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Newsweek traducir inglés
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Vivian já é assunto de capa da revista "Newsweek".
Vivian is already a cover subject for Newsweek magazine.
Não era para aparecer na capa da'Life'... ou ganhar um prémio e ter o seu rosto nas revistas.
Not to win a journalistic halo on the cover of Life. And not to win a cash prize and get their pictures in Time and Newsweek.
E... vejamos, Newsweek.
And... let's see, Newsweek.
Acabo de falar com John Barnes, da "Newsweek".
I just spoke withJohn Barnes, from Newsweek.
Não depois da tua foto ter saído na Neewsweek a brincar de cavalinho.
Not after your picture was in Newsweek playing horsey.
Queria esta Time, a Newsweek, estas pastilhas de mentol e... a segunda bomba-relógio à direita, por favor.
I'd like this Time and Newsweek and a Lifesaver and... the second time bomb on the right, please.
A Newsweek fez um óptimo artigo sobre nós.
Newsweek did a rather flattering article on us.
Foi publicada na Time, na Newsweek, na Life.
Ran in Time, Newsweek, Life. I might have.
Newsweek, Time, Cosmo.
Newsweek, Time, Cosmo.
Não canceles a tua subscrição da "Newsweek".
Don't cancel your subscription to Newsweek.
Foi uma bela capa para a Newsweek, John.
That was a great cover for Newsweek, John.
Esta é por conta da Newsweek.
It's on Newsweek.
Sou um jornalista muito importante.
I'm an important journalist. Newsweek.
Newsweek. Entendem?
Foi capa da Newsweek.
He made the cover of Newsweek.
E na Time e na Newsweek disseram-me que estão em êxtase.
And my contacts at Time and Newsweek tell me they're both raves.
- Costumas ler a Newsweek?
- Do you read Newsweek?
Ou seja lá o que for para apareceres na capa da Newsweek.
Or whatever it is you do to get on the cover of Newsweek.
Apareci na capa da Newsweek porque eu estava certo.
I was on the cover of Newsweek because I was right. Goddamnit!
Li o artigo dessa gente na Newsweek.
I read about these people in Newsweek.
Algumas reportagens de credíveis meios de comunicação como a Time, a Newsweek, a nossa NBC afirmam que você usa meios ilegais como promotor, intimidando, drogando testemunhas, subornando-as e compelindo-as a cometer perjúrio.
There have been a number of reports in reputable news media Time, Newsweek, our own NBC that you've gone beyond legal means as a prosecutor that you've intimidated, even drugged witnesses bribed them, and urged them to commit perjury.
Se não quiser ver isto amanhã no jornal.
Not unless you wanna read about it in Newsweek.
- Não seja parvo. Vai aparecer na "Times", na "Newsweek"... - Talvez até na "People".
- Do not go crazy talked about the Times, apologize, maybe the cover of some magazine..
Time, Newsweek até a merda do New York Post!
- A "Newsweek" quer 10 minutos.
Newsweek is begging for any ten minutes you got.
Li sobre estreptococos mortais na NewsweeK.
I read about some bad strep cases in Newsweek.
Passou um semestre em Sorbonne e arranjou emprego na Newsweek.
Spent a semester at Sorbonne. Finally a pal got him a job at Newsweek.
E lêem a Newsweek em vez de nada.
And they read Newsweek instead of nothing.
"Time" e "Newsweek".
It'd mean the cover of People, Time and Newsweek.
Mas se tirarem uma fotografia a um homicídio, aparecem na capa da Nevvsvveek.
Yet, if you take a picture of the act of murder, they'll put you on the cover of Newsweek.
A revista Newsweek está a pensar em publicar o meu diário.
"Newsweek" is sort of serializing my diary.
É esta que quer ver na capa da "Newsweek"?
Is this the face you want to see on the cover of Newsweek?
883 01 : 22 : 16,075 - - 01 : 22 : 19,659 A "Newsweek" ligou. Querem fazer uma história...
- Goddamn, that girl is good.
- "Newsweek". - Óptimo.
Achei que se ia tornar um desses misantropos que passam a vida nos cafés de que tanto se fala.
I mean, I hope so. I visualized you in a haze, as one of those slackster, flannel-wearing, coffee-house misanthropes I've been seeing in Newsweek.
Vou levá-lo, ou ainda aparece na capa da "Time" e da "Newsweek"! Pensei que já tinha acabado.
Let's get you out before your face is on the cover of Time and Newsweek.
Omaha Steaks, MacWarehouse, Newsweek!
Omaha Steaks, MacWarehouse. Newsweek?
Desde o artigo na "Newsweek", estamos cheios.
Ever since that Newsweek article, we're overrun.
- Li o artigo na "Newsweek".
- I read the Newsweek article. - What about your lips?
Nunca, foi uma oferta da Newsweek!
Never! It was a gift from Newsweek!
Li o seu artigo na Newsweek sobre o Chile.
I read your article in Newsweek about Chile.
Será o Times ou o Newsweek, esperamos uma chamada de ambos.
- Why not? - You've already gone over it.
Acho que vamos optar pelo Newsweek porque a Laine escaldou-se o ano passado com o Homem do Ano.
It's done, ancient history. I don't feel reconciled about it yet.
Saio na Newsweek e na Forbes no mesmo mês.
I'm in Newsweekand Forbes in the same fucking month.
Harrison Lloyd da "Newsweek".
Newsweek's Harrison Lloyd.
A Newsweek, por favor.
Here you go, here you go, here you go. Newsweek, please.
Estou a acabar um artigo no "Newsweek" sobre genética.
It's Mike Dukakis. SAM : Yeah.
O que se passa ali?
I'm finishing up this article in Newsweek on genetic coding.
Chamam-lhe "a terra do óleo".
Springfield is America's crud bucket... at least according to Newsweek. It's known as America's scrod basket.
São importantes, tu e os outros "Life", "Time", "Newsweek".
Life, Time, Newsweek.