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Treadstone traducir inglés

61 traducción paralela
Por falar em Treadstone.
Talking about Treadstone.
Foi o Treadstone?
Was this Treadstone?
Que poderei dizer do Treadstone?
What will I tell them about Treadstone?
Do Treadstone, ambos somos.
Treadstone, both of us.
- Do Treadstone?
- Treadstone?
O que é o Treadstone?
What is Treadstone?
O Treadstone disse comprimidos.
Treadstone said pills.
O Treadstone está em Paris?
Is Treadstone in Paris?
O Treadstone.
- É o Treadstone?
- Are you Treadstone?
- Se sou o Treadstone? Eu?
- Am I Treadstone?
Na verdade, o projecto Treadstone já foi terminado.
The Treadstone project has actually already been terminated.
Conklin, chuva, Russo, carro, Treadstone QUEM ERA EU?
- São eles, a Treadstone.
- It's Treadstone.
Acess Denied. - Threadstone Project -
Que raio é o Treadstone?
What the hell's Treadstone?
- O que sabe sobre a Treadstone?
- What can you tell me about Treadstone?
- Treadstone?
- Treadstone?
Project Debreifing Report
Operação Treadstone.
Operation Treadstone.
Eis a autorização oficial que me dá acesso ilimitado a todos os dados dos envolvidos na Missão Treadstone.
That's a warrant granting me unrestricted access to all personnel materials associated with Treadstone.
Aqui, ninguém quer ouvir falar nisso.
Nobody wants to know about Treadstone.
Sei que a Treadstone não é um tema popular, aqui, mas descobrimos coisas interessantes.
I know Treadstone's not a popular subject here but we found some interesting things.
Os seus ficheiros da Treadstone estão repletos de códigos e pastas que não tinha autorização para ter.
His Treadstone files are bloated with code keys and case files that he had no clearance for.
Há três anos que trabalhava na Treadstone, e qual era o seu disfarce?
You'd been working at Treadstone 3 years and your cover was what?
Quem é que dirige a Treadstone?
So who's running Treadstone now?
Revejam todo o material da Treadstone relativo ao Bourne.
Rerun all Bourne's Treadstone material.
Está a comandar a Treadstone?
Are you running Treadstone?
A Treadstone foi desmantelada há dois anos.
Treadstone was closed down 2 years ago.
- É responsável pela Treadstone?
- Is she running Treadstone?
As impressões digitais parciais conduziram à Treadstone.
'They were partial prints that trace back to Treadstone.'
Abortou tudo.
He shut down Treadstone.
- Chefiava a Treadstone?
- Did he run Treadstone?
Executei uma missão para a Treadstone.
For Treadstone. I did a job here.
Ele também disse que dirigia a Treadstone.
He also said you were running Treadstone.
Falou com alguém da Treadstone.
You talked to someone inside Treadstone.
Uma actualização da Treadstone.
Treadstone upgrade.
Pertencia à Treadstone.
She was Treadstone.
É uma antiga identidade da Treadstone atribuída a Bourne. Nunca a usou e nunca foi introduzida na grelha.
It's an early Treadstone identity registered to Jason Bourne, but he never used it, and it never went to the grid.
Está a preparar uma exposição sobre o Jason Bourne, a Treadstone e o Blackbriar.
He's preparing an exposé on Jason Bourne, Treadstone and Blackbriar.
A última auditoria a Treadstone?
So, the last audit on Treadstone?
Treadstone, Blackbriar, Outcome, LARX.
Treadstone, Blackbriar, Outcome, LARX.
Nunca ouviste falar de Treadstone.
You have never heard of Treadstone.
Porque se nos metemos nisto e procuramos a fundo e descobrirmos que estes palhaços da CIA deixaram esta trapalhada da Treadstone alastrar-se aos outros programas?
Because if we get into this, we dig around, and we find out these CIA clowns have let this Treadstone mess metastasize into the rest of these programs?
Mas também pensei que a CIA tratava de Treadstone, por isso, talvez esteja meio perdido.
But then again, I thought the CIA would handle Treadstone, so maybe I'm just behind the curve.
Estamos a ver os directores médicos da Treadstone e do Outcome a celebrar publicamente as suas "paixões" ultra-secretas.
We're looking at the medical directors of Treadstone and Outcome publicly celebrating their top secret man-crush.
Se esta confusão do Bourne expõe a Treadstone, eles reviram por completo o Hirsch.
If this Bourne mess exposes Treadstone, they will turn Hirsch inside out.
"Treadstone, Blackbriar, acham que é só isso?"
"Treadstone, Blackbriar, you think that was it?"
E se ela lhes disser que a Treadstone é a ponta do icebergue?
What if she tells them that Treadstone was just the tip of the iceberg?
Esse comité foi seleccionado para investigar as ligações entre um programa problemático da CIA conhecido por Treadstone e este homem, Jason Bourne.
That select committee is investigating links between a troubled CIA program known as Treadstone and this man, Jason Bourne.

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