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Woodward traducir inglés

283 traducción paralela
Não irei transferir o Woodward porque já está um pouco velho para este tipo de missões.
Therefore, two of our ablest officers must command at Lohara and Chukoti. I'd have to transfer Woodward because I'm afraid he's too well on in years for an active command.
- Woodward!
- Woodward.
Cap. Woodward, mexa-se!
Captain Woodward, move!
- Woodward?
- Woodward?
Woodward, era a sede nacional do Partido Democrático.
And, Woodward, it was National Democratic headquarters.
Sou Bob Woodward, do Washington Post.
I'm Bob Woodward of the Washington Post.
- Woodward.
- Woodward.
Fala Bob Woodward do Washington Post.
Hi, I'm Bob Woodward of the Washington Post.
Aqui é Bob Woodward do Washington Post.
This is Bob Woodward of the Washington Post.
Fala Bob Woodward do Washington Post.
This is Bob Woodward of the Washington Post.
Bob Woodward do...
Bob Woodward of the...
- Fala Bob Woodward... do Washington Post.
- This is Bob Woodward... of the Washington Post.
Bob Woodward, Washington Post.
This is Bob Woodward of the Washington Post.
- Sr. Clawson, fala Bob Woodward.
- Mr. Clawson, this is Bob Woodward.
- Fala novamente Ken Clawson.
- Mr. Woodward, Ken Clawson calling back.
- Fala Woodward.
- This is Woodward.
Fala Bob Woodward, do Washington Post.
This is Bob Woodward of the Washington Post.
"Se é tão importante, quem são o Woodward e o Bernstein?"
"If it's so goddamn important, who in the hell are Woodward and Bernstein?"
Woodward, o Bradlee pode receber-nos agora.
Woodward, Bradlee will see us now.
- É a fonte do Executivo que o Woodward... encontra na garagem...
- Oh, that's Woodward's garage freak... his source in the executive...
- Olá. Sou Bob Woodward.
- Hi, I'm Bob Woodward.
- Bob Woodward.
- I'm Bob Woodward.
Sou Carl Bernstein, ele é Bob Woodward.
I'm Carl Bernstein, this is Bob Woodward.
Sou Bob Woodward.
I'm Bob Woodward.
Sou Bob Woodward.
And I'm Bob Woodward.
- Bob Woodward.
- Bob Woodward.
Que pergunta idiota, Woodward.
Look, that's a real bullshit question, Woodward.
Disse que era uma pergunta de merda.
Yeah, he said that's a bullshit question, Woodward...
Eu e o Woodward gostávamos de saber... por que é que o FBI nunca interrogou... o homem mais poderoso a seguir ao presidente.
Well, I think that, Woodward, and I am curious of the fact... that the FBI, in its entire inquiry, never talked to the... Or did any inquiries into the second most-powerful man to the President.
Woodward, que descobriste?
Woodward, what did you find out?
- Woodward diz não é seguro.
- Woodward says phones aren't safe.
Somos vigiados com dispositivos electrónicos.
Woodward says there's electronic surveillance.
O Woodward e o Bernstein eram bons jornalistas.
Woodward and Bernstein were good reporters.
" JoAnn Woodward contida de tanta emoção
" JoAnn Woodward almost overcome with emotion accepts
É uma simples estátua, Sr. Woodward.
It's just a statue, Mr. Woodward.
Sr. Woodward, gostaria que visse isto.
Mr. Woodward, I'd like you to look at this.
Acredito que é a intenção do fotógrafo, Sr. Woodward.
I think that's the intention of the photographer, Mr. Woodward.
Eles viram o Olivier e Woodward em "Sem rasto do passado"?
Did they watch Olivier and Joanne Woodward in Come Back, Little Sheba?
Quero apresentar Miles Woodward.
I'd like you all to meet Miles Woodward.
- Tem cuidado, Woodward.
- Whoa. Take care, Woodward.
E tu, Woodward?
What about you, Woodward?
Não quero um badameco que se acha o Woodward ou o Bernstein a atrapalhar os meus homens.
And I don't need some penny ante Woodward and Bernstein to come along and get in the way of my men.
Centro de Desenvolvimento para a Investigação Estratégica, dirigido por um militar implacável, o coronel Scott Woodward... que não gostava de civis... ou de organizações não militares como a Fundação Phoenix nem mesmo depois da apresentação feita pelo Pete.
Strategic Research And Development Administration. Run by a military hard-nose named Colonel Scott Woodward who didn't like civilians or civilian think tanks like Phoenix even after Pete's introduction.
Apresento-te o coronel Woodward.
MacGyver, meet Colonel Scott Woodward.
Se não conseguisse, Woodward recebia o aval da Fundação Phoenix.
If I didn't, Woodward got the Phoenix Foundation's seal of approval.
- Bem-vindo, coronel Woodward.
- Welcome, Colonel Woodward.
O coronel Woodward largou-me a cerca de 1600 metros do local, para tornar a situação um pouco mais interessante.
Colonel Woodward dumped me a mile down the road, just to make it a little more interesting.
Ainda bem que a maioria das pessoas transpira das mãos, até mesmo o coronel Woodward.
Lucky thing most people have sweaty hands. Even Colonel Woodward.

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