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Poindexter traducir inglés

77 traducción paralela
O sr. Poindexter é um homem muito ocupado.
Mr. Poindexter's a very busy man.
O sr. Poindexter irá recebê-lo.
Mr. Poindexter will see you now.
Sr. Poindexter?
Mr. Poindexter?
Devias de saber que Poindexter iria dizer-nos onde estavas.
You might have known Poindexter'd tell us you were here.
Poindexter, Arnold.
Poindexter, Arnold.
- Boa noite, Poindexter.
- Good night, Poindexter.
Bom dia, Poindexter.
- Morning, Poindexter. - Uh.
Não apenas uma miúda, Poindexter, mas uma Pi.
Not just a girl, Poindexter, but a Pi.
Poindexter, queres dar uma queca ou não?
Poindexter, do you wanna fuck or not?
Temos Poindexter no violino E Lewis e Gilbert vão juntar-se
# We got Poindexter on the violin And Lewis and Gilbert will be joinin'in
Estou descontrolada, espertalhão.
I'm out of control, you little Poindexter-head.
Almirante John Poindexter, 1987.
Admiral john poindexter, 1987.
A Carla tem ali um verdadeiro lerdo, não tem?
Carla's got herself a real Poindexter there, huh? Yeah.
Sai daqui, Poindexter.
- Get lost, Poindexter.
Atira-me a bola, Poindexter.
Throw me the ball, Poindexter.
Chamo-me Pointdexter, mas a Ruby tem a mania do tarot.
My real name's Poindexter, but Ruby's hung up on them tarot cards.
Sou o Pointdexter.
I'm Poindexter.
Basta de tretas, sabichão.
Enough of your borax, Poindexter!
Corky Poindexter de Bellflower.
Corky Poindexter of Bellflower.
Pois podem tirar o cavalo da chuva, porque o Krusty está de volta!
Well, forget it, poindexter,'cause Krusty's back in town!
E é parecido contigo, uma grande prenda, ó figura.
Hey, he looks just like you, Poindexter!
Ó trunfo, defende-te homem!
Stand up for yourself, Poindexter.
Porreiro, cromo!
Way to drink, Poindexter!
Porque ela é a minha mulher, nerd.
Because she's my old lady, poindexter.
Que percebes tu disso, Poindexter?
What would you know about it, Poindexter?
Chegaremos a si mais tarde, Poindexter.
We'll get to you later, Poindexter.
Calminha com o enterro, palerma.
Hold the funeral, poindexter.
[Gasps] Poindexter? .
Ali o Poindexter deve estar a exagerar.
Poindexter here's probably talking out his ass.
- Tu és o demolidor!
You're the Poindexter.
Este saiu da Academia!
This guy's a Poindexter.
Podes crer, Espertinho!
You got it, Poindexter.
Qualquer intelectual junta parafusos e porcas.
Any Poindexter can throw some nuts and bolts together.
Quer dizer, a não ser que sejas que sejas um tipo coxo.
I mean, unless you're some kind of Poindexter.
Poindexter, anote.
Poindexter, write this down, man.
Esta é a cena do crime?
You, Poindexter - This the scene of the crime?
Precisas de sujar as mãos, marrão!
You need to get your hands dirty, poindexter!
As ondas, Poindexter ( burro )!
The waves Poindexter
Meu Deus... Poindexter?
Oh, god... hey!
Eu digo-lhe o que é ao certo, seu tarado.
I'll tell you exactly what it is there, Poindexter.
Parece que o perdeste, espertalhão.
Looks like you lost it, poindexter.
Dá-me a biografia desse poindexter.
Get me a bio on this poindexter.
O que é um poindexter?
What is a poindexter?
Não consegues disparar porque és inteligente.
Mas fica escorado na parede como um nerd
¶ ¶ But you're standin'on the wall like you was Poindexter ¶ ¶
Mas o certinho do Dexter?
You. But Poindexter?
Muito bem, Pointdexter, senta-te, cala-te e ouve.
All right, poindexter, sit down, shut up and listen.
Because she's my old lady, poindexter.
"O que esperas para deitar tudo abaixo".
You're standing on the wall like you was Poindexter.
- Tu és o demolidor!
- No, but you're the Poindexter.
hey! Poindexter!

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