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Neary traducir inglés

102 traducción paralela
Roy Neary.
Roy Neary.
Temos pouco tempo, Mr. Neary. Este é Mr.
We have very little time, Mr. Neary.
É verdade, Mr. Neary.
This is true, Mr. Neary.
Neary, é artista ou pintor?
Mr. Neary, are you an artist or a painter?
Monsieur Neary, por favor, mais uma pergunta.
Monsieur Neary, please, one more question.
- O meu nome é Neary!
- My name's Neary!
Monsieur Neary... Que quer?
Monsieur Neary what do you want?
Ele quer falar do caso de Mr. Neary.
He wants to speak about Mr. Neary's case.
Monsieur Neary invejo-o.
Monsieur Neary I envy you.
Não deves nunca aproximar de sua habitação,
You should never get nEary his house.
Neary, desde que deixaste de beber, ficaste mesmo chato.
Neary, since you've gone AA, you're like a wet rag.
O Neary, o agente funerário...
Neary... The mortician.
O Tenente Neary diz que ele foi cortado.
Lieutenant Neary says he's out up pretty bad.
Tens a certeza disso, Neary?
( Police officer ) You sure about this, Neary?
Falaste com o Neary?
Did you speak to Neary?
O que vais fazer com o Neary e a acusação de assalto?
What are you gonna do about Neary, and the assault charge?
Sargento Neary, PC Howe... sala de interrogatório dois já.
Sergeant Neary, PC Howe - interview room two immediately.
Cala-te, Neary.
Shut up, Neary.
Bem, isso é quase impossível.
Well, that's neary impossible.
- Sra. Schroeder, não é?
Mrs. Schroeder, right? Mr. Neary.
Neary, meu rapaz!
Neary, my boy! Nice of you to join us.
O Sr. Neary.
Mr. Neary.
O Sr. Neary aliciou-a?
Mr. Neary lectured you?
O Sr. Neary é dono da oficina.
Mr. Neary owns the garage.
O James Neary, o vereador do Quarto Bairro?
James Neary, the alderman from the fourth ward?
James Neary Avenida Chelsea, número 1222, Atlantic City, Nova Jersia?
James Neary of 1222 Chelsea Avenue, Atlantic City, New Jersey?
É o Sr. James Neary?
You are Mr. James Neary?
- Sr. Neary, quanto álcool?
Mr. Neary, how much liquor?
- Quem costuma substituir-te?
- Who usually fills in? - Neary.
- O Neary, mas com a acusação, agora, também tenho a ronda dele.
But with the indictment, I got his route now, too.
Disse ao Jim Neary que íamos ter com ele para uma última bebida.
I told Jim Neary we'd meet him for a nightcap.
Neary, 66 kg.
Neary : Ten stone, six pounds.
E agora Ward espera pelo seu oponente, Shea Neary.
And now Ward awaits his opponent, Shea Neary.
Neary intitula-se como o Europeu Arturo Gatti, o que significa que ele é um lutador de alto contacto que atinge os 70 murros por assalto.
Neary regards himself as the European Arturo Gatti, meaning that he is a head-on high-contact fighter who throws seventy punches per round.
Neary é de Liverpool e terá um enorme apoio aqui, esta noite.
Neary is from Liverpool and should have a huge following her tonight.
Neary é o actual campeão do mundo de pesos meio-médio.
Neary is the current Welterweight Champion of the World.
Shea Neary tem 22 combates profissionais e venceu-os todos.
Shea Neary has had 22 professional fights and won them all.
Shea Neary é o oposto.
Shea Neary an ultra-fast starter.
Shea Neary leva-o já para as cordas.
Already Shea Neary starts taking it to him on the ropes.
E Neary ataca o corpo, que é a especialidade de Ward.
And Neary going to the body, which is Ward's specialty.
Neary castiga Ward no corpo.
- Whoa! - Neary bangs Ward to the body.
- Que belo "uppercut" de Neary!
- And a big uppercut by Neary.
- Neary tem bons golpes de esquerda.
- Neary leads off with a good left jab.
Bom gancho de esquerda de Neary, à medida que avança para Ward.
That was a good left hook by Neary as he stepped in on Ward.
Ward não lida muito bem quando Neary fica a esta distância dele.
Ward not able to deal with him very well when Neary stands at range like this.
Neary castiga o corpo com a mão direita.
Neary digging his own right hand to the body.
Ward está a tentar golpe a golpe com Neary, e agora Neary ataca com força leva os últimos trinta segundos do assalto.
Ward is trying to match Neary blow-for-blow, and now Neary starts to come on and take the last thirty seconds to the round.
Não há dúvida, Neary é melhor lutador.
No doubt Neary is a better boxer.
Quatro direitas seguidas, neste último minuto, Neary mostra porque é campeão.
Four hard right hands Neary has belted in the last minute.
Eu vivo muito por perto daqui.
I live nEary here.

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