?
Em 1965, o Michael foi Mick na estreia norte-americana de "O Porteiro".
In 1965, Michael played Mick in The Caretaker's North American premiere.
E depois fizeram amor, o Mick e a Diane.
And then they made love, Mick and Diane.
Ele sabia que a desiludira, que nunca se mostrara à altura da visão inicial dela de Mick e Fran, e sabia que nunca conseguiria estar.
He knew he disappointed her, that he had never lived up to her earlier vision of Mick and Franz, and he knew he never could.
Ele sabia que a desiludira, que nunca se mostrara à altura da visão inicial dela de Mick e Fran, e sabia que nunca conseguiria estar.
He knew he'd disappointed her, that he had never lived up to her earlier visions of Mick and Franz, and he knew he never could.
25 JULHO, 1972 Encontrei-me no Madison Square Garden com o Mick Jagger, o vocalista do grupo e um homem fascinante.
I went to Madison Square Garden to meet Mick Jagger, the singer with the group, a fascinating man.
Tive vários empregos e estava a tentar formar uma banda, mas nunca consegui até conhecer o Mick e o Keith.
I had quite a few jobs, and I was trying to get a band going, but it was unsuccessful until I met up with Mick and Keith.
Acho que eu, o Mick e o Brian achávamos que a altura ideal para juntar uma banda diferente do que havia era precisamente aquela.
I think between Mick, Brian and me, we had a feeling, the idea to put a band that was a little less show business was exactly at the right time.
Queremos os Stones! Queremos o Mick!
We want Mick! " " We want the Stones!
Quando estas raparigas atacam o Mick e parecem querer desfazê-lo em pedaços, na verdade, não o querem agredir e sim devorá-lo.
When these girls pounce upon Mick, and seem to want to tear him to pieces, it's not essentially an act of aggression, but rather, an act of devouring him.
Há muitas coisas que os poderes estabelecidos não gostam no Mick Jagger, mas talvez o que os irrite mais seja ele falar a uma grande parte da população à qual eles não conseguem.
There are a lot of things that the establishment does not like about Mick Jagger, but perhaps what rankles most is that he speaks to a vast segment of the population that they can't.
E eles disseram : "Vá lá, Mick, prova o leite."
And they said, "Oh, come on, Mick, try the milk".
O Mick foi levado para Brixton e mandaram-me para Wormwood Scrubs, que ainda é pior.
Mick was taken to Brixton, and they sent me to Wormwood Scrubs, which is, like, even worse.
Quando Mick Jagger foi libertado condicionalmente e a sentença de Keith Richards anulada, os ídolos da pop saíram já sem a sombra da prisão sobre eles.
When Mick Jagger was conditionally discharged and Keith Richards'sentence quashed, the pop idols drove off, the shadow of jail no longer over them.
Lembro-me de o Mick e o Keith dizerem : "Não podemos continuar assim, precisamos de outro tipo."
I remember Mick and Keith saying, you know, "We can't go on like this, we need another guy".
O Mick estava no canto, desfeito em lágrimas.
Mick was in the corner and he was in tears.
Eu disse : " Mick, tens de ser forte e seguir em frente.
I said, " Mick, you've gotta just toughen up and move on.
Mas acho que foi um bom batismo de fogo para o Mick Taylor.
But I think it was a good baptism of fire for Mick Taylor.
Recebi um telefonema do Mick a dizer que os Stones precisavam de um substituto para o Brian e...
I got a phone call from Mick saying the Stones will need a replacement for Brian, and...
E o Mick Taylor é um virtuoso.
And Mick Taylor's a virtuoso.
Há um boato de que o Mick Jagger vai aparecer como veio ao mundo.
There's a rumour that Mick Jagger's supposed to come out in his birthday suit.
Bateram no Mick. Alguém lhe bateu!
They hit Mick, somebody hit him!
Quero ver o Mick Jagger, raios!
I want to see Mick Jagger, God damn!
E quanto a isso, diria que eu e o Mick estamos em sintonia.
And on that, I would say Mick and I are probably very much on the same groove.
Qualquer um poderia ter escrito qualquer outra canção nossa, mas ninguém conseguiria escrever Midnight Rambler além do Mick e eu.
Anybody else could have written any of our other songs, but I don't think anybody could have written Midnight Rambler except Mick and me.
Mas não é a imagem que as pessoas têm do Mick.
But you're not this image that people have of Mick.
Na altura, o Mick Taylor disse-me : "Estou a pensar sair."
Mick Taylor said to me then, "I'm thinking of leaving".
A saída do Mick Taylor foi difícil porque a banda estava bem e havia um equilíbrio entre o Keith e o Mick Taylor.
Mick Taylor leaving was a curveball because that was a really good band, and it had this balance between Keith and Mick Taylor.
Eu estava na festa do Robert Stigwood, sentado entre o Mick Taylor e o Mick Jagger, quando o Taylor se inclinou e disse ao Jagger : "Vou deixar a banda."
I was there at Robert Stigwood's party sitting between Mick Taylor and Mick Jagger when Taylor leaned across me, and he said to Jagger, "I'm leaving the band".
E o Mick disse : "O quê? Ele está a falar a sério?"
And Mick went, "What?" He said, "Is he serious?"
E o Mick Taylor disse : "Sim, estou," e levantou-se e saiu.
So, Mick Taylor said, "Yes, I am," and he got up and walked out.
E o Mick disse : "Queres juntar-te a nós?"
And Mick said, "Will you join?"
Cem mil fãs viram o Mick Jagger a saltar e a dançar como faz há quase 20 anos.
100,000 fans watched Mick Jagger prance and dance as he has for nearly 20 years.
Podes ensinar-me a pescar, a montar e a disparar, mas, no meu coração, continuarei a ser irlandês.
You can teach me to fish, ride and shoot, but I'd still be an Irish Mick in my heart.
É uma boa ação pela igreja, Mick.
- It's a good deed for the church, Mick.
Deixa-me ser eu a falar, Mick.
Let me do the talking, Mick.
Quero a minha parte, Mick.
I want my share, Mick.
Quero a minha parte justa, Mick.
I want my fair share, Mick.
Este irlandês tem sangue verde, querida.
- This mick bleeds Kelly green, honey.
Espera lá, Mick.
Hang on, Mick.
Está bem, Mick. Tem calma.
All right, Mick.
Ouve, Mick, deixa-me apenas fazer umas ligações.
Look, Mick, let me just make some phone calls.
O Elmer tem um avião à espera em Burbank, mas temos de ir já, Mick.
Elmer's got a plane waiting in Burbank, but we need to leave now, Mick.
O Mick Harris viu um do Jimmy e perguntou se fazemos um para o filho dele.
Mick Harris saw Jimmy's one and asked if we'd make one for his son.
Era... como o novo Mick Jagger.
It was... kind of the new Mick Jagger.
Chamo-me Mick.
Name's Mick.
- Rato Mick!
- I don't under...
- Rato Mick!
Mick Mouse!
Queremos os Stones!
We want Mick! "
E eu : "Acho que está, Mick."
I said, "I think he is, Mick".
- Mick?
I can't be expected to do all the thinking in this army, can I, Bean?

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