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Triborough traducir inglés

41 traducción paralela
Às 23h30, já estava em Triborough.
11 : 30, I was halfway across the Triborough.
Diz-lhe que feche as pontes leste a norte da 59a. Chama o Munson.
Reach Munsen on the Triborough.
Pelo que fiz no caso "Triborough Towers" devia de ser feito membro! Bum!
By what I did on the Triborough Towers alone, I should've been made.
Ligaste à "Triborough Towers" por causa do contrato de transporte?
Did you call Triborough Towers about the hauling contract?
Que se passa com a "Triborough Towers"?
What's the story with Triborough Towers?
Tony, acabei de ter notícias da "Triborough Towers".
Hey, Tony, I just heard from Triborough Towers.
Sabes, um simples : "Parabéns pelo contrato da'Triborough Towers'!", teria sido bom.
You know, a simple "Way to go, Chris, on the Triborough Towers contract!" would have been nice.
As miúdas gramavam-no. Achavam-no uma brasa. Irónico, considerando... que ele era um dos melhores incendiários na zona de Triborough.
Chicks dug him, really thought that he was hot... which was ironic, considering he was one of the best arsonists in the entire Triborough area.
Parte de Manhattan, atravessa a ponte Triborough, entra na auto-estrada, atravessa a ponte Tappan Zee, segue para Utica, a Norte, onde sai da auto-estrada para a Estrada 12.
From Manhattan he goes across the Triborough Bridge... onto the thruway, across the Tappan Zee... north to Utica, where he exits on to Route 12 North.
E que a ponte Triborough esteja fechada!
And the Triborough is closed!
O "Freira Cantora" caiu da sua vespa ao passar na Ponte de Triborough.
The Singing Nun fell off her scooter coming across the Triborough Bridge.
Acabamos de saber através da Via Verde da Ponte Triborough, que o Agente Jasper se dirigia para norte às 21h48.
I just pulled the Pass and Go of officer Jasper from the Triborough bridge. He was driving north at 9 : 48PM.
É impossível ele ter feito inversão de marcha da Ponte Triborough e estar a pilotar um helicóptero por volta das 22h00 dessa mesma noite.
There's no way he could have made a U-turn on the Triborough bridge and flown a chopper at approximately ten o'clock that same night.
Stone é cliente da Triborough Gas.
Stone's a Triborough Gas customer.
Contou-me a tua mãe... que tens uma rapariga a ajudar-te com o projecto da Triborough Bridge.
So, your mother tells me about a certain young lady who's helping you with the Triborough Bridge project?
Eles andam a foder e eu vou saltar da Ponte Triborough.
They're fucking and I'm gonna jump off the triborough bridge.
Elas estão a ser expostas no Triborough Gardens.
They're actually on display right now at the Triborough Gardens.
Ainda vais ter de lutar por um táxi e, se apanhares trânsito, a Ponte Triborough. Há sempre alguém a ficar sem gasolina e acho que sabes quem é.
Well, still, you've got to tight the tourists for a taxi, and then if you hit traffic, Triborough Bridge, somebody's always running out of gas, and I think you know who.
Apanhou o Triborough para Bruckner, e subiu a 95.
He took the Triborough to the Bruckner and up 95.
O táxi saiu da ponte Triborough para ruas tranquilas cobertas de neve.
The taxi made its way off the Triborough bridge onto quiet streets blanketed in snow.
Tenho uma fotografia tua do radar, a conduzires pela Triborough, no teu carro.
I got a fucking tollbooth photograph of you driving your car through the Triborough.
Isto é uma fotografia do radar, tirada a norte, na nona faixa da Triborough... Desculpe, a Ponte RFK.
This is a tollbooth photograph taken in the northbound ninth lane of Triborough... excuse me, the RFK Bridge.
Não parei. Não fui pela Triborough.
I didn't take the Triborough.
Não quero acordar no meio da Ponte de Triborough a comer ovos mexidos de pijama.
I don't wanna wake up in the middle of the Triborough Bridge eating scrambled eggs in my pajamas.
Olá, motoristas da Triborough, belos espécimes da Humanidade.
Hello Tri-Borough drivers, you fine specimens of humanity.
Clube Triborough.
Triborough Club.
Ele e a Lovato devem verificar o clube por testemunhas ou câmaras.
He and Lovato should check with the Triborough Club for any possible witnesses or surveillance.
Nunca me encontrarias, nem morto, num lugar como o Triborough.
Tell you what, you would not catch me dead in a place like the Triborough.
Iam encontrar-se no clube às 20h00 da noite do homicídio.
They were scheduled to meet at the Triborough Club at 8 pm the night he was killed.
Ele foi assassinado algumas horas depois de sair do Clube Triborough, com um homem parecido contigo.
He was murdered... a few hours after leaving the Triborough Club... with a man who closely matches your description.
Temo-lo no vídeo de segurança a entrar no Clube Triborough às 20h05 naquela noite.
We have you on surveillance video... entering the Triborough Club... at 8 : 05 that night.
Justin tinha uma reunião às 20h00 marcada com um investidor no Clube Triborough.
Justin had an 8 : 00 meeting scheduled with a venture capitalist at the Triborough Club.
Às 15 : 45h, os agentes da Ponte Triborough foram investigar relatos de incêndio que se revelaram falsos.
3 : 45. Police officers at the Triborough Bridge were directed to investigate reports of a fire that turned out to be false.
- Sim. Ele bateu no sinal de trânsito, a sul da Ponte Triborough, e diminuiu para 8 km / h.
Hit that traffic snag south of the Triborough Bridge.
Depois de atravessarmos a Ponte Triborough, a norte do Bronx, isto torna-se muito menos real.
Once they cross the Triborough, a little north of the Bronx, this thing, it becomes a lot less real.
Depreendo que conheçam o Assassino de Triborough.
I take it you're both familiar with the Triborough Killer.
A vítima, Ellen Jacobs, é filha do Assassino de Triborough.
Your victim, Ellen Jacobs... she's the Triborough Killer's daughter.
A mãe dele, a terceira vítima do Assassino de Triborough, faleceu em 1988.
His mother, Triborough Killer's third victim, died in 1988.
Diz lá.
- Take the Triborough Bridge...
da ponte Triborough para ruas tranquilas cobertas de neve. Não ficariam brancas por muito tempo, mas naquele domingo de natal, percebi que estava finalmente em casa.
They wouldn't stay white for long, but on that Christmas Sunday,

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