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Southampton traducir inglés

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Aterram em Plymouth ou Southampton e seguem directos para Londres.
You will land at Plymouth or Southampton and proceed straight to London.
Pensei que podíamos ir para Southampton, ficar no Southwestern.
I thought we might go to Southampton, stay at the Southwestern.
Plymouth, Southampton, Portsmouth?
Plymouth, Southampton. Portsmouth?
Suponho que vai a Southampton aos duplos
I suppose you're going to Southampton for the doubles.
Melhor do que ganhe em Southampton.
You'd better win at Southampton.
Está disponível a sua chamada para Southampton.
They're ready with your call to Southampton.
Marjorie, pela última vez, importas-te de fechar a loja... e vir até Southampton para o fim de semana?
Marjorie, for the last time, will you please shut up shop... and come down to Southampton for the weekend?
A mãe tem o dela em Southampton.
Mother keeps hers in Southampton.
Frits Thornton está projectando uma festa para o Lex, esta noite em Southampton.
Fritz Thornton is throwing a party for Lex tonight in Southampton.
- Prossiga, Southampton.
Go ahead, Southampton.
Ainda estou em Southampton.
Hello, love, I'm still in Southampton.
Eu a encontrei num navio que ia de Sydney para Southampton.
I met her on the boat from Sydney to Southampton.
Você, Victoria, selado com segurança em sua residência... iremos para Southampton... então o canal e, em seguida, o mar aberto.
With you, Victoria, safe in your sealed abode, we drive to Southampton. Then Channel, then the open sea.
Está na boca do rio Southampton, senhor.
- It's at the mouth of Southampton Water.
Desce até ao Strand e depois sobe Southampton Street.
Go down to the Strand, you know. And then work your way up Southampton Street.
Portsmouth, Southampton, Sheffield, Bristol e Glasgow.
Portsmouth, Southampton, Sheffield, Bristol and Glasgow.
É uma cidade municipal, 43 km a norte-nordeste de Southampton.
It's a municipal borough, sir 27 miles north-northeast of southampton.
- Southampton em Westphalia?
Southampton in westphalia?
Vamos à festa em Southampton?
You think we should go to that party in Southampton?
Vou encontrar-me com ela na escola, em Southampton.
Ok. I'll meet her in the school at Southampton.
- Ele dedicou O Estupro de Lucrécia... ao honorável Conde de Southampton.
- He dedicated The Rape of Lucrece to the right honorable earl of Southampton.
Este nome viverá para sempre pela ajuda que ele deu... a um pobre escritor.
Southampton, his name will live forever because of the help that he gave to a poor and helpless writer.
Southampton percebeu que o garoto era um gênio.
You see, Southampton realized that the boy had genius.
E não vou poder jogar ténis, pagar jantares, nem alugar a casa de Southampton.
I'm not gonna be able to play tennis, pick checks up at dinner, or take the Southampton house.
Existe festa de noivado hoje à noite na casa do pai do Arthur em Southampton.
There is an engagement party tonight at Arthur's father's house in Southampton.
Em Southampton há uma casa que admiro por ser tão prosaica vista de viés.
At Southampton there's a house I've admired... because from the side it looks so flat.
Acompanha-me a Southampton amanhã.
You come with me to Southampton tomorrow.
Madame, parto bem cedo para Southampton.
Madam... I'm to leave in the morning for Southampton.
Ele partirá para uma estada em Southhampton de pelo menos doze dias.
My husband is to go to Southampton... for at least twelve days.
Teu pai está em Southampton, não daria por falta de suas roupas, nem repararia na escada.
Your father is in Southampton. He would not miss his clothes or notice the ladder.
Meu pai está em Southampton, Mr Neville?
Is my father in Southampton, Mr. Neville?
E não há nenhuma notícia de que tenha chegado a Southampton...
And there's no word now of my father having arrived in Southampton.
Soubeste que se encontrou um cavalo em Strides? Fica a três milhas daqui no caminho que leva a Southampton.
Did you hear that a horse had been found at Strides... which is about three miles from here on the road... if followed long enough could lead you to Southampton.
Diz-se que todos os caminhos levam a Southampton dependendo da astúcia do cavaleiro.
All roads can lead to Southampton... if the traveler on horse is ingenious enough.
Que suposição significativa devemos fazer, madame, de um cavalo ferido, pertencente a teu pai encontrado na estrada para Southampton?
What significant assumption are we to make... of a wounded horse belonging to your father... found on the road to Southampton?
Para induzir um belo cavalo branco de Southampton a ferir sua pata.
Why for persuading a fine white horse... from Southampton to go lame in the leg.
Mr Seymour está em Southampton com meu marido.
Mr. Seymour is in Southampton with my husband.
Mr Talmann está em Southampton ainda tentando encontrar ou inventar alguma responsabilidade tua na questão.
Yes, Mr. Talmann is in Southampton... still trying to find or invent... some responsibility for you in the matter.
Tenho certeza de que Mr Talmann não está em Southampton. Pois não o vi na passagem das carruagens, aqui, esta tarde?
I am sure that Mr. Talmann is not in Southampton... for did I not see him on the carriage drive here this afternoon.
Está em Southampton com Mr Seymour.
He is in Southampton, with Mr. Seymour.
Mr Seymour não pode estar em Southampton, pois ele procurou meu criado esta manhã em Radstock para saber de mim e, ficou mais que encantado ao saber que esperava ver-te.
I do not think that Mr. Seymour can be in Southampton. For he stopped my servant this morning at Radstock to ask after me. And on the understanding that I had some hope of seeing you... was according to my servant, more than pleased.
Por sorte, chegámos a Southampton.
By lucky chance, we have landed at Southampton dock.
Não me parece Southampton. O quê?
Don't look much like Southampton to me, my lord.
O Dusty comprou uma casa enorme em Southampton e está a decorá-la.
- Hi. Dusty has bought a house in Southampton. He's decorating it.
No início da década de 50, arranjava-se um navio de passageiros, digamos, de Southampton e sabíamos que, às quintas, às 4 da tarde, o navio da Union Castle zarpava para a África do Sul.
In the'50s, you'd get a passenger ship From Southampton. You knew that on Thursday at 4 p.m. You could Get a Union Castle ship to South Africa.
O S.S. Nevonia, de Southampton, à 01 : 00H.
The S.S. Nevonia, from Southampton, at 01 : 00AM.
O rei partiu de Londres. E a cena se desloca agora, gentis senhores, a Southampton!
The king is set from London, and the scene is now transported, gentles, to Southhampton.
O rei deve ter partido para Southampton.
The king will be gone from Southampton.
A Polícia de Southampton encontrou-o numa casa de banho da M27 às 04h30.
The Southampton police found him in a toilet on the M27 at 4 : 30 this morning.
Mrs. Robinson v Manchester United e Southampton v Mr.
Mrs. robinson v. manchester united
Rogers. Um jogo bem invulgar.
And southampton v. mr. rogers- - a rather unusual game that.

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