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Montego traducir inglés

19 traducción paralela
O ano passado, eu estava na Baía de Montego com alguns amigos.
Last year, uh, I was in Montego Bay with some friends.
Estes são os homens, Sonny Bates e Rico de Montego Bay.
Oh, these are players. Meet Sonny Bates. Rico's Montego Bay by way of Brooklyn, and I brought'em here to do some business with you.
Cumpri pena na Starjam em Montego.
I used to spend some time at StarJam in Montego.
Bastante estranho, Baldrick, era o Papa Gregório IX, a convidar-me para umas bebidas a bordo do seu iate a vapor "The Saucy Sue", correntemente atracado na baia Montego com a equipa inglesa de cricket e a deusa da fartura do Bali.
Strangely enough, Baldrick, it was Pope Gregory IX, inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht "The Saucy Sue", currently wintering in Montego Bay with the England cricket team and the Balinese Goddess of Plenty.
O Voo 210 da TWA para Montego Bay e Kingston está a embarcar na Porta 16.
TWA Flight 210 to Montego Bay and Kingston is now boarding at Gate 16.
Lembra-se da estrela-do-mar em Montego Bay?
Remember the starfish at Montego Bay?
A nossa viagem até Montego Bay.
The trip to Montego Bay.
Senhora e senhores o comandante pede para colocar os cinto Para a nossa chegada em Montego Bay Onde. como vocês sabem.
WOMAN : The captain has turned on the fasten seat belt sign for our arrival in Montego Bay where, as you know, the weather is always perfect.
Montego Canyon, 1875.
1 875 Montego Canyon.
Como dizia a minha avó na cabana dela, na baía de Montego, se queremos mandar uma caixa ao Sol,
Now, like my granny used to say in her tarpaper shack on Montego Bay : " If you want a box hurled into the sun...
O estranho é que o pacote foi enviado de Montego Bay, Jamaica.
That's the postal zone where it seems the package was sent from. Montego bay, jamaica.
Entre em contato com a polícia de Montego Bay.
Try contacting the montego bay police.
Key Largo, Montego.
Key Largo, Montego
A senhora, Jan Levinson, quis ir para Montego Bay. Levaste a Dama do Gelo?
The lady, Jan Levinson, wanted to go to Montego Bay.
Key Largo, Montego...
Oy vay z'mir! But I do well though. I make a living.
Santo ego de Montego!
Sweet ego of Montego!
- Eu iria a Montego Bay, na Jamaica.
- I'd go to Montego Bay, Jamaica.
E vamos velejar até Montego Bay.
And we gonna sail to Montego Bay.
A identidade estava com o corpo e uma chave do hotel Chancla West, um resort com tudo incluso em Montego Bay.
Her ID was on the body as well as a hotel key for Chancla West, an all-inclusive resort in Montego Bay.

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